Although Yuan Devouring Beast and Speed ​​Eternal are not bad.

But one of them specializes in guerrillas and the other specializes in involvement, so things can easily go wrong. so

"Hope they can hold on."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu continued to play with his own branches and willow leaves.

The refining of the magic gun is a bit expensive....

But other refining is not a big problem.

Now, he likes to refine some gadgets while recuperating.

One is used to cultivate sentiment.

The second one is used to enhance the strength of subordinates.

Don't look at the gadgets he refined, they are not very eye-catching.

But in the starry sky, every one of them is a master-level existence, vying for treasures.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu refined a willow leaf.

This willow leaf is as green as jade.

There are ancient runes all over the body.

Picking up this willow leaf, Yu Ziyu suddenly started playing.

For a moment, a strange sound sounded in the chaos.

This sound is very strange, as if it can purify people's souls.

There's something even more weird that can't be said.

"How did you start studying music?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling was a little confused.

"An eternity of the wizarding civilization is an eternity that carries the law of sound. I want to know something about it."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked deeply at Chaos Bell Zhenling:

"I almost forgot about you, the bells of chaos rang, and everyone admired you."

In terms of sound, the true spirit of the Chaos Bell is still domineering.

One bell is enough to shake the eternity.

It can even ring from the end of the long river of time.

Even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, the bell still remains.

"The law of sound."

Chaos Bell Zhenling's eyes were thoughtful.

Immediately, he smiled and said:

"We can discuss this aspect."

Since Yu Ziyu wants to study the law of sound, the true spirit of the Chaos Bell naturally agrees. To be honest, the real laws of the Chaos Bell are time and space.

It has the power to reverse the time and space of the heavens, evolve the mysteries of heaven, and refine the earth, water, and fire. The power of wind.

Secondly, there is sound.

There is an old saying:"The sound of the bell is loud, the universe is brilliant, the sky and the earth are dimmed, and the universe is shaken.""

And this is where the power of the Chaos Bell lies.

Yu Ziyu was naturally delighted when he heard that the true spirit of the Chaos Bell wanted to discuss the law of sound with him.

The two of them sat opposite each other.


The faint ringing of bells sounded from the depths of chaos, and at the next moment, the strange sounds emanating from the willow leaves were also intertwined.

A bell, a leaf, actually began to resonate strangely in the chaos.

At this time, if the star singer of the wizard civilization were here, her expression would definitely change.

Although this voice cannot reach the soul like hers.

But the victory is domineering.

Absolutely domineering.

No one can question it.

It's scary.

Horror beyond imagination.

At this time, the advance troops of the wizard civilization also discovered traces of some of the advance troops of the Divine Blood World.

In the short battle, the wizard civilization suffered some losses.

The Divine Blood Heaven and Earth also suffered some losses.

Moreover, the loss is not small.

Just like the previous advance team, five of the seven masters were lost.

The last two masters who escaped barely escaped because of the teleportation array.

But even so, they have not completely escaped pursuit.

It wasn't until he saw the majestic bloody city wall that towered far into the clouds in the vast chaos that the Windbreaker breathed a sigh of relief:

"I really escaped..."

Windrush couldn't believe it...

He didn't think he could escape.

You know, that's a complete wizard team.

The person leading the team is still the Eighth Heavenly Lord of the Tianmen.

But, just at this moment,

"Where else could you run?"

The faint voice came from behind, shocking the Windrunner.

Run, you must run fast.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, the Windrunner mobilized the last strength, turned into a hurricane, and headed towards the bloody city wall.

And in While running with all his strength, Windrush even shouted:

"help me..."

"help me..."(To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The continuous violent drinking attracted countless strong men on the city wall.

"Look, it's the blaster from the advance team."

"Someone is hunting him"


"Damn it, they actually came after us."

"Damn it, is this the wizarding civilization?"

"Do it, do it."

Exclaimed again and again, one figure after another shot down from the city wall.

In the distance, the wizard who was chasing the Windrusher also obviously noticed something, and let out a light sigh.

"Didn't you expect that someone would build a city wall in Chaos?"

This wizard was a little surprised.

However, his eyes were still slightly focused. As he slowly raised his hand, the wand in his hand suddenly burst out with bright light.

".~ Even with support, you can’t survive"

"Fall into reincarnation."

As the words fell, the gray beam of light seemed to tear through the entire chaos and headed towards the Windrusher.

This was a full-strength blow from the eighth level of Tianmen.

It carried the aura of destroying everything.

Even the Windrusher felt desperate.

"Am I going to die?"

Windrusher's face showed bitterness.

Even if he used all his strength to stir up the boundless storm, he felt that he could not withstand it.

However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded from his ears.

"wind...That's not how you use it."

As soon as these words were heard, what was originally a violent hurricane suddenly turned into wisps of breeze.

Soft and warm.

Just like a spring breeze.

But just like this wind, it actually cut through the gray beam of light, reaching that person The wizard leaves


When the wizard saw this, his expression changed drastically.

He immediately raised his hand

(Okay?) But even so, he still divided it into two parts starting from the center of his eyebrows.

Until, the whole body was broken into two halves.

This is when the imperial soldiers took action.

The emperor's soldiers use wind whispers to attack the emperor's soldiers at the top level.

Carrying the law of the wind.

In terms of understanding of the law of wind, even the ordinary Eternal Venerable is not as good as her.

Her laughter was like a silver bell, ringing in the chaos

"This is the correct way to open the wind."

The Wind Rider stared blankly, his eyes frozen.

The spring breeze seemed to be gentle, but it was so domineering?

He was a little puzzled.

But the next moment, Feng Yu was also a little surprised.

"I didn’t expect it to be just a puppet?"

"It is indeed a wizarding civilization..."

Although he was beheaded, this wizard turned out to be not the real person.

But the so-called puppet, avatar...

No wonder he spent so much effort chasing Fengdu..

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