The body of the purple dragon deeply sympathizes with the current situation of the dragon clan.

He was even willing to help. the reason is simple.

He needs dragons.

He needs the Dragon Clan to do something for him

"The support from the Dragon Clan is pretty good."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body also showed a look of expectation on his face.

As for how to support the dragon clan

, he waved his right hand.


There was a sudden roar, and drop after drop of purple blood shot towards the many dragon kings.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As they all trembled, the expressions of many Dragon Kings changed.

Immediately they seemed to realize something, and they all looked ecstatic.

"Thank you, Purple Dragon Emperor"

"Thank you, Purple Dragon Emperor."

They realized what this is.

This is the blood of Lord Purple Dragon Emperor.

It is the blood of the Quasi-Saint.

It is also the blood of the Dragon Ancestor.

With this blood, the Dragon King here believes that they can all go one step further.

But, this At that time, he did not realize the point

"My blood should be able to help them break the shackles of blood."

Muttering in their hearts, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body did not say much.

They need to discover these by themselves.

But at this time, deep in a certain sea area,

"Yin, Yin..."

There was a sudden dragon roar, and a figure slowly opened its eyes.

Those are golden dragon eyes.

Bright and dazzling.

It's too scary to look at.

This is the genius of the Dragon Clan.

It has been many years since he set foot in the higher realm.

He can be called the first person in the dragon clan on the surface.

And he is the little guy arranged by Yu Ziyu - a three-headed, six-winged golden dragon.

In his prehistoric days, he has been accumulating and even settling.

Until now, the realm has finally been stabilized.

But at this time, as if he noticed something, his dragon eyes flickered slightly

"Lord Purple Dragon is coming."

In a daze, the three-headed six-winged golden dragon couldn't help but lose consciousness.

Purple Dragon, the legend of their star dragon clan.

Its status is equivalent to that of the ancient ancestral dragon, Zhulong.

It is their dragon clan, the supreme existence.

Even if he has been a high-level master for many years.

I am also in awe of this person.

Unexpectedly, he came here in person

"Even Master Zilong has come, so this time..."

With a smile in his heart, the three-headed six-winged golden dragon also understood that great changes were about to take place in the ancient world.

Others may not know.

But how could he not be clear about it.

The origin of Master Zilong is not simple.

It even has some relationship with the legendary Lord of Time and Space.

But at this time, not only the three six-winged golden dragons realized it.

Even the Golden Monkey, Yu Ziyu’s body of the Eastern Emperor, and the Queen of the Abyss knew about it.

"Master Zilong, are you here so soon?"

The Queen of the Abyss narrowed her eyes slightly, seeming to be thinking.

However, she would not have rash contact with the Purple Dragon without receiving an order from there.

After all, on the surface, she is the most mysterious existence of the demon clan.

Suddenly and Contact with the Purple Dragon will arouse suspicion.

At the same time, the Golden Monkey also grinned.

"This time, it’s really a big deal"

"The master actually came in person."

The golden monkey has followed Yu Ziyu since he was a child.

Naturally, he knows what the arrival of the purple dragon means.

The purple dragon is the clone of the master.

His arrival also means the arrival of the master.

In this way, their invasion of the prehistoric era is also a real sense. Go one step further.


"The master has now gone to the Dragon Clan, probably intending to support the Dragon Clan."

The golden monkey realized this.

He immediately gave the order.

Don't quarrel with the dragon clan for the time being. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the dragon clan is a low-class race today, the golden monkey believes that the purple dragon's The arrival will completely transform the dragon race.

At that time, the former most powerful race will truly return.

However, I don’t know how long it will take that day.

The golden monkey doesn’t know about this.

Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon body doesn’t know either.

This Everything depends on the current efforts of the Dragon Clan.

And at this moment, deep in the chaos, Yu Ziyu also knew all this

"It seems to be going well."

Yu Ziyu grinned.

He also discovered that the ancestor of Minghe is still reliable.

There is no need for him to betray Honghuang.

Just using it occasionally is enough for Yu Ziyu.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu's clone Zilong is introduced to Honghuang Heaven and earth.

Apart from him, no one can do it.

In eternity, no one can do it.

Only the saints.

But the other saints are not worthy of belief.

They may expose themselves, which is very dangerous.

In this way , Ancestor Styx became the only candidate.

"`~Why did you arrange Zilong to go to the primitive world?"

Besides, the colorful divine flower was a little puzzled.


In response, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"After all, I need to personally take charge of the prehistoric period."

"Aren't you afraid that Daozu will find out?"

The colorful divine flowers showed a look of fear on their faces.

"Probably not."

Speaking like this, Yu Ziyu changed the subject:

"However, if he really finds out, then I will kill the purple dragon clone and survive with a short tail."

"At that time, we can also use Zilong to test Tao Ancestor one or two."

Listening quietly, Colorful Divine Flower also stopped talking.

She heard what Yu Ziyu meant.

He was gambling.

Moreover, it is better to make a big bet.

If he succeeds, what awaits him will be further erosion of the ancient world.

As for failure...

To be honest, it doesn't have much impact.

After all, Zilong is just a clone of Yu Ziyu.

If his body dies and his soul dies, then he will also become a blue dragon of heaven and a body of sea of ​​blood.

And this is also the most terrifying place after the great supernatural power transforms into the Three Pure Ones.

The three clones are like a whole.

When one body dies, its power will be digested and absorbed by the other two clones and become part of itself.

If Yu Ziyu lost two clones at once, Yu Ziyu would doubt whether the last surviving clone would have the same fighting power as eternity.

This is very possible.

But Yu Ziyu didn't dare to gamble.

After all, the three clones are the foundation of his life.

He didn't want to give up the three clones if it wasn't necessary..

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