"What he said is true."

After counting with his fingers, Zhunti's expression changed slightly.

It's all true.

How is this possible?

In this way, this guy is not the Chaos Demon God.

He is a prehistoric life.

It's just that he has been in chaos for a long time, so he has an extraterrestrial aura.

With this thought in mind, Zhunti's gaze towards Zi Long changed again and again.

Not only him, but also other saints looked at Zi Long in the same way.

If what this guy said is true, then, the Dragon Clan?

He was stunned. , many people have complicated eyesight

"A long time ago, did the Ancestral Dragon meet the great catastrophe of the Dragon Clan?"

"They even sent tribesmen to develop outside the territory."

"Good, good, good, as expected of a purple dragon."

During the continuous discussion, the faces of many saints also changed slightly.

The foresight of this ancestral dragon exceeded their imagination.

However, in this case, they can also be sure of the origin of the purple dragon.

"If it was really a branch of the Dragon Clan, it would be understandable."

With a sigh, Zhunti shook his head helplessly.


Really variables.

In the prehistoric times, after the Emperor Taiyi of the East, another variable emerged.

At this time, above the heaven, all the immortals looked at Zi Dragons all have flashing eyes

"Purple dragon, a branch of the dragon clan?"

"real or fake?"

"It's not a joke, is it?"

"Hey, hey, here..."

All the immortals were shocked by the continuous discussions and exclamations.

Even the Jade Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, an immortal family suddenly walked out and said:

"Since you are from ancient times, you naturally know the name of the Jade Emperor"

"If you meet the Jade Emperor in person, why don’t you pay your respects?"

When the words fell, everyone was silent.

Even the Jade Emperor's face changed slightly.

"See you?"

The wanton laughter broke through the sky and spread throughout half of the world.

The disdain, scorn and domineering in the laughter were all evident.

"Want me to meet you?"

When he spoke again, the face of the immortal family suddenly changed.

A purple spirit burst out from his body.


There was a sudden roar, and this immortal family didn't even have time to react. It exploded, not even the dregs were left.

Left alone, many immortals looked at each other.

At this time, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body no longer looked at the sky.

Heaven, just a puppet

"Remember, sooner or later I will come to settle the accounts of the Dragon Clan."

With a sudden dragon roar, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body once again turned into an infinite dragon and plunged towards the sea. In an instant, an earth-shattering roar sounded.

The boundless sea water exploded.

Seeing this, many dragon clans followed closely..

They were excited.

They cheered.

They seemed to be celebrating their new life.

Originally, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body planned to go to the sea of ​​​​underworld.

But just now, as his thoughts turned, he already planned to take over the world.

Because, he arranged for himself Received a good identity.

A remnant of the prehistoric times...

Zulong's backhand.

Zulong has died long ago, and there is no evidence of his death.

And he, even with the saint's mind-reading skills, couldn't detect lies.

In this way, his identity is unshakable.

Ancestor Minghe saw Yu Ziyu's choice of the purple dragon body, but did not interfere.

As said before, he just helped Zilong enter the prehistoric era.

As for the rest, he has no right to interfere.

He even treated Zilong with extra courtesy.

"The other me, the apprentice I took on, was really scary."

Ancestor Styx sighed.

He was also a quasi-sage before.

Naturally, he knows where this person has gone in the quasi-sage.

The end.

The end of the quasi-sage.

Even beyond the existence of most quasi-sage peak levels.

He has reached it. A taboo field.

In ancient times, not many people reached that field. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the surface, there is only Kong Xuan.

He is known as:"The first person among the saints".

The strongest!!

Able to fight against saints with the cultivation level of a quasi-sage.

This is the forbidden realm, which is extremely terrifying.

But now, Zilong has reached this realm.

One can imagine how terrifying he is.

In other words In other words, when Zilong was a quasi-sage, he was on the same level as Ancestor Minghe was when he was a quasi-sage.

At this time, Yu Ziyu’s body of the purple dragon also became the master of the world.

"Yin, Yin.."

Waves of dragon roars resounded from all directions.

Countless dragon clan powerful men came.

Among them, there is also the Dragon King from all over the world....

Soon after, Xihai Dragon Palace...Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon body sits high on the throne

"I'll wait to see the Purple Dragon Emperor"

"I'll wait to see the Purple Dragon Emperor..."

They paid their respects in unison, and figures with dragon heads stood quietly in the hall.

These are all Dragon Kings.

However, most of the heavenly immortals, earthly immortals, and even the golden immortals are few.

"Your dragon clan’s current strength is really weak."

Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body sighed.


There was a collective silence, and all the dragons did not dare to speak.

However, at this time, they felt how terrifying the Purple Dragon Emperor was in front of them.

Just seeing it is terrifying.

787 It was as if his gaze was enough to shatter the Golden Immortal.

Now, the Purple Dragon Emperor is leaning on the throne, and an aura of looking down on the world spreads.

"Tell me briefly about the current situation of the dragon clan."

Yu Ziyu, who has the body of a purple dragon, is an outsider.

But now, he seems to have become the master of the Dragon Palace and directly ordered


Hearing this, the Dragon King of the West Sea stepped out in one step.

The Dragon Clan respects the strong.

It can be seen from their affairs with the Great Sage Qitian.

The Great Sage Qitian is unfathomable.

Therefore, give him the Dinghai Shenzhen.

As long as you have With strength, you can win the respect of the Dragon Clan.

Of course, it seems that even a strong person can win the respect of the Dragon Clan.

Time passed slowly, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

The Dragon King of the West Sea burst into tears, describing the difficulties and sufferings of the Dragon Clan..

Yu Ziyu's Void Purple Dragon body couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He thought that the Dragon Clan was miserable enough.

But when he listened carefully, he discovered that the Dragon Clan was not so miserable. They were really bullied in various ways.


"Our dragon clan has been reduced to the lowest level."

With a cry of sorrow, the Dragon King of the West Sea knelt on his knees:

"Please ask the Dragon Emperor to make the decision for our dragon clan."

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