There was no time to be shocked that Patriarch Styx suddenly became a saint.

There was no time to be shocked when Patriarch Styx suddenly took action against them.

Now, the most troublesome thing for Jieyin and Zhunti is the self-destruction coming towards them.

This is a terrifying self-destruction that can shatter a whole world.

It is also a self-destruction that is enough to overturn half of the world.

After all, this is the Zhoutian Star Formation, plus a ray of projection from the Chaos Clock, and most of the cultivation of Donghuang's body.

The superposition of several, although still not as good as the self-destruction of a saint.

But the power is indescribable.

However, this is not the key yet.

The key is that Zhunti and Jieyin did not dare to let this self-destructive force spread to the ancient world.

If it spreads to the ancient world, it will really destroy half of the ancient world.

The two saints were afraid that they would have to bear the backlash for most of the world.

Think about it, too.

As the guardian of heaven and earth, a quasi-sage actually blew himself up under their noses.

And he was still forced by the two of them.

If they are not the ones to bear the backlash from heaven and earth, who will bear it?

Therefore, when their expressions changed drastically, the two saints took action immediately and took the initiative to intercept this power.

Even, 720 will intercept all the self-destruction power that is about to spread.

And this, pfft...

Beings like Zhunti and even Jie Yin couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Especially Zhunti, there was blood spilling from the corner. he got hurt.

And it's not just any minor injury.

The two of them even took the initiative to bear the near-zero self-destruction.

The consequences are beyond their imagination


Zhunti shouted sharply, with unspeakable anger and madness in his words.

Not only him, but also the sad look on Jie Yin's face became more and more intense.

Both of them can be regarded as hurting their origins.

However, at this time, the battle seems not to be over yet.

Because, at this moment, Zhunti and Jieyin felt a strong crisis at the same time.


With a cry of surprise, a big bloody hand tore apart the Buddhist kingdom and struck at the two of them.

"You... Damn it!!"

The stern shouts were like thunder.

The ancestor of Styx, with soaring anger, came towards them (acea)


The sudden loud noise was as strong as a Zhunti and it flew away with one palm, spanning countless thousands of miles.

"Ancestor Styx, have you become a saint?"

With a touch of puzzlement, Hui Yin was also stunned.


There was no response, only Ancestor Styx raised his hand again. As the blood rolled back, waves of blood surged up, constantly attacking Jie Yin and Zhunti.

The current ancestor of Styx is very angry.

Really angry.

He had just become a saint, and before he had time to rejoice, he heard his mysterious guide give him his first mission.

Or rather, request.

That is to save the current Donghuang.

He didn't know why he wanted to save Donghuang.

Don't want to know either.

But the problem is...This was the first task given to him by his guide.

But now, Patriarch Styx watched helplessly as Donghuang blew himself up right under his nose.

This really makes Ancestor Ming He lose his face.

You know, he is extremely grateful to his guide now.

It’s rare for a guide to have such a request.

But he didn't finish it. even more...

So, how could he not be angry?

And the key is that the person who took action against Donghuang was the Second Sage of Buddhism.

I remember that at the beginning, Buddhism bullied them time and time again because they had saints.

They also came to transition one after another.

His Patriarch Styx has been dissatisfied with Buddhism for many years.

That is to say, the strength is not as good as others.

Otherwise, Patriarch Styx would have broken up with Buddhism long ago.

And now...

New grudges plus old grudges, let’s count them together

"You two shameless guys didn't care about your own status and attacked a quasi-sage."

Ancestor Styx yelled.

When the blood wave rolled back, it turned into two bloody giant pythons, spanning hundreds of millions of miles of sky, attacking the two saints.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There were continuous roars, and the two saints were shocked at the same time.

They were already hurt.

Now, a saint is even more furious and attacks them.

So much so that they are irresistible

"Why can you become a saint?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Jie

Yin spoke in a low voice, and the Buddha's light filled his body.

With his hands clasped together, there was an extremely huge swastika seal, which rose into the air and slammed into it. Bloody Python

"snort...Thanks to Taozu for his respect."

Ancestor Minghe shouted.

But he still explained the reason for becoming a saint.

Of course, this must be a lie. Thanks to the Tao Ancestor for his respect? If the Tao Ancestor valued it, he would have been a saint for many years. Why should he become a saint now?

He just , a false shot. It just gave the two saints of Buddhism a wrong understanding. At the same time, Patriarch Styx kept accumulating strength. Taking advantage of his illness, he killed him. Now, the two saints of Buddhism are both injured. Taking advantage of this opportunity, If one of them is seriously injured, he will probably have no worries for thousands of years. However, at this moment,

"How can this be?"

At the entrance of Zixiao Palace, countless figures were shocked.

They were all existences that stood at the top of the world.

However, now, they were all dumbfounded.

Their eyes were all looking not far away.

There, an old man in black robe, Sit cross-legged quietly.

That is the clone of the ancestor of Styx.

"How can you become a saint? Kunpeng exclaimed in disbelief.

"Why can't I."

Ancestor Styx grinned.

Immediately, he stood up and said to the many figures:

"I, thanks to the respect of Taozu, have become the seventh saint today."

After a simple narration, everyone looked stunned.

However, at this moment, an extremely cold gaze suddenly looked at the ancestor of Styx.

"Are you relying on Hongmeng Purple Qi to become a saint?"

"Moreover, I relied on my junior brother’s Hongmeng Purple Qi to become a saint."

Yuanshi Tianzun stood up slowly.

An unimaginable pressure rose up.

He was angry.

Unimaginably angry.

He didn't know where the ancestor of Minghe got the Hongmeng Purple Qi from his junior brother Tongtian.

But Now...

He was able to confirm one thing.

That is, his junior brother's Hongmeng Purple Qi is in the body of Ancestor Styx.

The hidden and extremely familiar Zhuxian Sword Intent reminded him all the time..

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