What is due should be due.

But the rewards are indispensable.

Yu Ziyu never treats others badly in this regard.

Besides, today's starry sky has the so-called ranking of all races.

This ranking of all races is very important.

To a large extent, it determines the allocation of resources.

The top three are recognized by all races as the strongest clan.

For example, the Dragon Clan ranks first.

Angel clan, ranked second.

The Monster Race ranks third.

These are the top three races among all races today.

All of them are extremely terrifying.

Of course, it goes without saying much about the Dragon Clan.

As the overlords of all ages, they are worthy of the reputation of the strongest clan.

Even in this new era, they are still strong.

The Dragon King dreams, and the Dragon King ends.

These famous dragon kings established the position of the first race of the dragon clan.

As for the angel clan, I can only say that the Fallen Angel Legion is too terrifying.

During the two civilizational wars, they made great contributions and promoted the entire angel clan into the top three.

As for the last demon clan, it certainly goes without saying.

Yu Ziyu was born into the demon clan.

Everything is a monster.

If it weren't for the fact that the Monster Clan has never been truly unified, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call them the most powerful clan.

Secondly, there is the human race, the clan. and many other races.

These races are not weak either.

The Kunpeng clan can now be considered a powerful clan.

Among the ten powerful clans, it ranks ninth among all clans.

It's just a pity that the Kunpeng clan has a sparse population.

Secondly, he has not accomplished much.

This makes it difficult to go further.

However, this time, the Kunpeng clan was dormant in chaos and was the first to discover traces of the wizard civilization.

This is important.

It is enough to raise the ranking of the Kunpeng clan by one level.

And this time, Yu Ziyu came here just for this.

However, he did not expect that Kun Pengzi would reach this point.

"Your cultivation level..."

After sighing, Yu Ziyu said:

"Next, do you plan to attack the Eternal Lord directly?"

Eternal Venerable, now it seems that Kun Pengzi does have a powerful impact.

Moreover, there is still a great opportunity.

But he may need a treasure.

"how to say? I'm not sure yet. Kun

Pengzi smiled bitterly, and then said frankly:

"Impacting eternity, narrow escape from death, I feel that I can still settle down"

"That's for sure."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"In the starry sky and the earth, two great treasures were born"

"One is the Three Lives Divine Stone, which can project the past, present, and future."

"One is the Qiankun Gourd...It's even more weird"

"However, the Qiankun Gourd has long since disappeared into the starry sky and is difficult to find."

"If you find it, and then use the power of the Qiankun Gourd, you may be able to increase your chances by 10%."

Listening quietly, Kun Pengzi also fell silent.

Qiankun Gourd, this is somewhat interesting.

However, he has never heard of it.

At this time, as if he saw Kun Pengzi's thoughts, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

This It is the secret of the starry sky, and only the Chaos Bell Zhenling knows it. By the way, if you find the Qiankun Gourd, you must remember one thing, that is, you must not mention the Chaos Bell in front of him. Kun Pengzi was slightly startled, and Kun Pengzi also raised his head. He glanced at the figure next to Yu Ziyu.

Chaos Clock? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Good guy, is it possible that the Qiankun Gourd and Chaos Clock still have a grudge?

However, since the eldest brother said so.

Then he naturally understands

"Got it, brother."

With a response, Kunpengzi also understood.

Not long after that, Yu Ziyu also sent the rain of life, and at the same time promised the Kunpeng clan a lot of resources.

Rewards and punishments are the way to rule.

And now , the rewards that should be given have been given in place.

Yu Ziyu also chose to leave.

However, at this moment, Chaos Zhong Zhenling suddenly said:

"You actually arranged for people to search for the Qiankun Gourd again?"

"The Gourd of Heaven and Earth is a treasure in the starry sky that must be mastered by someone. Rather than handing it over to others, it is better to hand it over to someone you trust. Anyway, there is no way that the Gourd of Heaven and Earth could fall into my hands."

Hearing this, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also smiled.

That's for sure.

Regarding her grudges with Qiankun Gourd, if Qiankun Gourd knew that Yu Ziyu was her master, Qiankun Gourd would probably be the first to take action against Yu Ziyu.

However, think about it. , Chaos Bell Zhenling also has some regrets.

He was too impatient at the beginning.

It is obvious that the Three Lives Divine Stone and the Qiankun Gourd are not inferior to his treasures of heaven and earth.

But because of her impatience, these two treasures are still They were born prematurely before they were fully conceived.

This not only damaged the origins of the two great treasures, but also caused them to lose the possibility of going further.

They even declined in grade.

"If I hadn't been in a hurry back then, now, with our three great treasures working together, we might be able to fight against the Great Desolate."

With a sigh, Chaos Bell Zhenling also felt a little regretful.

"In fact, you don't need to regret it."

Yu Ziyu smiled

"Chaos does not allow three treasures of heaven and earth to coexist in one world...Perhaps, now is the best ending for the Three Lives Divine Stone and the Qiankun Gourd."

Listening quietly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also nodded.

She is also aware of this.


There are obviously better solutions to some things.


However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu changed the topic and said;

"Do you think Kunpengzi’s hope for eternity is great?"

Not small.

In response, Chaos Bell Zhenling also affirmed Kun Pengzi's talent.

"Kunpengzi is one of the top three in the world in terms of talent alone, and his luck and other aspects are not bad either."

"In today's starry sky, he is considered one of the top five."

If it is impossible for him to prove eternity, then there will be no third person in the starry sky.

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

His second brother is indeed good.

However, things like impacting eternity are still difficult. It’s hard to say.

Nine deaths is actually a euphemism.

The real term is ten deaths and one life. Winning a slim chance of survival in the cracks.

This is the true eternal way.

"I only hope that our starry sky will have a second Eternal Lord to come out of B!".

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