Chaos gods and demons.

In Yu Ziyu's view, it may be a chaotic beast that breeds wisdom.

This is Yu Ziyu's extremely bold guess.

If you are a little bolder, the Chaos Gods and Demons are alien species among the Chaos Behemoths.

Among every million chaos beasts, there is a chaos god and demon.

If that's really the case.

So the horror of the Chaos Gods and Demons is probably even harder to imagine.

However, to be honest, Yu Ziyu has never met the gods and demons of chaos.

Although the Kunpeng clan is terrifying.

But they are closer to the Chaos Behemoths.

As for Nuwa, and even others, he did not see it with his own eyes.

Although Donghuang's body is his clone.

But after all, it is just a clone, and its realm and other aspects are far inferior to him.

There is a huge gap with him.

So the corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

Looking forward to meeting the first Chaos God and Demon in his life

"Hope you won't let me down."

Muttering, Yu Ziyu continued to walk in the chaos.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, the primitive beast repeatedly made military exploits, coupled with the rapid progress in cultivation, he finally set foot in the middle and upper levels of wizard civilization.

Now 250 is in He is the top of the wizard clan, the younger generation. He is almost among the younger generation of wizard civilization, ranking around seven or eight.

He could be first.

But he didn't do that.

He took a middle value.

He chose seventy or eighty. Name.

In terms of strength alone, he dominates the second heaven.

This ranking is neither higher nor lower.

But it is enough for the primitive beast.

If he performs better, he will easily be noticed by some eternal sages.

Although he is confident in his own Strength.

But after all, we are deep in the enemy camp.

It is better to keep a low profile.

During this period of time, he worked hard to inquire about the three coordinates of other civilizations.

However, to his disappointment, there was no news about him.


Sighing in his heart, the primitive beast was helpless.

He knew that his master had already left the starry sky and the world. He was just looking for other civilizations.

If he couldn't find it for a long time, it would be extremely long for the master.

Even the expedition plan All will be cancelled.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the primitive beast's eyes suddenly focused.

"What's better is to become a disciple."

In the wizarding civilization, mentorship is very important.

Meeting a good master is what any wizard dreams of.

The primitive beast now occupies this body and shows good talent. It is favored by many powerful wizards.

But the primitive beast has always avoided interacting with them. Contact.

However, now, he needs to consider contacting these high-level wizards.

They may know the chaotic coordinates of other civilizations.

At this time, Yu Ziyu does not know the anxiety of the primitive beast.

He is walking happily in chaos.

For him , only practice and research.

Now, he is either on the road of practice or on the road of research, and he doesn’t care about anything else.

As for rushing, he only needs a ray of mind to control his current body. ,

For him, very simple

"Chaos beast, immortal and immortal...It's good for dissection."

In the depths of the Nine Realms, on an operating table.

Yu Ziyu transformed into an experimenter in white, swallowed the Chaos Beast, and dissected it again and again. He dissected countless parts.

Then he started various studies.

He found something very interesting.

That is The chaotic beast Tun Tun dissected countless parts.

Each part seemed to turn into a new chaotic beast.

To put it simply, each one seemed to be Tun Tun.

It was just the breath, and the strength was greatly reduced.

However, when they meet, they will Devouring each other, the strength directly increases. (cccd)

If they are all swallowed up, then the complete Tun Tun will come out again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A half-step eternal level Tun Tun.

But Here comes the question.

Is Tuntun really a perfect body?

In the chaos, are there countless chaos beasts - Tuntun, they are floating and wandering in the chaos.

Waiting for the day they meet.

Then they devour each other , set foot on a higher realm.

If this is true, then the potential of the Chaos Behemoth is probably more terrifying than imagined.


Yu Ziyu also discovered that the laws carried by the Chaos Behemoth are extremely pure.

In his words , the chaotic beast is really the incarnation of the law.

It is the life bred by the law.

There is no so-called divinity, human nature...

Some are just extreme and terrifying laws.

He has never seen a living eternal level chaos beast.

If it can be encountered and dissected, another idea in his heart may also be confirmed.

"if that's the case...Then the Chaos Behemoth is truly amazing."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was looking forward to this.

It can only be said that the current chaotic beast has successfully aroused his interest.

At this time, deep in the Nine Realms, deep in the world of life, a figure sat quietly in the valley. Among them.

She has long hair of nine colors.

Her skin is fair and delicate.

There is an inexplicable surge of power in her eyes.

This is the colorful divine flower. She is Yu Ziyu's woman.

And now she is practicing.

But, just at this moment,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A sudden roar sounded in the depths of the Nine Realms.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless black clouds spread from the world of life.

It continues to spread to the surrounding world.

It even affected chaos.

Yu Ziyu who was studying was shocked

"A breakthrough?"

There were some surprised sounds, and a smile appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

The Five-Colored Divine Flower finally broke through.

Among his several women, only the Tongtian Divine Tree and the Five-Colored Divine Flower have the highest talents.

One of them is heaven and earth. The sacred tree is a rare flower in the world.

They are both the best in the starry sky.

They are often close to Yu Ziyu.

With the help of Yu Ziyu, they will not be short of resources, or even other things.

Therefore, they are making great progress all the way.

Until now, the five-color god Finally, she made a breakthrough. She was impacting half-step eternity.

Looking carefully, the five-color divine flower had turned into a leisurely nine-color divine flower, blooming in the deepest part of the nine realms

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

There is also an illusory river flowing down until it surrounds its entire body..

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