Empress Houtu, a legendary existence.

It has the head of a human and the body of a snake, with seven hands on its back.

Of course, that is her Dharma form.

Hou Tu now looks like a human woman, wearing a long white dress.

Snow-white skin, as crystal clear as jade.

The exquisite facial features are like the most magnificent treasure in the world.

With a smile on her lips, she picked up the remaining tree roots of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

Then, he raised his eyes, glanced at the battle deep in the Buddhist Kingdom, and sighed:

"I didn’t expect the Styx Ancestor to become a saint, which is quite interesting."

Speaking of this, Empress Houtu looked at the remaining tree roots of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body:

"But it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. You'd better leave with me."

As soon as the words fell, Empress Houtu had already left Tanggu with the remains of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

"Forehead.."One hundred and fifty-seven"."

Silence, complete silence.

Yu Ziyu, who was still in the starry sky and earth, looked at this scene and didn't know what to say.

But at this moment, the perspective changed, and Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body followed Hou Tu to a brand new world. It seemed that should be the small world opened by Queen Hou Tu.

In this world, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

There was peace.

There is a peace that is different from the outside world.

But now, in the astonished eyes of Yu Ziyu Donghuang's body, Hou Tu actually came to the center of the world holding the stump of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang's body with both hands.

"This is my world, just stay here to recover."

As she spoke, she planted the remaining roots of Donghuang's body in the center of the world.


There was a sudden roar, and pure power continued to pour into Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

In just a moment, Yu Ziyu felt half recovered from his injuries.

"Is this the original power?"

Somewhat stunned, more surprised.

Yu Ziyu clearly realized that it was the original power that poured into Donghuang's body.

Moreover, it was also the origin of Houtu.

Warm and heavy.

As if it could carry everything in the world.

Give People have a feeling of extreme attachment.

However, the origin is extremely precious.

This is especially true for saints and even eternity.

But Hou Tu actually used his own origin to nourish Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.


Before Yu Ziyu spoke, Chaos Zhong Zhenling, who was watching from the side, already sighed:

"Your luck with women is really good"

"In the prehistoric times, you could actually let Hou Tu spare no effort to heal your wounds."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"It must be that Hou Tu has a kind heart."

"Kindness? you sure? If you are kind-hearted, you can use your source to help others heal their wounds. Then I am afraid that the earth behind you will have already died...."

Chaos Bell Zhenling's words were not finished, but the meaning was self-evident.

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also fell silent.

However, he didn't think Hou Tu was interested in him.

It should be simply gratitude to him.

If it weren't for his Dong Huang body, Hou Tu would still be kept in the dark.

We still don’t know who is behind the Lich War.

He still doesn’t know that the so-called Buddhist is the murderer who killed his brother.

When thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also sighed.

To some extent, Hou Tu is also a miserable person.

He has been guarding the underworld for hundreds of millions of years, with no one to accompany him, and even more so, he has been burdened with a sea of ​​blood and hatred.

"In the eyes of the two Buddhist saints and even other saints, this woman must be really stupid."

While sighing in her heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling:

"Do you think it is possible for Hou Tu to join us?"

"impossible. Shaking his head decisively, Chaos Bell Zhenling also said bluntly:

"Hou Tu just loves living beings so much that he is willing to give up everything for living beings"

"In the battle between heaven and earth, the injured are the living beings." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"She will never join us, let alone start a war with Honghuang."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

This is true.

However, now, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

I originally thought that Donghuang's body would be completely destroyed.

But Hou Tu actually came to save him.

He was nourished by his origin.

From this point of view, His Donghuang body still has a day to recover.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu has a feeling that his Donghuang body may be more than just a simple recovery.

"New life after destruction...In exchange, it may be...."

The faint voice carries a touch of inexplicable expectation0....

At this time, above Tang Valley.

The battle continues.

However, the Ancestor of Styx only sent his clone after all, and the main body was still sitting in the Netherworld Blood Sea.

After just a short while, he was already unable to continue.

It is difficult to continue fighting against the two Buddhist saints.

However, this is enough for Ancestor Styx.

Nowadays, the two sages of Buddhism, Zhunti, have been severely damaged.

The injuries appeared to be minor.

But he alone is not a big threat to Ancestor Styx. instead...

His eyes narrowed slightly, but Ancestor Minghe was about to disperse the clones fighting in the sky above Tang Valley.

Because he felt it...

I felt a world-shattering pressure coming from the direction of the Netherworld Blood Sea.

And that is clearly...

"Give me the town!"

A roar like thunder resounded between heaven and earth.

Accompanied by it, an ancient and terrifying jade Ruyi covered the sky and sun, and smashed towards the entire sea of ​​​​blood in the Netherworld.

The Three Treasures Jade Ruyi.

This is the Yuanshi Tianzun The magic weapon that made him famous.

In the Battle of the Gods, he used this magic weapon to break the Yellow River Formation and even killed Empress Qiongxian.

Now, this magic weapon has appeared again.

It has brought destruction to the world. The momentum of the attack towards the Netherworld Blood Sea.

If we say that in the previous Battle of the Gods, Yuanshi Tianzun only fought in a small way, with less than one-tenth of the power.

Then 5.6 this time,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The Three Treasure Jade Ruyi has not yet fallen into the Netherworld Blood Sea, and the boundless Netherworld Blood Sea has already set off huge waves.

The center of the Netherworld Blood Sea is constantly sinking downwards.

Countless Shura clan members are extremely timid.

They could clearly feel the extremely terrifying aura.

With destruction, with determination.

There is even greater horror that no one in the world can question.

"Fellow Taoist, why bother?"

A faint voice resounded from the heaven and the earth.

But one wave after another, the waves of blood rolled back and intertwined. They turned into a sky curtain, blocking the three treasures and jade Ruyi.


There was a loud noise, the heaven and earth shook, and boundless air waves swept across most of the sky..

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