The big snake was a little anxious.

Yu Ziyu can understand.

However, the most taboo thing about spiritual practice is impatience.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is also suppressing the impatience of the snake intentionally or unintentionally.

"Judging from the current situation, Orochi should have a good chance of setting foot in eternity."

Yu Ziyu smiled, looking forward to it.

If Orochi can set foot in eternity, it will be a great enhancement for his starry sky lineage.

Especially Orochi, he is his most loyal subordinate.

There is no possibility of betrayal.

This For Yu Ziyu, this is very good.

It can further consolidate his position in civilization.

"Nowadays, my lineage is too thin"

"It's also a good thing that the Transcendent doesn't like power."

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also showed mixed expressions.

He was very lucky to have met the Transcendent.

The Transcendent was extremely powerful, but he did not like fame, wealth and other things. Therefore, he had the possibility of perfect cooperation with the Transcendent.

Because although Yu Ziyu He doesn’t mind cooperation.

But he has his own pride in his heart.

And this pride does not allow him to bow his head.

770 No matter who he cooperates with, Yu Ziyu will not allow himself to bow his head.

"The Transcendent is really good and the best person to cooperate with."

"And the key is that he knows the existence of Daozu, and is extremely afraid of Daozu."

"This is also the basis for our cooperation with him."

Quietly listening to the voice of Chaos Bell Zhenling, Yu Ziyu nodded.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Our people have noticed traces of the soul wizard civilization...."

"On their way here, they expected to arrive near the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth in five hundred years."

This is the voice of the Vengeful Valkyrie.

Although she is sitting in the starry sky, she still has another job.

That is to find out the traces of the wizard civilization.

So far, it seems not bad.

They have really noticed the existence of the wizard civilization.

"Are they aware of your presence?"

Yu Ziyu was a little curious.


Speaking of this, the Vengeful Valkyrie also said bluntly:

"I arranged for the Kunpeng clan to go and investigate."

"They are giant beasts of chaos, using chaos as the sea, they are fish in the water..."

"Today, the Kunpeng clan is distributed in all directions, always watching the starry sky and the divine blood world."

"If there is any abnormality, it will be reported as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

"well done."

Chaos behemoths are relatively common in chaos.

It is not surprising to encounter them occasionally.

However, a few people know that this chaos behemoth is actually the eyes and ears of the starry sky civilization.

Of course, they are also There is a possibility of being discovered.

If the soul is searched, it is very likely to expose the existence of the starry sky civilization.

But the question is, how many people will search for the soul of the chaotic beast?

Moreover, the more important point is that Yu Ziyu has already done this to the Kunpeng clan Arrangement.

For a race like this dormant in the sea of ​​chaos, Yu Ziyu will directly set a seal.

If it really encounters a search for souls, it will backfire on itself immediately.

The body will die and the soul will be destroyed. For the Kunpeng clan, It's a bit cruel.

But they all accepted it.

They can still distinguish between the gains and losses of one person and the gains and losses of a civilization.

Searching for souls is a very terrifying method.

"Especially in the war of civilizations"

"Therefore, in order to prevent the loss of intelligence, necessary protection work is still needed."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also planned to meet Kunpengzi.

This is his second brother.

Now he is also the ancestor of the Kunpeng clan.

And now, the Kunpeng clan has made great achievements, and Yu Ziyu naturally needs a reward.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows


With one step, Yu Ziyu's entire body disappeared into chaos.

Deep in the chaos, there is a place.

From a distance, it looks like an island.

Ancient and majestic.

And this island is the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan.

Now, his second brother is in retreat here.

And at this time,


The sound of the bell is faint, completely reaching the sky. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don’t know that my brother has come from afar, so please forgive me."

Before the person emerged, a voice sounded.

Accompanied by it was a figure wearing a golden robe, walking out of the island.

This is Kun Pengzi.

He is as always. His face is unruly, as if he disdains the world.

But that look The look he looked at Yu Ziyu was extremely sincere.

"Long time no see."

Yu Ziyu chuckled.

Immediately, he raised his eyebrows

"You have reached this point."

Yu Ziyu was a little surprised.

Kun Pengzi was already halfway to the peak of eternity.

He was only half a step away from the so-called eternity.


"This is also thanks to the care of my elder brother."

Kun Pengzi said gratefully.

Yu Ziyu did not refute this.

As Yu Ziyu's second brother, he still took a lot of care of Kun Pengzi.

Tao tree, Bodhi tree...

Any of these treasures that could help him realize enlightenment were open to Kun Pengzi in unlimited quantities by Yu Ziyu.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu would invite Kun Pengzi to come every time he discussed Taoism.

As the eldest brother, Yu Ziyu will naturally not bear the name of eldest brother, but...

"If you want to step into eternity, you must understand your own way..."

"You have practiced the Kunpeng method long ago and clearly understood the way of yin and yang....But it may be a bit difficult to carry it."

Hearing Yu Ziyu's words, Kun Pengzi smiled bitterly and said:

"Brother, this is more than a little difficult"

"Simply impossible."

In this regard, Kun Pengzi was also helpless.

Only by truly impacting eternity can we understand how difficult it is to prove eternity.

I really don't know how his elder brother did it? He set foot on eternity at such a young age. What

's more, he was burdened with the heaviest burden.

The terrifying law - time and space.

However, this is his big brother.

Stunning in the past and present, and overwhelming in the era.

At this time, Kun Pengzi also said curiously:

"Brother, why are you here suddenly?"

"You Kunpeng clan have made great contributions, so I naturally need a reward."

Said, Yu Ziyu also briefly explained the situation.

"I see."

Hearing this, Kun Pengzi smiled.

"This is what we, the Kunpeng clan, should do. After all, we are part of all races and should dedicate ourselves to the stars."

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