Listening to Yuanshi Tianzun's voice, countless powerful men couldn't help but be shocked.

Did Ancestor Styx become a saint by relying on the Hongmeng Purple Qi of Master Tongtian?

Having said that

, countless people raised their eyes repeatedly and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Ancestor Minghe.

Sure enough, this Yuanshi Tianzun has the best face.

At this time, the murderous intention surged into the sky.

I want to tear this Ancestor of Styx apart.

Don’t wait for Yuanshi Tianzun to do anything

"Hum hum, so what?"

With a sneer, the clone of Ancestor Minghe left in Zixiao Palace also slowly dispersed, turned into blood and liquid all over the sky, and dissipated.

He was not interested in leaving the clone here for Yuanshi Tianzun to kill him. -.

However, he is looking forward to the next performance of Yuanshi Tianzun.

What will happen to this one? Will he rush directly to the sea of ​​​​blood in the Netherworld and ask for an explanation like his guide? this moment,

"Ancestor of Styx..."

With a loud shout, Yuanshi Tianzun looked into the distance.


A sudden roar. An earth-shattering momentum has erupted.

Before the Supreme Master could speak, he was already heading straight to the battlefield.

At this time, the Supreme Master was also silent for a rare moment. calm gaze...Like a deep pool.


However, he did not stop Yuanshi Tianzun.

This was almost impossible in the past.

After all, as long as he opens his mouth, Yuanshi Tianzun will definitely stop.

But now...

It can only be said that he is not unable to stop it now.

But I don't want to stop it.

This one, who conforms to the way of heaven and advocates the existence of inaction, may also be angry.

That was his junior brother, and even more so his biological brother.

We grew up together and practiced together...

But now, his junior brother is dead.

Even the last relic, Hongmeng Ziqi, was inherited.

How could he not be angry?

How can you not be angry?


In the faint voice, the Supreme Master's eyes became more and more indifferent.

At this time, the starry sky and the earth

"You are really ruthless, a clone with eternal fighting power, if you say self-destruct, you will self-destruct."

Chaos Bell Zhenling has a touch of playfulness.

"The reason why Donghuang's body has eternal combat power is because of the blessing of external objects, a ray of your origin, and the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation..."

Yu Ziyu said softly.

Immediately, the conversation changed and he said,"

However, Donghuang's body itself has not been completely destroyed, and it has retained a glimmer of hope. Let's see what happens next."


Nodding slightly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also said bluntly:"Everything is as you expected so far, the ancestor of Styx has really become a saint."

"Moreover, he also fought against the Two Saints of Buddhism."

Speaking of this, Chaos Bell Zhenling also had a touch of expectation:

"I don’t know if it will directly develop into a holy war, and the world will weep with blood."

"It can only be said that it is difficult."

In response, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"A saint is the status of the Emperor of Heaven, but also a yoke. It is impossible for these saints to fight without restraint"


Nodding, Chaos Bell Zhenling quite agrees with this point.

Compared with the throne of the starry sky, the restrictions of the saints seem to be greater.

In the prehistoric world, if the saints take action to destroy the world, they will be counterattacked by the heaven and the earth.

And this point, not in the starry sky Existence.

Yu Ziyu also used this to check and balance the ancient saints. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just like before, the body of Donghuang self-destructed. If the two Buddhist saints did not take the initiative to bear it, then the inevitable fate that awaits them It’s the backlash from the most powerful force in heaven and earth

"So what are you going to do next? Donghuang's body self-destructs...Your losses in the prehistoric times are not small."

"Next...How do you plan to plan for the great wilderness?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling is a little curious about this.

"Nothing more needs to be done."

In response softly, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"Now Styx is sanctified...Conflicts that have accumulated for many years will eventually break out"

"The two sages of Buddhism will not allow Patriarch Styx to exist."

"And Patriarch Styx has been burdened with the Hongmeng Purple Qi of Master Tongtian. Yuanshi Tianzun must be eager to crush his bones and ashes, and will not allow Patriarch Styx to exist...."

"The biggest contradiction is creation, and the next step is waiting...Waiting for the moment when Patriarch Styx and these three saints break the net."

Listening quietly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also looked surprised:

"This is why you taught the great ancestor of Styx the art of communicating with the blood god....In order for him to resist the siege of the three saints, if Styx does not die, then there will never be peace in the ancient world."


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

To be honest, his plan was not like this.

His original intention was to transform the body of the Eastern Emperor into the Eastern Emperor and start a war between humans and monsters again.

And then, Lingshan, Heavenly Court and many other All the forces were involved.

But I didn’t expect...By some mistake, the ancestor of Styx was made a saint.

Now, when I think about it, it is really terrifying for Patriarch Styx to become a saint.

Heaven will not tolerate it, Lingshan will not tolerate it...

This originally peaceful world suddenly sounded a real alarm. like now...Over Yuya...

In the Buddhist kingdom opened by the two sages of Buddhism, Ancestor Minghe wanted to kill these two sages directly.

His attacks were all extremely ruthless.

In this regard, the two Buddhist saints did not hold back at all.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and his power is astonishing.

All of them are killers.

Obviously, Patriarch Styx has been unhappy with the Second Saint of Buddhism for a long time.

As for the two Buddhist saints, they didn't have a good look towards demons like Patriarch Styx.

Now, Ancestor Styx has just become a saint, and his realm is still unstable.

At this time, if we don’t suppress it, then when will we wait?

"It's terrible."

With a sigh, through the perspective of the remaining body of Donghuang, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu suddenly felt that there was something strange about the remaining body of Donghuang.

"Haven't you fallen yet?"

A sudden voice sounded in the ears of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang Body.

After looking for the sound, a strange figure stood quietly in front of Yu Ziyu.

She slowly bent down and picked up the remaining pieces of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang Body from the ground. The stump.

It is the stump of the World Tree, which contains part of the origin and consciousness of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

And this figure is the saint of the underworld - Hou Tuqi.

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