At this time, in the chaos near the starry sky, Yu Ziyu stood quietly

"Has it started?"

Yu Ziyu smiled, as if he understood everything.

He was obviously not on the battlefield, but he seemed to be on the battlefield in person.

This is Yu Ziyu.

Carrying time and space, he has already grasped the overall situation.

Now, the entire civilized war is in the palm of his hand..

It can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

It can be controlled with a flip of the hand.

If he raises his hand, he can even control the entire vanguard of wizard civilization.

But there is no need.

Now he is just a spectator. The only people he cares about are wizards. The figure behind the civilized advance force.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also said in anticipation:

"I don’t know when the Dark Witch King will come here"

"He probably won't come."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling suddenly said"Zero Five Seven"

"It is impossible for an existence like his to come here on such a small civilized battlefield."

"I do not think so."

Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he saw something


Chaos Bell Zhenling was a little surprised.

"What did you see?"

"That's right."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu said frankly:

"I'm destined to meet someone...No matter what the circumstances, it cannot be stopped."

Listening quietly, even the Chaos Bell Zhenling fell into silence.

For some reason, she felt that Yu Ziyu seemed to be even more unfathomable.

But at this time, what no one knew was that Yu Ziyu's eyes fell on the long river of time. Up.

At the end of the long river of time, there was already a black-robed figure, standing quietly.

It seemed to be waiting....

Waiting for someone to arrive.

However, his figure is very blurry.

It looks like it doesn't exist

"primitive beast"


With a response, a figure with six wings as thin as a cicada appeared in front of Yu Ziyu.

He knelt on one knee. His face was serious.

"You lead the army and rush to the divine blood world...lurking in the dark"

"To prevent accidents from happening."

Listening quietly to Yu Ziyu's words, the primitive beast also nodded.

"Yes, master."

With a response, the figure of the primitive beast also disappeared into the chaos.

Yu Ziyu was left alone, standing alone in the chaos.

His eyes were calm, like a deep pool.


To be honest, Yu Ziyu didn't say anything about him to anyone. He did not tell the Tribunal of

Life, nor the Transcendent, about the dispatch of the Primordial Beast.

This was done in secret.

It was for the purpose of surprise.

Only this kind of secret chess can play a role at the critical moment.

Yu Ziyu did not even arrange for the Primordial Beast. Teleport.

What he wants is the primitive beast, so he rushes there alone

"I hope the original beast can exceed my imagination."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Yu Ziyu showed a look of expectation.

At this moment, the war on the bloody city wall was still going on.

This is destined to be a long war.

The fusion legions of the wizard civilization are countless.

It is the wizard Civilization, the most terrifying legion in number.

Moreover, this is the so-called death squad.

They will not care how many people die.

If this can consume the vitality of the hostile civilization, then it is the best.

And such a legion has repeatedly attacked the bloody city wall line of defense

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One roar after another, countless roars were set off under the city wall.

An unimaginably brutal battle broke out.

The previous Fairy Lingluo had already been severely injured.

If it weren't for the monks who risked their lives to save her, she might not have survived.

As for that cultivator of peace, although he was terrifying, he could not stand alone.

Not only that, the three top masters of the elemental clan also had numb scalps. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) How to fight against the endless killing ? However, what they don’t know at this time is that the Life Tribunal hanging in the divine blood world will start immediately Organize information

"This legion is endless in number"

"And the more they fight, the stronger they become. They can be regarded as the so-called forbidden army, which is indeed terrifying. It is estimated that only the Starry Sky World and those few taboo legions can fight."

The Tribunal of Life immediately thought of the Scourge of the Undead.

The Scourge of the Undead is also dominated by numbers.

It turns enemies into comrades.

The dead are resurrected.

There are no undead people on the battlefield.

But every dead person will enhance the power of the Scourge of the Undead.......

This is the horror of the undead natural disaster.

And this legion is terrifying in number.

And every member who dies will become part of the teammate.

From the initial number of hundreds of millions to the current number of tens of millions.

But the strength of a single unit has increased more than dozens of times.

If these two legions met, which one would win and which one would be weaker?

The Living Tribunal doesn’t know.

However, he is optimistic about the undead natural disaster. the reason is simple.

The natural disaster of the undead can transform the dead.

Those dead have not yet become part of the teammates, and may have turned into skeletal life.

In this way, the most powerful point of the Fusion Legion was suppressed.

From another perspective, the Undead Scourge is very weak against the Fusion Legion.

Even calling it Tianke is not an exaggeration.

It's just a pity.

The natural disaster of the undead cannot come here.

This is the forbidden army that belongs exclusively to the starry sky.

The Living Tribunal cannot be dispatched.

Moreover, this time, he mainly wanted to test the details of wizard civilization.

Now, one of the details has been revealed

"The unknown legion is good at fusion. It gets stronger as it fights. After death, it can become part of its teammates....."

The Court of Life is sorting things out.

Then, start observing.

However, he still raised his brows as he looked at the increasingly terrifying Fusion Legion.

If this continues, let alone a million years.

It’s hard to hold on even for 3.1 years


With a sigh, the Life Court also contacted Lightning Eternity.

At the same time, the lightning eternity not far from the bloody city wall also let out a cold snort.


"Even a low-level legion dared to make such a noise."

As he finished speaking, his whole body was filled with lightning.


The sudden piercing of the sky shook the chaos.

Visible to the naked eye, countless afterimages emerge.

It's obviously an afterimage.

But everything seems to be true.

This is divine speed.

The ultimate in speed.

Turn fiction into reality.

In an instant, thousands of selves are transformed.

All of them seem real.

In other words, the speed of his shots is like thousands of himself, shooting at the same time.

This is the most powerful attack of Speed ​​Eternal..

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