"It is indeed the legendary Seven Treasures Tree."

Admiring from the bottom of his heart, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body also condensed his eyes slightly.

He looked at this sacred tree in a daze.

If the main body came, I am afraid it would be enough to suppress this tree in an instant.

But it is a pity.

However, the problem is not Big.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body had already prepared a countermeasure.

At this time, looking at the huge golden crow that scattered a small piece of starlight, Zhunti also smiled

"Evil, is this your method?"

As he spoke, the Seven Treasures Tree in his palm suddenly rose from the ground.

In an instant, it was ten thousand feet high.

It was like glass, glowing with colorful divine brilliance.

Zhunti, with his back against the divine tree, his momentum continued to rise.

Accompanied by this, the terrifying seven-color light continued to rise and flow, erasing everything.

"The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree?"

In a daze, Kong Xuan in the distance was also silent.

His great supernatural power, the five"three-zero-seven" color divine light, came from the Qibao tree.

Now, when he saw the true master, he also had a complex expression.

Not only that. It was him.

The other quasi-sages and magnates were all moved when they saw the Seven Treasures Tree.

They must admit that Donghuang was very strong.

Really very strong.

He even forced a saint to use his own magic weapon.

However, that was all. Already.

As soon as the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree appears, the battle situation has been decided.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Continuously breaking through the sky, countless starlights dissipated between the sky and the earth.

The seven-colored light that replaced it became more and more dazzling.

However, at this time, few people noticed that the corners of Yu Ziyu’s Donghuang body curled up slightly.

"sorry to bother you."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body looked at the Chaos Clock projection not far away.


The faint ringing of bells resounded between heaven and earth.

It also attracted the attention of most powerful people.

However, at the next moment, under the stunned gazes of countless powerful men, the phantom of the giant bell was shattered.

Yes, broken.

Turned into millions of fragments, circulating between heaven and earth

"This is?"

Kong Xuan, who was far away, was a little stunned.

As for Zhunti, there was also a rare look of surprise on his face.

For some reason, he had a bad feeling.

But at this moment,


Snapping his fingers and tapping lightly, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body suddenly shouted loudly:

"Chaos Arms."

As he finished speaking, the Starlight Golden Crow he had transformed into actually erupted with an extremely terrifying suction force.

Then, in the eyes of countless people in disbelief, the Chaos Bell shattered, and the thousands of fragments it transformed into were actually Continuously gathering towards the Starlight Golden Crow

"Boom, boom..."

With one roar after another, the thousands of fragments continued to fit into the body of the Starlight Golden Crow.

Looking from a distance, it seemed like there was a black-yellow armor covering his body.


"How can this be?"

"Oh my god, is this?"

"Hey, hey, hey, he actually put the Chaos Clock on his body"

"Wait, what is this?"

Exclaimed again and again, countless people were in disbelief.

Even Zhunti's expression changed drastically.

He understands the Chaos Clock.

Naturally, he knows how powerful the Chaos Clock is.

The Chaos Clock is infinitely mysterious and has endless creations. It can imprison time and suppress Space. Reflects the attacks of any treasures and magic weapons and ignores the damage of all magical powers and spells.

Attack and defense are integrated. If you put it on your head

, you will be invincible. Yes, if you put it on your head, you will be invincible.

But that, It is the Chaos Clock itself that has appeared.

And this is just a projection of the Chaos Clock, so it is nothing to worry about.

Although the power of this projection is a bit strange,

Zhunti still doesn't take it seriously.

But now, Zhunti's expression Changed.

Really changed.

The projection of the Chaos Bell actually shattered, turning into fragments all over the sky, and then re-condensed on the body of the Starlight Golden Crow.

Looking from a distance, it seemed to be covered with a thin layer of armor. What does this mean?

Although it no longer has the power of the Chaos Clock itself, it still has three-thirds of the power of the Chaos Clock. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For example, now, even if it is thousands of seven The colorful god's light continues to erode, and the Golden Crow covering the sky is motionless.

And this is the power of the Chaos Bell. It ignores all magical powers and spells.

The resistance can be said to be full.

Therefore, the Starlight Golden Crow, which already has a combat power close to that of a saint, is in After putting on the armor transformed from the Chaos Bell, he actually had a more terrifying defense than the ordinary Eternal Lord. How is this possible?

Zhunti felt his head was buzzing.

But at this time, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang Zhizhi I won't hesitate


With a neigh, he controlled the Starlight Golden Crow to grab Zhunti again.

Even if it is blocked by thousands of colorful divine lights, it still shines through

"boom..." first...

For the first time, Yu Ziyu’s sharp claws fell on Zhunti’s body......


Along with a loud noise, Zhunti's body was shaken.

But if you look closely, you will see that the Seven Treasures Tree stretched out a branch at some point and blocked Zhunti's path.


With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body didn't pay attention.

He continued to take action.

No magical powers or magic are needed.

The body he transformed into with the immeasurable starlight drawn by the star formation around the sky is the most powerful weapon.

Unrivaled in sharpness and filled with murderous intent.

As for defense?

The moment the chaos clock projection turned into armor and was draped on him, he was invincible.

"Die to me."

Yu Ziyu shouted violently again, and the body of Donghuang opened his mouth fiercely and spit out


There was only an extremely terrifying roar, and a beam of light that seemed to penetrate the entire prehistoric world spurted out from the mouth of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

He hit Zhunti hard where he was.


A muffled hum that no one could hear suddenly sounded.

But he was captured by the body of Yu Ziyu Donghuang.

He smiled.

He knew that someone as strong as Zhunti was also injured.


The neighing again was different from the past.

This scream was extremely sharp.

It seemed as if the soul was torn apart.

In the distance, countless strong men watching the battle were shaken.

Everyone's blood is rising.

Many people spurted out blood and looked at this scene in disbelief.

What's this?

They don't understand?

But now, the cry of this Starlight Golden Crow actually shocked all of them.

"It's the power of the Chaos Clock"

"This guy, using the Chaos Clock, made an earth-shattering neigh."

"We're still just caught up in the aftermath"

"Most of the power of this scream is directed towards the saint."


Amidst the sudden exclamation, countless people saw the Buddha's light rising in the distant sky, shining in all directions.

However, deep in the Buddha's light, there was a blur.

They didn't know what happened.

But Zhunti's face was different. It was rare for him to be pale.

He was just his soul.

Moreover, he was unprepared.

He could withstand such a terrifying sonic attack at close range, even if he was truly injured.

However, he couldn't let outsiders see his embarrassment.

He needed face..Buddhism needs more face

"How could this guy be so scary?".

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