"Wizard civilization, the advance troops launched a general attack, requesting support, requesting support"

"Wizard civilization, the advance troops launched a general attack, requesting support, requesting support"

"Wizard civilization, the advance troops launch a general attack, request for support, request for support."

The prompts one after another resounded throughout the world of Divine Blood.

It also shocked countless people.

"What, the wizard civilization suddenly launched a general attack?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Are they crazy?"

Amidst repeated exclamations, countless people shot out.

This time, the bloody city wall can't resist it, so they must go to support.

It's not just them, even the Life Tribunal can't help but move.

"It seems that the time for total war has arrived."

With a sigh, Life Tribunal also showed a hint of complexity on his face.

Total War...

It can be said that he has been waiting for a long time.

In other words, it has been prepared for a long time.

And now, it's time to sound the clarion call for war. twenty three

"Woo woo woo, woo woo woo...."

The dull and ancient horn sounded across the sky and the earth

Countless powerful men who were sleeping or even in seclusion all came out from the deepest part of the Divine Blood World.

They may be demigods.

Or dominate.

But there was no hesitation.

This horn is a huge horn of war.

It is one of the most terrifying treasures of mutant civilization.

Once it sounds, it means all-out war is coming.

Not only that, this horn can also boost morale, invigorate the soul, and greatly increase the fighting spirit of living beings.

At the same time, on the bloody city wall, countless strong men were ready to attack.

"For the divine blood, for the mutant civilization..."

"For the divine blood, for the mutant civilization..."

After repeated calls, countless strong men were excited to apply.

Many people even showed a look of determination.

They knew this was a fight to the death.

There is progress but no retreat, there is death but no life.

But they have no choice.

Just because, behind it is the world of divine blood.

It's their new home.

They cannot abandon their homes.

Not to mention the people they want to protect in their homeland

"You can only rush over my corpse."

A high-level master let out a long roar, but it shot out fiercely.

The terrifying power of extreme cold spurted out like a nuclear weapon.

He didn't hold back at all, and directly activated all the spiritual power.

Seeing this scene, the other strong men on the bloody city wall couldn't sit still and walked out one after another.

At this time, countless torrents came from far away from the bloody city wall.

There were also three eternal venerables crossing the sky.

"You have made us completely impatient."

Alien Eternal Alam sneered, controlling the boundless waves and slapping towards the bloody city wall.

On the other side, the star singer also opened her lips and hummed an inspiring war song.

Visible to the naked eye, the nine colors The power of the music gushed out like a halo, and spread to each legion.

At this moment, countless legions seemed to have taken drugs, and they became excited.

"Kill, kill"

"kill them all"

"We are the strongest." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The wizard's brilliance must shine on chaos."

Shouting again and again, the morale of these legions is high.

But, at this moment,


Like a low roar from ancient times, a pitch-black claw emerged from the chaos and grabbed countless legions.

That's the element-devouring beast.

It finally took action.

One claw shattered, thousands of spaces, approaching the legions of the wizard civilization

"you dare!"

Alien Eternal Alam shouted violently and took the lead to resist.

He controlled the sea water to turn into a giant hand and slapped it directly towards the claws.

But at the next moment, the claws of the element-devouring beast suddenly changed and turned towards the star. Catch him in the direction of the Yushu Diva.

The attacking army is fake.

The real target is the Star Yugong Diva.

Not only the element-devouring beast, but also the Speedy Eternal disappeared into the chaos at an unknown time.

When the Star Yugong Diva reacts, with a touch of The lightning flashed away.

Without the slightest pity, God Speed ​​Eternal raised one hand, and terrifying thunder light gathered in the palm of his hand. Then, a brilliant thunder light spurted out.


Amidst the shocking roar, infinite thunder exploded.

But at this moment, the speed and eternity made a keen discovery. One after another, the rhythmic aperture firmly protected the star singer, and even blocked the explosion of thousands of thunders.


With a cold snort, God Speed ​​Eternal also looked not far away.

There, the terrifying claws of the element-devouring beast whizzed towards him, and there was a click, like a shattering sound, and the Star Language Singer's face changed.

God's speed is eternal and high, and it is useless in defense and attack.

But the attack of the Devouring Beast is adequate.

And this blow is the full blow of the Devouring Beast.


There was another crisp sound, and the countless halo surrounding the star singer was shattered.

"It's now."

The roar of the Yuan-devouring 050 beast sounded in the chaos.


In response, the Speed ​​of Eternity actually accelerated. Taking advantage of the moment when the countless haloes of the Star Territory Singer were shattered, he shot out.

He was very fast.

Unbelievably fast.

He was in front of the Star Territory Diva in the blink of an eye, and then, She even slapped it hard with her palm, and with a crisp sound, the entire body of Xingyu Singer flew out backwards, with even more blood splashing out.

"star language..."

"You deserve to die."

Exclaiming again and again, the alien Eternal Alam and another Eternal Wizard arrived belatedly.

The speed of their support can be considered very fast.

But unfortunately, in front of the speed of Eternity, they were as slow as a turtle.

Wait until they support In the past, it was enough for God Speed ​​Eternal to take action against the Star Language Diva many times.

But now...

The speedy Eternal pursued the victory with continuous blows and blows, and endless lightning spurted out, seeming to engulf the Star Singer's entire body.

But at the next moment, a feeling of palpitations suddenly appeared in the heart of God Speed ​​Eternal.

Retreat, must retreat.

Retreat subconsciously.

And the next moment he retreated, an unprecedented scream, centered on the Star Language Singer, completely erupted..

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