Naturally, the snake did not understand the danger of impacting eternity.

Even if he has a good background, the success rate of impacting eternity is only 10%.

It can be said that he narrowly escaped death.

As for more half-step eternity, impact eternity.

It can even be said that there is no life in ten deaths.

So, the big snake is pretty good. but

"If it fails, it will disappear completely and be annihilated in the world, never to exist again."

Yu Ziyu sighed.

There was also a hint of complexity on his face. Of course he was very happy that the big snake could impact eternity. But the price and risk were also something he couldn't bear. You know, the big snake and the golden ant, these two can count. The most terrifying general under him. It would be difficult for Yu Ziyu to accept the loss of any one of them. So.


"Master, you said...Cultivation is the only chance of survival..."

"Besides, when I was the beast of disaster, I could set foot in eternity, let alone now."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also interrupted:

But you have to understand that when you were the beast of disaster, you were a peerless beast that destroyed the world, and you also destroyed half of the world and accumulated endless disasters before you set foot. eternal...

"But now...The starry sky is peaceful and everything is peaceful. Where are the disasters?"530 listened quietly, and the big snake was also silent.

This is true. It is an undeniable fact.

When the beast of disaster set foot on eternity, why was it attacked by a group of people?

It was not because he went too far.

In order to set foot on eternity , accumulating endless disasters.

This is not his fault.

This is his way.

For example, those beings who are burdened with the law of the end and the law of the end, if they want to set foot in eternity, they may also perform the method of destroying the world.

Therefore, the eternal The road is difficult and long.

Before setting foot on it, you must have all kinds of considerations.

But the law of time and space that Yu Ziyu carries does not have such considerations.

The law of time and space requires understanding and understanding.

It requires sitting and watching the long river of time. Look at all the living beings.

For Yu Ziyu, the only way to bear the law of time and space is to get lost in time.

If you get lost, you will see hundreds of millions of years. When you wake up, it will be a sea of ​​change and everything will wither.

This is something Yu Ziyu cannot accept.

"Judging from the current situation, if you impact eternity, you will die without rebirth. (cgec)"

Yu Ziyu said with a touch of certainty

"You didn't follow your way...Nor did you pursue your way..."

Hearing this, the big snake also sighed, then smiled bitterly and said:

"Is it possible that I will destroy the world again?"

The big snake raised his eyes and looked at Yu Ziyu blankly.

He knew that if he wanted to destroy the world, his master would never stop him.


The starry sky and heaven and earth are the master’s world.

It is the persistence of the master.

He didn't want to.

Moreover, he did not want to see the world that his master guarded with all his heart be destroyed by his hands.

"I said, the world can be restarted, it can be reopened..."

"If you really want to hit eternity...Then make up your mind."

Slowly turning around, Yu Ziyu didn't care at all.

The existences in the starry sky and earth that he cared about have all gone to the nine realms.

The entire starry sky and earth have lost the value of commemoration.

If it weren't for harvesting again and again, He may even leave the world.

Therefore, he does not mind the method of destroying the world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you were to destroy the world and accumulate endless disasters, the probability of enlightenment would be less than 30%."

Yu Ziyu said softly

"Impossible, Master."

In response, Orochi looked determined.

This is something he will never accept.

He will never destroy the world that his master has guarded.



Taking a deep breath, Orochi also made up his mind.

However, at this moment, a very slight voice suddenly sounded

"that...excuse me."

This voice appeared extremely suddenly.

But the next moment, the eyes of Yu Ziyu and the big snake were all focused on the big snake's shoulder.

There, there was a phantom of a snake creature with eight heads, shivering.

Can you not tremble?

Today's Yu Ziyu is much scarier than those Eternal Lords.

Even the beast of disaster cannot withstand it.

To be honest, if there is no other way, he is not willing to walk out.

But now, he sees hope... real hope...

"The beast of disaster?"

Yu Ziyu was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this guy who was sealed in the deepest part of Orochi's mind would dare to appear again.

This is part of the true spirit of the beast of disaster.

It is also the legendary disaster who has attained eternal enlightenment. A beast.

It's terrifying.

But in Yu Ziyu's eyes, he is weak and bullyable now.

One look may make him annihilated.

"What do you think?"

Yu Ziyu asked calmly

"Big snake, isn't it the reincarnation of my fear?"

"He can actually collect my other reincarnated bodies, and then merge the eight bodies into one, realizing eternity."

The beast of disaster suggested.

However, the next moment, the air suddenly became silent.

An unimaginable coldness actually froze the beast of disaster.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Yu Ziyu's voice was extremely cold.

The eight bodies becoming one also means that the beast of disaster will return.

At that time, the big snake is likely to be annihilated in the world and become part of the beast of disaster.

"I know I know."

Nodding repeatedly, the beast of disaster also explained,"

Actually, I can choose to let the big snake take the lead....

"I promise that as long as the big snake lives, I will not take away the sovereignty of my body..."

"But I also hope you will promise that if the big snake dies one day, then I will replace him...."

"In other words, you can accept my return"

"Of course I will still be loyal to you and follow you."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu fell silent.

He heard the meaning of the beast of disaster.

Not only him, but also the big snake.

Before Yu Ziyu could speak, the big snake had already opened his mouth and said:

"I agree."

Speaking of this, the big snake also glanced at the beast of disaster:

You are very smart and know what I care about most.

"If you can always follow the master, then what's the problem if I give you the guidance??"

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