"What's this?"

"Shaking the three realms, the heavens shook,"

"Dragon roar, my God, such a terrible dragon roar?"

"True or false, which great power is this?"

"It's definitely not the Purple Dragon Emperor. The Purple Dragon Emperor's dragon roar is much more terrifying than this. Should this be that Tianlong or Tyrant Dragon?"


Exclaimed repeatedly, countless people were shocked.

The dragon's roar alone resounded throughout the three realms....

All I can say is, it’s scary, really scary.

At the same time, Zhu Bajie's expression changed even more as he felt such a dragon's roar at close range.

There was a hazy spiritual light all over his body.

Mixed with a little Buddha light, it gives people an extremely sacred feeling.

But even so, his body flew backwards as if it had been severely injured.

My mouth is coughing up blood from time to time.


A cold voice without any hesitation resounded between heaven and earth.

It was Xiao Bailong who spoke.

He saw that Zhu Bajie was acting.

This pig is very strong.

Stronger than imagined.

23 is not much weaker than the Monkey King..However

, I like acting so much


With a grin, Zhu Bajie flew out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Have you seen through all this?"

So saying.

But deep down in Zhu Bajie's heart, he was already shaken.

He didn't take action.

Just a dragon roar had such power.

This guy is so scary. It's beyond imagination.

No, this is no longer scary.

It's terrifying..

He looked at the Monkey King not far away.

As if aware of his gaze, the Monkey King also grinned.

"It's better for me, Lao Sun, to do it."

As soon as the words fell, the Monkey King stepped forward


There was a sudden roar, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand rose in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it covered the sky and the sun, and hit Tianlong fiercely.

However, at this moment, a pair of light wings popped up from behind Tianlong


When the storm blew up, the figure of Tianlong also disappeared from the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards,

"bang, bang, bang..."

The continuous roar seemed to resound throughout the entire world.

The two figures, one gold and one white, are completely intertwined.

The terrifying storm swept every corner.

The clouds break.

The earth exploded.

Even the peaks were shattered into pieces in an instant and disappeared into nothingness.

"Is this the original little white dragon? How can it be? So powerful?"

"Good guy, there is no difference between the winner and the Monkey King."

"My dear, has the Dragon Clan really risen?"

"This is more than just a rise. Since the arrival of the Purple Dragon Emperor, powerful men of the Dragon Clan have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain."

"Oh my god, is it even as powerful as the Monkey King?"

"Over the years, the Monkey King has become a quasi-sage, and his strength is unfathomable, but even he can't defeat the little white dragon?"

The exclamations resounded throughout the world.

Countless people couldn't believe it.

Even the mighty powers in heaven and Buddhism had their eyes widened.

They were full of astonishment.

However, at this time, no one knew that from afar The corners of the Purple Dragon Emperor's mouth curled up with a subtle arc.

"He is worthy of being the proud man from the Dragon Clan Era."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu is also quite satisfied with the strength of Tianlong and Balong.

These two guys are worthy of being madmen who give the Eternal Lord a headache. They are indeed powerful.

Moreover, this is not their peak.

After all, they are not themselves. The real body's strength has only recovered eighty-nine-tenths.

However, even this is enough.

Because they also have the blessing of imperial weapons.

Just like Tianlong.

He is good at attacking and has full speed.. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the defense is not good.

But the imperial weapon White Dragon Emperor Armor covers the whole body, greatly improving his defense.

It also makes him have no worries.

So, when it comes to In terms of combat power, he may be three points more terrifying than before.

But now...

The real battle has just begun


A sudden murmur resounded through the void.

It was the murmur of Tianlong.

Along with it, inexplicable ripples spread between the heaven and the earth.

And at the next moment, the Monkey King and Zhu Bajie's expressions changed slightly.


They all exclaimed. They already felt that their power was weakening.

Not only that.

This kind of weakening was not a one-time event.

It seemed to be continuing.

Their power was constantly decreasing.

Even the Monkey King felt satisfied. The golden cudgel is getting heavier.

And this is Tianlong's real talent.

It can continuously weaken the enemy's power, and it also feeds back to itself.

Just like now, one claw strikes out


The terrifying power poured out violently.

As strong as the Monkey King, even if he used the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to resist, he could not withstand it.

In just a moment, his entire body flew out upside down, hitting the sky like a meteor.

But this is not the end.

Tianlong accelerated again and went straight towards the Monkey King who was flying upside down.

As the most powerful person, he naturally understands the first principle of killing you while you are sick.

The battle continues.

But what is unimaginable is that someone as powerful as the Monkey King, Monkey King, could be suppressed and beaten by Tianlong.

This is the Monkey King.

He is a true God of War.

His great reputation was achieved with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Even Kong Xuan recognized his combat prowess.

But now...

This is horrible.

It's really scary.

The Third Prince Nezha, Erlang Shen Yang Jian, and even the Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi all have complicated eyes.

They were also thinking.

Thinking about the outcome of the fight with Tianlong.

However, not long after this, Tianlong suddenly stopped attacking.

He raised his eyes and looked, and at some point in the sky, a figure with flames burning all over his body and a red hair appeared.

He yawned and said:

"Let’s go. The Lord’s command cannot be delayed."


Nodding slightly, Tianlong also understood.

This is Tyrannosaurus.

His old enemy in the past.

Now, come to the world with him.

But now, Tyrannosaurus is calling him to get down to business.

As for the Monkey King, to be honest, he is really strong.

Tianlong can only suppress it.

If he really wants to suppress it, he can't do it now.

This guy has already forged an invincible golden body, and it is definitely not something he can tear apart easily..

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