Chaos Arms, the strongest means of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body, combined with the human formation, is enough to elevate his combat power to the realm of a saint in a short period of time.

Even surpassing ordinary saints.

However, these two methods have a fatal flaw

"Sure enough."

Looking at Donghuang's body that has not left Tanggu, Zhunti finally knew it.

Donghuang's biggest weakness now is that he can't be too far away from Tanggu.

After all, the human formation is unified.

The place where the formation is is where the person is. The land.

Therefore, although the combat power of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body is extremely terrifying, it is limited to a small area.


With a cold snort, Zhunti, who was hidden in the Buddha's light, rarely said,"

What an evil demon from outside the world, he really has some tricks. As soon as the words fell, he turned into a rainbow light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Left alone, countless people They looked at each other and ran away.

A saint ran away?

Are you kidding?

Countless people looked stunned.

More people looked incredible. 26 They felt that they were dreaming

"Is this fake?"

"It must be fake"

"Can a saint run? Oh My God"

"maybe we are dreaming"


Amid repeated exclamations, a strong man from Lingshan explained:

"Sir, only the soul is out now, and this evil demon does have some tricks"

"This is true, the Lord has not even used one-tenth of his strength."

However, this explanation was still submerged in the discussion for a moment.

This is a saint.

In the eyes of countless people, a saint is synonymous with invincibility.

The most terrifying.

The most terrifying.

But now

, at this time, Yu Ziyu's stuff The emperor's body did not show any sign of joy.

His realm was much beyond that of ordinary saints.

It was not surprising to defeat a pseudo-eternity.

However, the next time, it would not be so easy.

What awaited him would be like a violent storm. The same repression.

It will never be as easy to resist as it is now

"He had scruples."

The body of the East Emperor said frankly.

Having scruples is the key to Zhunti's inability to exert his full strength.

This is the ancient world after all, and it is the interior of a world.

If the two eternals go to war with all their strength, it may be enough to destroy half of the world.

Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body doesn't matter.

But Zhunti, I'm afraid everyone will be numb.

He is a saint. His duty is to protect the ancient world.

If he takes the initiative to destroy the world, then I'm sorry, what awaits him must be the punishment of heaven and earth.

Holy It might be a trivial matter to break a body, but the body and soul may be destroyed.

Therefore, after he realized that Yu Ziyu Donghuang's body had terrifying combat power, he immediately pulled away.

What a smart guy.

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu Donghuang The Emperor's body dispersed the starlight in the sky.

The armor that was condensed around his body also disappeared and turned into a hazy bell shadow again. As the figure slowly fell, waiting for the Donghuang's body were countless extremely enthusiastic people. gaze

"I'll wait to see Dong Huang...."

"I'll wait to see Dong Huang..."

Countless monsters were like waves, all kneeling on their knees.

Even ancient great saints such as Bai Ze and Sophora Mu Yao showed extremely fiery eyes.

Lord Donghuang actually used his quasi-sage body to force the saint back.

This level of combat power is truly terrifying.

To put it bluntly, the current Lord Donghuang is definitely the number one person among the saints....、

At the same time, not far away, Kong Xuan, Zhen Yuanzi and others looked at Tang Gu with extremely complicated eyes.

"Is this Donghuang so terrifying?"

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't believe it.

"The Starry Formation of Zhoutian and the Chaos Clock...Any one of them, if used to the limit, can rival a saint...."

"And Donghuang...Both are used to the extreme, and only then can they rival the saints with their mortal bodies."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed and he expressed his thoughts.


Nodded, Zhen Yuanzi also agreed.

"I have long heard about the vast power of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, but I never thought that Donghuang would reach such a state, where the human formation becomes one."

"Moreover, his use of the Chaos Clock is also so incredible."

Zhen Yuanzi's expression was mixed, a little puzzled, a little confused.

Most of them were filled with admiration and admiration.

But at this moment, all the forces in Heaven, Lingshan, and Underworld were silent.

"what happened..."

"What's wrong? Why are all the saints gone?"

"Could it be that Donghuang forced the saint to retreat?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"This must be fake."

Exclaimed again and again, the powerful men from all the major forces couldn't sit still.

Beings like Yang Jian and the Demon-Conquering Emperor had their pupils shrinking again and again, and there was an indescribable shock in the depths of their eyes.

"I feel that we still underestimated Donghuang"

"How is it possible to return at this point in time without any means?"

"Yes, this is the world of saints."

During the continuous discussion, their eyes became more and more complicated.

However, it was not just them. 270 Even several figures in Zixiao Palace noticed something about Honghuang.

"What a surprise."

A voice with a touch of playfulness rang in everyone's ears.

It was the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun.

He had white hair and a white beard. He had a playful look on his face.

He didn't care that Zhunti was repelled.

After all, Zhunti's strength, everyone Everyone understands.

Moreover, it is not surprising if the target is Donghuang.

The original Donghuang made the saints fearful.

Not to mention the Donghuang who is now fully prepared and returned.

"His formation attainments are even more terrifying than those of his third brother."

With a sigh, Yuanshi Tianzun thought of his third brother, and his expression changed slightly.

"Not bad indeed."

Rarely, Taishang also raised his eyes, as if he glanced at Honghuang.

However, next to them, a simple-looking figure unexpectedly fell silent.

He was greeting. He was Zhunti's senior brother.

But he was just Sighing slightly, looking helpless

"It seems that it has become a climate"

"There is no need to worry. With the strength of the two of you, suppression is still easy, but you may need to resist the punishment of heaven."

Yuanshi Tianzun stood beside the fire and said


Wei Wei was silent, and his expression was complicated when he was greeted..

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