At this time, in the starry sky and the earth, in the depths of chaos

"Zhunti has a lot of reservations."

With a sigh, the Chaos Bell Zhenling also looked at the light curtain not far away.

There, a great battle was projected.

She saw

Zhunti's reservations.

"A saint cannot attack with all his strength in the ancient world."

"They are the same as the thrones in our starry sky, their duty is to protect the heaven and earth"

"If they destroy the world, then I'm sorry, the backlash from the world waiting for them is far more terrifying than you imagine."

Yu Ziyu created the throne, so he naturally knows what the saint is like.

He is just a puppet supported by the ancestors of the prehistoric era.

He supervises and protects the world.

This is also the reason why the prehistoric saint rarely takes action.

It's not that he can't take action.

It's that he doesn't dare to take action.

Just Like now, if Zhunti wipes out Tang Gu, the backlash he will endure will be unimaginable. However, the problem now is that it seems difficult to erase him.

If he comes by force, he will definitely fight to the death with Donghuang's body.

And at that time, He couldn't bear the backlash.

So, he left.

Without a trace of hesitation

"Zhunti's mind is indeed clear."

With a sigh, Hunzhong Ling also praised.

If it was Yuan Shi, he would definitely not run away.

He would probably fight to the end.

And at that time, what awaits Yuan Shi must be the shattering of the holy throne....


"It doesn't matter, next, what awaits Donghuang's body is the real storm"

"And at that time..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at another light screen.

There, there was a boundless sea of ​​blood rippling.

And that was clearly the location of the Styx Ancestor.

Only when this person reaches the top and becomes a saint can Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body have a chance of survival. if not...He could only choose the last resort.

As for the last resort?

As he sneered, an inexplicable chill flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

He wants to make the entire prehistoric world tremble.

He exposed Zhou Tian's star formation and his Donghuang body.

The power it aroused will probably shatter the world again.

At that time, I didn’t know if Nuwa still had a sky-mending stone that could mend the sky.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"The big snake seems to be attacking the Eternal Lord"


Amid some astonishment, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the starry sky and the heaven and earth.

Orochi, the first general under his command. He is also the master of the throne. His strength is unfathomable.

However, he is more than just these identities.

He is also an Eternal. The reincarnation of the Lord.

It is the reincarnation of the Lord of Disaster.

It has the inheritance of the Lord of Disaster.

As for the Lord of Disaster...A legendary existence.

The eternal beast that flourished for a while.

It's just a pity.

It has a bad reputation.

Just as he set foot on eternity, he was faced with the siege of digital eternity.

In the end, the body and even the soul were divided into eight parts.

There will never be another day of gathering from now on.

The Orochi is an existence that has inherited the fearful heritage of the beast of disaster.

Now, he has transformed into the Starry Sky Throne, guarding a corner of the starry sky.

Although it is only half a step into eternity.

But in fact, the combat power is no worse than Eternity.

Especially when the dream world he weaved was completed, it stretched his combat power to a limit. only...

"The throne is both an increase and a shackle"

"If he wants to truly impact eternity, he needs to get rid of the shackles of the throne."

Chaos Clock True Spirit sighed.

"difficult...It's hard."

Yu Ziyu's eyes were complicated.

Immediately, he raised his steps and walked towards the corner of the starry sky.

In the starry sky, there is a throne called Disaster. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the southeast corner of the starry sky, Stand quietly.

There...The tall throne is thousands of feet high.

Like a tall tower, it stands in the sky.

Around this throne, there are countless beautiful buildings and jade buildings.

And this is the temple built by Orochi - the Temple of Disaster.

As for the big snake, it lives in a big world deep in the Temple of Disaster.

That is the dream world.

However, at this moment, he seemed to notice something, and the Temple of Disaster suddenly trembled slightly.


"Hiss, hiss..."

Amidst the continuous neighing, there was a white snake head, which actually poked out from the deepest part of the Temple of Disaster.

For a moment, this giant white python turned into an extremely pale figure.

"The subordinate snake, pays homage to the master."

The big snake said with a touch of respect.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Have you reached such a state?"

Yu Ziyu was surprised.

Orochi, even without the blessing of the throne, actually has the strength to fight against Kong Xuan in the prehistoric times.

This is a bit exaggerated.

You know, Kong Xuan in the prehistoric times is known as the first person among the saints.

His strength , even Yu Ziyu approved it.

But what about the big snake?...

"Master, I have finally obtained the existence of eternal inheritance...."

"To a certain extent, I can be considered an eternal reincarnation."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also silent.

Eternal reincarnation.

It is indeed true.

After all, he has stepped into the eternal existence.

After all, he has some insights about eternity.

And, more importantly, the current snake is still carrying the throne.

On the throne With the blessing of the beast of disaster, he has eternal combat power. (Zhao's)

And his own realm is also touched by eternity because of the inheritance of the beast of disaster.

Superimposing the two, it seems not bad to say that the serpent is a true eternity..

It’s just a pity.

The big snake, like the prehistoric saint, is controlled by the heaven and the earth.

It cannot leave the heaven and the earth too far.

And now...

"I heard that you want to get rid of the shackles of the throne?"


Nodding slightly, the big snake also said bluntly:

"Master, I feel like I can hit the realm of eternity"


Nodding, Yu Yu agreed.

However, the next moment, Yu Ziyu changed the subject:

"However, you have to understand that impacting eternity is dangerous and unpredictable. In one inadvertent moment, your body and soul will be destroyed."

"This, even if I helped Yun"

"So, you understand?"

Listen quietly, the big snake is also silent...

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