After arranging the body of the purple dragon, Yu Ziyu also put down a huge stone in his heart

"Next, it’s time to look for foreign civilizations."

Exotic civilization is very important.

It is related to the competition between the starry sky and the wizard civilization.

If Yu Ziyu can really find the foreign civilization, they can join forces.

At that time, let alone the wizard civilization.

Even in the prehistoric world, Yu Ziyu dared to plan a plan two

"Combining verticality and horizontality is the kingly way."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's eyes were also blazing.

At this time, the vanguard of wizard civilization.

A genius has risen.

His name is: Yuan!

At such a young age, he has already set foot on the fifth level of Tianmen.

His talent and even potential, even if The Eternal Lord did not dare to ignore him.

Then the Black Moon Wizard personally accepted him as his disciple.

And this was fate.

Of course, he also had another identity.

That was the original beast that Yu Ziyu sat down on.

It was the purple sickle and the golden ant. The perfect combination.

He successfully penetrated into the wizarding civilization.

He was only one step away from the top.

But now, the primitive beast was eager.

He was eager to find traces of the foreign civilization.

For this, he did not hesitate to pay any price.

For example , now, the primitive beast has begun to sell his appearance.

The body he stole now is that of a beautiful boy.

And now, he is extremely talented. He is a leader of the younger generation. He has also become a registered disciple of the Black Moon Wizard.

His existence has already been The civilization of wizards is priceless.

Therefore, many beautiful wizards have secretly paid attention to him.

If it were before, the primitive beast would definitely not care about these things.

They would even reject them.

But now, he took the initiative to contact a beautiful wizard.

Just because , the family of this beautiful wizard is one of the eight famous families of wizard civilization - the Nokia clan.

It is a top family with power that reaches the sky and wealth that rivals the country.

Such a family must know a lot about foreign civilizations.

In this way...

"hope everything is fine."

While muttering, the primitive beast also started its own actions.

Time passed slowly, and thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye. Over the years, Yu Ziyu was still groping alone in the chaos (aecb).

But on this day, a piece of news came from Came from the primitive beast

"Reporting back to the master, one of the foreign civilizations has been discovered"

"It's called a hunting civilization, and it's a terrifying civilization in which individuals reproduce to their peak...."

This is the news from the original beast.

The message is very detailed.

There is also a detailed introduction to hunting civilization.

However, the most important coordinates are missing. but...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also grinned.

This news contains the general direction of the hunting civilization.

Based on this, combined with the coordinates of the wizard civilization that Yu Ziyu knows, and others.

You can borrow the jade butterfly fragments to try to deduce one or two

"Try it first."

As he spoke, Yu Ziyu raised his right hand.

A flash of purple light bloomed.

Infinite information flowed in Yu Ziyu's mind.

That is deduction.

With infinite evolution points, Yu Ziyu can continue to deduce until he deduce what he wants. Everything.

But when Yu Ziyu deduced the coordinates of the foreign civilization, the primitive beast encountered a problem

"Yuan, do you want to go back to wizard civilization with me?"

A beautiful woman with long golden hair looked at the primitive beast.


In a daze, the primitive beast also fell into hesitation.

This can be considered his girlfriend.

It is precisely because of her that the primitive beasts can obtain information about foreign civilizations.

Now, his girlfriend plans to return to wizard civilization.

Return to the family and start getting involved in the family business.

For her, coming here is just an experience.

"Should I go?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The base camp of the wizard civilization is different from other places.

Here, he is still sure not to be discovered by others.

But in the wizard civilization.

There is a black wizard king and a wizard. He couldn't guarantee the existence of Wang.

Moreover, going deep into the wizarding civilization base camp was not part of the master's plan.

"give me some more time."

The primitive beast said.

He immediately turned around and returned to his residence.

But not long after, he used Liuye to contact Yu Ziyu and explained his mother's situation.

"The base camp of wizard civilization."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu also fell into hesitation.

"What's wrong?"

The colorful divine flower on the side asked.

After hearing this, Yu Ziyu also gave the colorful divine flower and explained the general situation.

"This is really difficult to handle. Going deep into wizard civilization is too dangerous"

"Moreover, this is still a primitive beast."

Wucai Shenhua also knows about the primitive beast.

This is the combination of purple sickle and golden ant.

Its existence is purple sickle and golden ant.

And they are the strongest warriors under Yu Ziyu.

If one of them is missing, Yu Ziyu will feel heartbroken.

More Don't tell me, there are two of them.

Therefore, there must be no room for loss between the two of them.

"I don't recommend"

"If something unexpected happens, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu was also silent.

Indeed, if an accident occurs, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

But the problem is...

How can you catch tiger cubs if you don’t enter the tiger’s den?

"This may be our only chance to delve deeper into wizard civilization."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also showed determination.

Immediately, he also ordered to the primitive beast:

"Go ahead and delve deeper into wizard civilization."

If an accident occurs, protect yourself first.

"I will definitely come to save you."

After receiving the news from Yu Ziyu, the original beast also smiled.

He understood what Yu Ziyu meant

"Master, I will never let you down."

Muttering, the primitive beast also made up his mind.

He will follow his girlfriend and go deep into the wizarding civilization.

Then he will try his best to find out all the news.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that for him now, the so-called girlfriend It's just a tool.

It's just used.

If it wasn't to complete the master's task, he felt that he would not pay attention to this kind of woman.

To a certain extent, she is a beast after all.

Not a so-called human.

Or even other things.

But, for some reason, primitive Every time Beast sees this woman, his heart can't help but throb.

"What does this feel like?"

Touching his chest, the primitive beast didn't understand...

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