Yu Ziyu is still very optimistic about Kun Pengzi.

There are four people in the starry sky and earth today

, and they are the closest to the realm of eternity.

One is a big snake, swallowing the inheritance of the beast of disaster, walking towards the realm of eternity step by step.

One is Kunpengzi, who carries the two paths of yin and yang, and is now considered unfathomable.

There are also purple sickles and golden ants.

They found another way and opened up an alternative path to enlightenment.

It's interesting.

Also worthy of praise.

And now

"Hopefully, they can all impact eternity."

While sighing, Yu Ziyu knew that this was impossible.

In the same era, it was unbelievable to think that four people could attain eternity.

However, we still have to have dreams.

What if it comes true?

Besides, they Impact eternity, each is different

""Three Nine Zero" is like a big snake, devouring inheritance, which is equivalent to welcoming the return of the beast of disaster.

The beast of disaster is an existence of eternal level.

Thinking about it this way, he is not impacting eternity. Instead, he is repairing to his original state.

As for the golden ants and the purple sickles, they are even more weird.

By merging together, they can obtain eternal combat power in a short time. Although it is only a preliminary fusion at present, the future is promising.

Kunpengzi, on the other hand, is a real impact on eternity.

This one is the right one. risk

"However, if Qiankun Gourd is really willing to follow him, he also has a lot of hope."

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also thought of the Qiankun Gourd.

This person, I don't know where he is now.

But it cannot be underestimated.

This is a treasure no less than the Three Lives Divine Stone.

Such a treasure means that the grudge against the Chaos Bell is too deep..

Otherwise, Yu Ziyu really didn’t mind subduing it and keeping it by her side.

And not long after that, the Vengeful Valkyrie suddenly came to her door.

"Lord of time and space, now that we have discovered traces of the advance troops of the wizard civilization, what should we do?"

The Revenge Valkyrie is a little curious.

Could it be that they are just sitting back and waiting for death?


"Of course he took action."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"I have arranged for the element-devouring beasts to lead troops to ambush them. I don’t want to kill them with one hit, but I want to lower their morale."


The Vengeful Valkyrie was a little stunned.

She didn't expect that Yu Ziyu had already made arrangements first.

However, this is also consistent with the character of the Lord of Time and Space.

Although he is a bit stubborn.

But he is not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others.

If you dare to provoke him, he will fight back.

Until all enemies are destroyed.

But now, he was ready to fight back.

However, at this moment, the Vengeful Valkyrie was a little curious:

"Lord of Time and Space, which legion did you let the Yuan Devouring Beast lead?"

The Devouring Beast does not have a powerful legion under his command.

He mostly works alone.

Therefore, the Vengeful Valkyrie is very curious about what legion the Devouring Beast will bring to ambush the advance troops of the wizard civilization.

"Of course they are the death-defying troops of the Divine Blood World."

"I said, if you can come back alive during this sneak attack, then it will be the glory of your ancestors and the mark of slavery will be removed...."

Listening quietly, the corners of Valkyrie's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

Good guys, the death-defying troops of the Divine Blood World.

The Lord of Time and Space is really ruthless.

For this world, squeeze it to the extreme.

However, this is also his style.

Absolutely selfish.

It is far better for one's own people than others imagine.

As for the people in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, sorry, they don’t count as one of our own.

If their sacrifices can reduce the sacrifices of the Starry Sky Civilization and the Mutant Civilization, then everything will be worthwhile.

With a smile in her heart, the Vengeful Valkyrie also looked forward to it.

At this time, in the chaos, a black cat galloped above the gray sea of ​​fog.

This is the element-devouring beast.

Now it has a bit of a headache.

He actually needed to lead a legion to ambush a civilized advance force.

Although, it's just an advance troop. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But that’s not a joke.

According to the estimate of the Devouring Beast, there are at least two Eternal Venerables.

By then, if he runs too slowly, he may never see the Valkyries and the others again.

Therefore, he is cautious.

Really cautious.

Perception is fully opened, speed is increased even more


Amidst the sudden roar, he accelerated and once again rushed towards the civilized advance force............

I don’t know how long it took, but the Yuan Devouring Beast shook violently.

Just because, at this moment, he actually felt the breath of countless lives.

There is no doubt that this is the vanguard of that civilization. the reason is simple.

It is chaotic and vast, and it is difficult to encounter living creatures.

Not to mention so many creatures. so,

"Meow, meow..."

Amidst the continuous neighing, the element-devouring beast opened its mouth

"Swish, swish, swish..."

In the continuous spitting, countless blood-red lives flew out of his mouth.

That was clearly a strong man from the divine blood civilization.

At a glance, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of people.

The number of people is still increasing.

What's even more frightening is that among these people, there are still many master-level beings.

Their auras are like gods and demons.

Sharp mouth and sharp teeth.

There are also various blood wings and blood claws.

It looks extremely ferocious and terrifying.

This is the strong man of the divine blood civilization.

They are of different races, but they use blood as a matchmaker.

Now, everyone obeys the orders of the Lord of Time and Space


The element-devouring beast let out a low roar, then used its power to wrap up the powerful men of the Divine Blood World, and then rushed towards the advance troops of that civilization.

He hesitated at 1.4.

I didn’t dare to hesitate.

Today, that civilized man has not discovered it.

With his sudden attack, he might still be able to achieve victory.

If he waited until they noticed or even reacted, he would be completely numb.

So, take action when it's time to take action.

Never hesitate for a moment


With a sudden roar, he galloped away as fast as a stream of light.

At this time, in the distant chaos.

A tall tower like a lighthouse stands quietly.

It is like a beacon in the chaos, illuminating the chaos.

Countless lives surround it, seemingly praying and praying for blessings.

However, if you look closely, you can see that most of the people are wearing gray robes, with their faces hidden.

It looks extremely mysterious..

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