The synthetic beast army is terrifying.

Horrible beyond imagination.

Looking at the synthetic beasts rising from the ground one after another, becoming more and more ferocious and terrifying, every strong man in the Divine Blood World looked horrified.

They saw that these synthetic beasts were not very intelligent.

But it is precisely because of this that they are particularly terrifying.

Just because they really have a dominant level of combat power.

Without high intelligence, they are like rampaging wild beasts.

It only knows killing and destruction.

It's so terrifying that it's shocking.

Now, regardless of life or death, they are rushing forward one after another~.

The bloody city wall began to tremble at this moment-

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, it seems that the bloody city wall cannot support it.


The sudden roar turned out to be a pitch-black shadow hundreds of millions of feet tall, rising up from the chaos.

It raised its huge claws high and slapped the bloody city wall hard


There was another extremely terrifying roar, and the entire city wall was shaken, and cracks appeared.

But this is just the beginning.

More giant black figures slowly raised their bodies.

These are merging behemoths.

All of them were overbearing to the extreme. suffocating

"You are looking for death"

"stop them"

"Quick, quick, take action"

"Damn behemoth"

"Damn, are they crazy?"

Exclaiming again and again, countless strong men flew out from the city wall.

All of them were masters.

Some stepped on flying swords, and struck with a sword, cutting through the chaos.

Some people had colorful ribbons flying, like immortals.

This He is a powerful man in the Eastern Cultivation World. All of them are golden immortals.

Although the starry sky and the earth are a vast civilization, due to differences in strength and other factors, three major power systems have been created.

The East is called the Cultivation World.

With Refining weapons, refining elixirs, and sects are the main ones.

What they cultivate is the self, and what they seek is the true self.

Secondly, there is the Western supernatural world.

They mainly focus on innate abilities.

They are born with the power of laws and go straight to the source.

If we talk about cultivation In this world, mortals can still embark on the path of cultivation.

Then, in the Western extraordinary world, it depends more on blood and talent.

And finally, it is the study of things and knowledge represented by Demon Court, where technology is supreme.

This is Starry Sky, the strongest The three major power systems.

Each sticks to one side.

There are countless forces surrounding them.

It is extremely terrifying.

But now, all the powerful men in the world of cultivation have taken action.

"I have a sword that can cut the sky or the earth..."

When Xun Sheng went out, he saw an immortal in white clothes, holding a sword with both fingers and raising his finger to the sky.

It actually exudes an aura that destroys everything.

His name is Luo Pingan.

It means peace and tranquility.

This is the rising swordsman overlord.

Extremely scary.

And now, as he chanted, unimaginable sword intent spread across the chaos.

Looking up, it turned out to be a huge sword with no end in sight.

The giant sword was dazzling, as if it gathered all the light in the world.



There was only an earth-shattering roar, and when the giant sword fell, a dominator-level fusion beast was split into two.

Even the soul is destroyed.

This sword does not kill lives.

Rather, it points directly to death.

Horror to the extreme.

At the same time, on the other side, a female cultivator also had ribbons flying.

"I don’t know what year it is today in the palace in the sky."

Reciting poems lightly, beautiful shadows dance!


Suddenly, a bolt of silk ribbon shot out of the sky, winding towards the giant beast in the distance. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I didn’t even have time to react.

This giant beast has been wrapped up in flying belts.

And it gets tighter and tighter.

Until, the blood is overflowing.

This is Fairy Lingluo.

He is also a famous genius.

It has been dominating for many years.

The strength is unfathomable.

Now as soon as I take action, it immediately inspires people's hearts

"Even Fairy Lingluo took action, hahaha"

"Not bad, not bad, I can’t fall behind if I wait."

"Brothers, rush"

"Together with Fairy Lingluo, destroy these beasts."

Exclaimed again and again, more radiance has risen.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the realm of cultivation.

Each of its attacks is more terrifying than the last.

On the other side, the transcendent realm is not weaker than others.

Especially the elemental clan. The strong man

"Ice Age"

"Fire meteor..."

"Shine, radiance."

One after another, the ultimate chill spewed out, spreading in all directions like a glacier.

And in the sky, countless flames like meteors fell from the sky, carrying the aura of destroying everything.

However, This is not scary. What is really scary is that it is the sun rising in chaos.

It is a round sun.

It is extremely bright.

But the next moment, this round sun bursts out with countless rays of light, like a sharp sword. , rushing towards the ocean of giant beasts

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

The shrill roar echoed continuously in the chaos.

Countless giant beasts are all submerged in the endless light.

"Is this the elemental clan? It's really scary"

"It's really scary and extremely overbearing."

"It's like a natural disaster, the closer you get to the back, the more terrifying it becomes"


Exclaimed again and again, even the powerful people in the starry sky were in admiration.

The elemental clan is not necessarily so scary in one-on-one combat.

But on the battlefield, they are the absolute overlords.

They are the kind of overlords that even high-level masters cannot ignore.

And the other On one side, the advance troops of the wizard civilization were also observing

"This civilization is very diverse."

"Elements, refining tools, everything is good"

"Is it a diversified civilization? That's not to be underestimated"

"Indeed, any diverse civilization has unlimited possibilities."

Sighing repeatedly, the strong men of the wizard civilization were also shocked.

Diversified civilizations cannot be underestimated.

They all have infinite possibilities.

Given time, they really have the possibility to create miracles.

And this, the wizard civilization I have witnessed it countless times

"Even a diversified civilization needs time to grow."

"It's a pity that they have no chance to grow"

"That's true."

After a series of discussions, the strong men of the wizarding civilization also condensed their eyes, showing a hint of coldness...

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