Cultivation of great supernatural powers to perfection.

There is more than one great magical power.

This alone is enough to prove how terrifying the great sage is.

As for several of his abilities, the world also knows a thing or two..

One is comprehensive separation - learned abilities can be split or combined to create new skills.

This is a very terrifying ultimate ability, and its extreme state means endless.

Simply put, the Great Sage has inexhaustible skills.

Use two skills, then merge them into a third skill, and then use the third skill to merge with the previous skill...And then reach infinity.

Secondly, it is absolute acceleration.

Ability to continuously improve perception and activate at full strength, as if time has stood still.

In other words, you don’t even have time to think about other people’s battles.

""953" But the great sage will always be able to fight with ease.

Because he has been thinking.

Unless he has absolute strength and crushes the great sage.

Otherwise, the possibility of defeating him is infinitely close to zero.

Because, Any weakness you have will be easily seen by him.

This is the terror of the great sage.

The two ultimate abilities exposed alone are frightening.

It's just a pity.

Their great sage is still sleeping.

Otherwise , with great sages, their undead civilization will never be forced to this point by the wizard civilization.

At this time, Yu Ziyu is still rushing towards the undead civilization.

The journey is long.

Even at his speed, it takes an extremely long time. It’s a long time.

Time passes slowly, and tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

This can be regarded as the longest journey for Yu Ziyu.

But for other Eternal Lords, this may be ordinary.

Because, Eternal Lords will not live forever. Destruction.

For them, whose lifespan is endless, tens of thousands of years are just a matter of sleeping.

But for Yu Ziyu, it is really too much. It has not been long since he set foot in eternity.

In the eyes of other eternal sages, he is still a newcomer. To put it bluntly, he had only lived tens of thousands of years despite all his calculations.

And this journey took him most of his life.

No wonder Yu Ziyu couldn't bear it.

However, he had no choice.

Wizard civilization was imminent.

If he If we don’t join forces with other civilizations, we might be in big trouble.

And it’s worth mentioning that, over these tens of thousands of years, the Divine Blood Civilization has still withstood the attacks of the Wizard Civilization.

The starry sky is also developing in an orderly manner.

Not only that, Great changes have also taken place in the ancient world.

At this time, in the depths of the ancient world, the dragon clan, which had long declined, finally rose again.

The Purple Dragon Emperor, a quasi-sage with the utmost strength, looked down upon the world.

Behind him was a saint-Minghe Lao The ancestors supported.

And just under the Purple Dragon Emperor, the three dragon kings rose up strongly.

The most proud genius of the Dragon Clan - the three-headed six-winged golden dragon.

He is arrogant and unruly.

He is the most famous genius of the Dragon Clan.

Now, he is The ninth level of Tianmen, placed in the prehistoric period, is also the top Daluo.

His strength is extremely extraordinary.

But compared to him, the other two are terrifying.

These two are well known to the world.

One is the legendary Little White Dragon, who followed Tang San to hide in the West. Obtaining scriptures and transforming into a Buddhist Bodhisattva.

The other one, although not famous, can be regarded as an acquaintance of many powerful people in the ancient world.

But these two, under the teachings of the Purple Dragon Emperor, their strength becomes more and more terrifying day by day.

Now, actually Together, they set foot on the Quasi-Saint.

Moreover, they each gave themselves new names.

Xiao Bailong, who called himself"Tianlong".

Red Flame Dragon Lord, called himself: Tyrant Dragon.

The two of them shook the world with their unrivaled strength. There are countless powerful minds in the ancient world.

Even Buddhism has extended an olive branch to Xiao Bailong several times.

They only hope that Xiao Bailong will return to Buddhism.

But they don’t know.

Xiao Bailong is no longer the original him.

The current Xiao Bai Dragon is the legendary Tianlong.

It is the White Dragon Emperor who came from the era of the dragon clan and conquered heaven and earth, and was invincible in the world. However, at this time, Tianlong, who was wearing the White Dragon Emperor's armor and whose painting style was incompatible with the prehistoric times, stopped. He stopped in his tracks.

Not far away from him, a monkey wearing golden armor and holding a long stick stopped in front of him.

For this one, he was as strong as a dragon and he didn't dare to underestimate him. (Read the Baoshuang novel. Go to Feilu Novel Network! ) simply because he is the former victorious Buddha.

He is also the current Monkey King.

Level with the sky.

If we talk about his title of Monkey King before, everyone would have laughed it off.

So now he is the real Qitian.

Even the Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha will show fear when they see him

"Are you not Xiaobailong?"

The Great Sage Qitian tilted his neck and bared his teeth.

He had already seen the weirdness of Little White Dragon.

Before, he and Little White Dragon went to the West to learn scriptures.

At that time, although Little White Dragon was good, he had limited abilities and mediocre talent..but now...The little white dragon is dressed in white armor and stands quietly, looking extremely domineering.

Especially those eyes, looking at the world.

The indifference and disdain in the bones are all revealed


There was a sudden roar, Monkey King's eyes flashed, and bright golden light bloomed.

This is a fiery eye that can distinguish truth from falsehood and see clearly all falsehoods.

But now, with his fiery golden eyes flashing continuously, Monkey King Qitian frowned.


He couldn't even see it. this...

"Senior brother, according to my old pig's opinion, just take him for interrogation and that's it."

Zhu Bajie behind him, carrying a nine-tooth nail rake, walked out in a swagger.

Immediately, he didn't say hello to the Monkey King.

He just took one step into the air.

"Return to my old pig 4.5 junior brother..."

As the words fell, an extremely terrifying power was poured out on the nine-tooth nail rake.

Tianlong did not take action.

He didn't even look at Zhu Bajie.

Behind him, a pair of illusory dragon wings appeared.

As the dragon's wings spread slightly, an unimaginable force suddenly arose.

In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed.

The sky that was originally clear turned into darkness.

The dark clouds rolled back.

Thunder surges...

At this moment, Zhu Bajie saw... an illusory, white, illusory lizard-like creature with two wings on its back, flying through the depths of the clouds.

He even roared fiercely at it.


That's the dragon's roar.

A dragon roar shook the world and made ghosts and gods weep.

The three realms are in shock..

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