The gray robe symbolizes the scepter of strength.

This is the wizard.

The legendary wizard.

Very similar to the legendary mage.

But wizards are more advanced.

Just because wizards are divided into body refining wizards, law wizards, weird wizards, and elemental wizards.

Different types of wizards correspond to different professions and power systems in the starry sky.

And now, many wizards are surrounding the most noble holy tower of the wizard clan, silently praying for blessings.

"May my family of wizards prosper"

"May my family of wizards prosper forever."

The simultaneous prayers resounded through the chaos.

But at this time, what no one knew was that in the deepest part of the holy tower, there was a figure sleeping quietly.

That was the wizard clan, the supreme master of the fifteenth ring.

Also. She is the so-called Eternal Lord.

She is called the Star Singer by the wizard clan!

It is said that this singer was born for music. She believes that she can change the world through music. Although others think she is crazy, In the end, she did it.

Relying on her voice, she achieved enlightenment in eternity.

SuccessThe immortal legend of the wizard clan.

What is worth mentioning is that she possesses 29 incredible empathy, can miraculously feel the souls around her, and can even convey her own voice through her voice.

Every frown and every smile is intoxicating.

Even the Lord of Tianmen might bow down because of her words.

Tens of millions of years ago, during a civilized war, this star singer came out alone and shook the entire civilized battlefield with a song.

Countless people were enveloped in her singing.

Encourage your allies and weaken your enemies.

One increase and one decrease.

In silence, the entire battlefield is changed.

Horrible to the extreme.

And at this moment, the beautiful figure sleeping in the holy tower suddenly trembled her eyelashes.

"Are there any enemies?"

She noticed...

Sensing the enemy's arrival


Amid a faint sigh, this beautiful figure slowly stood up.

Long pink hair flying like a waterfall.

A pair of crystal clear eyes seemed to reflect the entire world.

There was a hint of helplessness on her divinely beautiful face.

She doesn't like fighting.

But for the sake of fifty civilization, she had to step out.

This is because she is burdened with the rise and fall of a civilization.

As for why she sensed the enemy's arrival so suddenly.

That's naturally because the enemy comes with malicious intentions. malicious...

In her perception, it was as bright and brilliant as a candle in the dark night.

Extremely dazzling.

So, she slowly opened her mouth


And at the next moment, a beautiful singing voice that seemed to penetrate the entire chaos came from the Holy Tower.

At the same time, the element-devouring beast lurking in the dark had already approached the advance force.

No hesitation.

Don't even dare to hesitate.

The element-devouring beast looked at the high shining white holy tower, looked at the thousands of wizards, and suddenly raised its claws


It was like the sound of space breaking. Under the stunned gazes of countless wizards, the chaotic sky suddenly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a giant claw that covered the sky and sun emerged from the void.

This giant claw looks like a cat's claw, but it's extremely big.

It enveloped everything, turning the chaotic sky into darkness.

There are also countless black tentacles spurting out from the giant claws.

One blow, just one blow.

It made countless wizards feel the breath of destruction

"Is the supreme master..."


"It's an enemy attack, it's an enemy attack"


Continuous exclamations resounded in the chaos.

But at this moment,


Beautiful melody came from the white holy tower.

And the melody turned into little notes, joy, excitement, excitement...

All kinds of positive emotions were intertwined, and finally turned into a torrent of music, crashing into the sky above the chaos. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


There was a sudden loud noise, the chaos was shaken, and boundless wind and waves were blowing.


The Yuan Devouring Beast was a little surprised.

His long-planned attack was actually blocked.


"What's this?"

The element-devouring beast was a little confused.

A song unexpectedly sounded in his ears.

The song was so beautiful.

So natural that it seemed to be lost.

Yes, lost.

A trace of confusion flashed deep in its eyes.

But for a moment, The element-devouring beast shook its head, suddenly awakened.

Just at this moment, its pores stood up, and a chill spread across the soles of its feet.


With a sudden roar, the Yuan Devouring Beast seemed to have been hit hard, and its entire body flew backwards.

And that is the power of music.

The seemingly harmless torrent of music quietly reached him.

It exploded violently, turning into waves of sound that connected to the sky and the earth, knocking it away in an instant.

However, at the moment of flying upside down, the element-devouring beast still opened one exit after another.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Countless black whirlpools swirled like black holes.

Along with it, countless bloody figures spurted out.

And that 453 was clearly a strong man from the divine blood clan.

They roared and screamed...

Fight bravely

"Fight for the blood of heaven and earth"

"Fight for future generations."

Roaring continuously, countless strong men of the divine blood clan are not afraid of death....

It turned into one bloody torrent after another.

The star singer didn't care about these.

The one she cares more about is the fleeting supreme master.


Taking a deep breath, the Star Language singer lifted her steps.

He actually stepped on the sound waves and headed straight towards the element-devouring beast.

"Now that you're here, don't leave."

Obviously, this sound is extremely pleasant to hear, like the sound of nature, and even better, like the voice of heaven.

But to the ears of the Devouring Beast, it is extremely terrifying.

"Damn, this is no ordinary eternity."

The element-devouring beast cursed secretly, and then rushed towards the distance without looking back.

It was not afraid of this eternity.

It was just afraid that the rest of the eternity in this advance force would arrive.

When the time comes, it would like to Not as good as that

"Where else do you want to go?"

A long and leisurely voice came from afar.

Then, from the silent chaos, a very high-pitched voice suddenly sounded.

It was actually a war song.

Yes, a war song.

A magnificent and vast war song, like thunder on the ground, Boom!.

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