The bloody city wall towers high in the chaos.

Like an immortal barrier.

Carrying everything.

And this is the first line of defense of the Divine Blood World - the bloody city wall.

Regarding this city wall, the advance troops of the wizard civilization were obviously aware of it.

"Lord Xingyu, that bloody city wall must have been built by this foreign civilization to resist us."


While slightly nodding, the Star Language Singer also raised her eyes.

There, there was a picture.

In the picture, there was a bloody city wall, standing quietly.

This city wall was extremely vast and towering.

It's hard to imagine that it was human power. Construction.

And, it is still built in chaos.

You know, the most terrifying thing in chaos is the chaos storm.

When the storm rises, not even ordinary masters can withstand it.

Let alone ordinary practitioners.

But even like this

"This city wall has many runes engraved on it...It is not easy to destroy."

The star singer noticed this.

However, it was not a big problem.

During the long battle, they encountered too many difficult things.

A city wall like this is not special.

So, a 370 smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Yes, the star singer also gave instructions:

"Since it is a gift prepared for us by a foreign civilization, let’s try to break through it."


There was a chorus of responses, with countless figures taking orders.

And not long after that, under the gaze of countless strong men in the Divine Blood World, countless figures rushed towards the bloody city wall like a torrent.

It's just that these figures are very strange.

Most of them are not human beings.

Instead, it looks like a fusion of various monsters.

And this is the synthetic beast unique to the wizard civilization.

Fusion beast.

For the so-called war of civilization, almost every wizard will study synthetic beasts.

Like ordinary fourth-level wizards, there are at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of synthetic beasts in captivity.

As for the fifth and sixth levels, even millions of them are kept in captivity...

However, it's not scary.

The truly terrifying ones are those dominant-level beings.

They all have small worlds with countless synthetic beasts in them.

So, a wizard is a legion.

Thousands of wizards gathered.

That is an extremely terrifying army.

Such as (befj) today, the so-called synthetic beast army is coming out.

These synthetic beasts do not know death.

Don't know fear.

Some just rush forward one after another.

"what are these?"

"It's so weird, I feel irrational"

"It's strange, but it's better to be careful"


There were continuous discussions, and everyone's eyes were focused on these synthetic beasts.

However, it is still necessary to fight.

"Ohh Ohh ohh..."

The horn of war sounds in the chaos.

One after another, deep muzzles emerged from the city wall.

The formation flashed, and countless cannon muzzles began to gather terrifying light.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, the entire chaos was trembling.

Immediately afterwards,

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

"Oow, ooh..."

The shrill screams resounded through most of the chaos.

That was the cry of countless synthetic beasts.

Visible to the naked eye, one synthetic beast after another turned into powder.

But more synthetic beasts rushed in one after another

"Is this wizard civilization? So weak?"

On the city wall, some people were puzzled.

Isn't this asking for death?

What they don't know is that the synthetic beasts are the lowest level of wizard civilization.

They don't care how many people die.

Moreover, the synthetic beasts are not like them. It seems so simple.

Just like now, those countless synthetic beasts turned into powder are actually gathering...

Visible to the naked eye, a larger and more ferocious synthetic beast emerged from the chaos. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And this is the most terrifying characteristic of the Synthetic Beast Legion.

All destruction is for the sake of a more powerful new body.

Therefore, just a moment later, there were strong men from the Divine Blood World who noticed something was wrong.

"Do you feel that the strength of these monsters is increasing?"

"How can it be?"

"Ascension, are you kidding me?"

Somewhat stunned, more puzzled.

But at the next moment,


There was a sudden roar, and a huge black claw that covered the sky and sun came from the deepest part of the chaos.


The terrifying roar shook the entire chaos.

It also caused the expressions of countless powerful men in the Divine Blood World to change slightly.

Just because this turned out to be a synthetic beast that was destroyed by gunfire before.

Just now it was only the sixth level of Transcendence.

But now, the aura it exudes has reached the seventh level of extraordinary.

And this is not terrible

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Continuous low roars sounded in the chaos.

The auras of each synthetic beast are increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a short while, a group of synthetic beasts who had reached the seventh level of the extraordinary were approaching the city wall.

"Take action."

Seeing this, the countless masters of the Divine Blood World couldn't sit still.

They all chose to take action.

At this time, countless figures from the vanguard of the wizard civilization and the base camp from far away smiled when they saw this.

"What a stupid civilization"

"How dare you take the initiative to crush the synthetic beast with physical attacks?"

"Doesn't this give the synthetic beasts a chance to evolve?"

"I think this synthetic beast alone is enough to defeat the city wall."

There were continuous discussions, and the faces of one figure after another showed anticipation.

They knew how terrifying the synthetic beasts were.

These monsters have the potential to continuously evolve.

Moreover, they can evolve in an instant.

The only drawback is that they are not very intelligent.

However, , used as a war weapon, it is quite good.

I think back then, they defeated countless civilizations with the help of synthetic beasts.

And this seems to be another civilization

"Unfortunately, the evolution of synthetic beasts has its limits."

Suddenly sighing, a wizard also pointed out the shortcomings of the synthetic beasts.

Their evolution has a limit.

This is uncomfortable.

However, quality cannot win.

Then quantity.

Can you imagine?

One after another with a dominance level of synthesis The beast keeps coming out.

Moreover, it is not afraid of life. What a terrifying scene that will be?.

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