Time passes slowly.

Several days have passed in the blink of an eye.

And on this day, the thunder tribulation finally ended


There was a sudden roar, and the petals of a sacred flower burst out with bright divine light in the distance.

Looking carefully, a petite figure emerged from the depths of the petals.

That is the essence of the colorful divine flower


With a smile on her lips, the colorful divine flower turned into nine rainbows of light and rushed towards Yu Ziyu.

She took the colorful divine flower into her arms and Yu Ziyu also said:

"Do you want to take some time to rest?"

"No, I want to travel with you through Chaos."

The colorful divine flower looked expectant.

Immediately, as if she noticed something, she suddenly raised her eyes.

Behind Yu Ziyu, three terrifying life forms were flying like balloons

""Seven-twenty""Are these?""

The five-colored divine flower's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's a chaos beast"

"I also gave them three names, Tuntun, Jingsheng, and Yanyan..."

Hearing Yu Ziyu's words, Wucai Shenhua burst out laughing.

"Don't pick any names from now on. Each one is more unpleasant than the last."

"I call it convenient and easy to remember."

Yu Ziyu explained.

Then he added:

"Besides, the name is just a code name, it doesn’t matter whether it sounds good or not."


Muttered slightly, Wucai Shenhua showed dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Yu Ziyu spoke immediately and started talking sweet words.

Wife is meant to be coaxed.

Don't look at them as an old couple.

But if they get angry, It could be thousands or tens of thousands of years without seeing each other.

This is quite scary.

Besides, Yu Ziyu often retreats.

He spends very little time with them, and he really owes them.

And not long after that, the colorful divine flower broke through. The news spread throughout the nine realms.

From high-level masters to down to countless humans, they were all celebrating.

They were really happy.

Not only was the strength of the nine realms stronger.

It was also because Yu Ziyu was happy and would Bless the nine realms.

Just like now, the continuous heavy rain has fallen on the nine realms.

This is spiritual rain.

It can help people prolong their lives.

It can also help them take a step forward in their cultivation.

However, after a short celebration, Yu Ziyu went deep into the chaos When traveling, it’s time to have a companion.

The colorful divine flower sat on Yu Ziyu’s shoulder.

As for why she sat on Yu Ziyu’s shoulder, it was naturally because her speed was far inferior to Yu Ziyu’s. It would be better to sit on Yu Ziyu’s shoulder, which is more convenient.

Just need It would be enough for Yu Ziyu to grow in size.

Originally, she wanted to sit on the branch of Yu Ziyu's body.

But it was really outrageous for a tree to shuttle through chaos at such a high speed.

But now, it feels good.

Although it has the head of a human and the body of a dragon, it does have But, for some reason

, the colorful divine flower sat on Yu Ziyu's shoulder, looking a little different.

One had a world-famous appearance, and that appearance alone was enough to make Eternity look sideways.

The other was a human-headed dragon. The body is extremely domineering.

This combination is really not something people are used to.

"Isn’t the Wizarding Civilization at war with the Divine Blood World?"

"Are you leaving like this?"

The colorful flower was a little puzzled and asked.

"I am not doing this for the stars."

Yu Ziyu smiled and explained the reason.

He planned to join forces and then plot the wizard civilization.


With a look of astonishment on her face, Wucai Shenhua also looked deeply at Yu Ziyu.

This is indeed a very bold, even crazy plan.

Moreover, only Yu Ziyu can do it.

For the rest of eternity, even if you have this idea, it will be impossible to implement it.

Because of the vastness of chaos, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Without the speed of Yu Ziyu, just traveling would be a problem.

Besides, we need to connect two civilizations.

It is equivalent to building a bridge between two civilizations.

Only in this way can communication and cooperation be possible.

Is it possible for the rest of eternity to do this?

Naturally impossible.

But Yu Ziyu carried the laws of time and space and was able to build a time and space teleportation array.

If he is willing, he is fully capable of building a huge portal between the two civilizations.

And in this way, joining forces can fully realize

"Originally there were several civilizations distributed in all directions, just like a whole..."

"There are also countless eternal sages gathered together...."

"In this case, it is indeed possible to challenge the wizard civilization."

Colorful Divine Flower nodded, very satisfied with this plan.

"It's just, thank you very much." she expressed

"It doesn't hurt if I work a little harder."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care about this.

If he can really crush the wizard civilization, it doesn't matter if he works harder.

In fact, there is another point that Yu Ziyu didn't say.

His intention was not to crush the wizard civilization.

In fact, it can be said The wizard civilization is just a pawn of his.

What he hopes is to join forces with many civilizations, even the wizard civilization, and then attack the prehistoric world.

Only by removing the prehistoric world.

Only by killing the prehistoric Taoist ancestors can the epochal catastrophe in the starry sky be ended.

And he, In a real sense, there is one less major worry.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu started this plan with full expectation.

Although the wizard civilization is powerful, it can't do anything to him.

Even if the original black wizard king walks out, Yu Ziyu is not afraid.

But the prehistoric era Dao Ancestor.

I'm sorry.

This one is really powerful. Kill him.

Although Yu Ziyu doesn't know how strong he is.

But he has a feeling that the Ancestor Dao Ancestor will only be more terrifying than he imagined.

"Ancestor of ancient Taoism..."

While murmuring in her heart, Yu Ziyu also had 3.0 eyes twinkling.

"What, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly, the colorful divine flower noticed the change in Yu Ziyu's expression and asked


Shaking his head, Yu Ziyu also changed another topic.

About Honghuang.

Yu Ziyu didn't want the women such as Colorful Divine Flower to participate.

This is something Yu Ziyu and Chaos Zhong Zhenling should consider.

They are more focused on their own practice and Jiu Ziyu. The development of the world is enough.

However, at this moment, what Yu Ziyu didn’t know was that the advance troops of the wizard civilization in the distance had already begun their first general attack.

The three eternities lay across the chaos.

In the roaring, there was They all gathered together.

Below, all the legions came out.

Like one torrent after another....

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