Colorful divine flowers.

Also known as the instant flower.

It is a legendary flower whose beauty and short lifespan are said to symbolize life and the ultimate beauty.

However, what few people know is that...The Setsuna Divine Flower only develops for one moment in reality.

But on the bank of the long river of time, it stays until the end of time.

Yu Ziyu is also lucky.

When the five colors have not yet turned into the magical flower, we met.

If it were a little later, I might never see the magical flower of Setsuna.

Because it does not exist in reality.

In the illusory flowers intertwined with time.

Extremely mysterious and extraordinary.

And now, the moment of the divine flower strikes eternity, and also pulls the long river of time.

Looking from a distance, the long river of time seems to be leading him

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

The sound of the river flowing resounded throughout the world.

The figure of Instant Divine Flower also slowly rose into the sky.

Until he flew out of the whole world and came to the desolate chaos.

However, Shenhua noticed it in an instant. At some point, a majestic figure stood quietly in the chaos.

He has the head of a human and the body of a dragon.

Behind his back are arms made of countless branches.

All these arms are open.

Either a seal or a pinch...

It seems to be watching the magical flower of the moment.

This person, Shenhua instantly recognized, was his husband.

Although his appearance is very different.

But the smell is still the same

"How come you have changed so much."

During this period of time, Wucai Shenhua has been in seclusion.

I don't understand the situation.

"Ha ha."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"Recently, in order to trace other civilizations, I went deep into chaos..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

Are you able to survive the disaster with peace of mind?

"With my husband here, I have nothing to worry about."

The colorful divine flower smiled, but there was still a touch of solemnity on her face.

This catastrophe is not an ordinary thunder catastrophe.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Thick clouds gathered in chaos.

One after another, thunder and lightning shuttled through the clouds, like a real dragon, roaring continuously.

From time to time, thunder and lightning gather.

It transformed into a terrifying thunder dragon and charged straight down.

However, in the next moment, all these thunder dragons solidified in mid-air.

This is time frozen.

The colorful divine flower carries the law of time and can control time.

Time freezes, goes backwards, accelerates...

All means can be easily used.

Extremely scary.

But it's not enough


Like a cracking sound, individual thunderbolts broke through the shackles of time and struck straight towards the colorful divine flower.


With an earth-shattering roar, the entire body of the colorful divine flower was engulfed by lightning.

However, what is shocking is that her figure has not changed at all.

Looking carefully, a river wrapped around her body at some point, protecting her perfectly.

This is the magical power of the colorful divine flower - the curtain of time.

The long river of time is like a curtain, protecting her.

If he didn't have the power to break through time, it would be difficult to even hurt her.

Yu Ziyu is still very confident about the colorful divine flowers.

She is incredibly talented.

It’s practice time again.

In this regard, Yu Ziyu is half of her master.

Of course, Yu Ziyu and Wucai Shenhua learn more from each other.

However, Yu Ziyu took the first step.

Be the first to step into eternity.

Therefore, I have more understanding of the laws of time.

However, there is one thing that Yu Ziyu is looking forward to...

Looking forward to the colorful divine flowers setting foot in eternity

"If the colorful divine flower sets foot in eternity, then one of my previous conjectures will be self-defeating."

"I have been wondering whether the three thousand avenues are doomed to three thousand eternities."

"Every stepping out of the Eternal Lord means that a spot is occupied." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In other words, a Tao is occupied...

"I have carried the laws of time and space. Therefore, I occupy time and space. It is difficult for outsiders to reach me and it is even harder to carry."


Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu thought of the power system of the Gods.

In their clan, there is a main god.

Each main god has countless gods of the same type.

The Lord God has absolute control over them.

A system has only one main god.

For example, the Lord God of Light has under his command the God of Thunder and the God of Fire....

These divine powers are all inclined toward light.

Therefore, they are all members of the Lord God of Light.

He was also influenced by the Lord God of Light.

Because of this, Yu Ziyu thought of the Eternal Venerable.

The Eternal Lord carries a kind of law, so other practitioners who practice similar laws will be affected by this eternal one.

For example, the Soul Mother.

She was burdened with the laws of the soul.

So when you practice the laws related to the soul, will you be affected by the Soul Mother?

This is a conjecture of Yu Ziyu.

He wasn't sure.

However, if his suspicion is confirmed.

Then we can calculate how many Eternal Venerables there are in the chaos.

This is very important to Yu Ziyu.

Because the foundation of a civilization is the Eternal Lord.

Only by stepping out of the influence of the Eternal Lord can we be qualified to call it civilization.

Furthermore, Yu Ziyu can also deduce how many civilizations there are in chaos.

There are even deductions...

But all of this is based on this conjecture.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also stared blankly at the colorful divine flowers not far away.

"If this conjecture is true, and a development can only allow one Eternal Lord to step out, then will it be impossible for you to ever step into eternity?"

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu looked at the five-colored divine flower with a particularly complicated look.

Although he knew that it was difficult for the five-colored divine flower to set foot in eternity.

But if it was because of him, the five-colored divine flower would not be able to set foot in eternity.

He would even lose the hope of setting foot in eternity..

Then Yu Ziyu will feel very uncomfortable.

After all, the Five-Colored Divine Flower is his woman.

And, more importantly, without the Five-Colored Divine Flower, Yu Ziyu would not be able to set foot in eternity.

I think it was the Five-Colored Divine Flower that sacrificed itself and achieved success. Yu Ziyu.

Everything about a wonderful flower from heaven and earth created Yu Ziyu’s eternal path.

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