"Sure enough, that sentence is quite right."

"The heaven and the earth are unkind and treat all living things as stupid dogs. The saints are unkind and treat all spirits as stupid dogs."

A faint voice sounded between heaven and earth, but Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body looked extremely calm.

Zhunti is not weak.

But it is just not weak.

It is estimated that he is on the same level as Dianguang Eternal. If his true form comes, he can suppress it with a raise of his hand.

However, it is a pity.

This is the prehistoric period.

He cannot be exposed too much.

Moreover, in the prehistoric era, it seems that his true form will not be able to display. All the strength.

This world is extremely terrifying.

The suppression of foreign enemies is beyond imagination.



With a sigh, the stars flowed under Yu Ziyu's feet.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a nine-color nebula.

Like a dream.

With a different kind of halo.

This nebula covers the entire Tang Valley, like the sky of Tang Valley.

And Yu Ziyu’s Donghuang body is the master of heaven

"My demon clan, for a while, was named Zhou Tianxingdou"

"Taken from the stars, gathering the power of hundreds of millions of monsters..."

"Extremely profound and infinitely murderous"

"I don’t know if I can fight with you as a saint."

Yu Ziyu said softly.

But the next moment, the vast galaxy in Tanggu changed.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Countless rays of light like flying knives flashed across the sky.

That is Yu Ziyu’s natal imperial weapon, the Brilliant Galaxy.

This imperial weapon followed Donghuang's body to the prehistoric era.

But now, this imperial weapon has fully recovered

"Master, I'm awake."

A very nice voice sounded in the ears of Donghuang's body.

"Recover completely, this is a saint"


With a response, the already extremely bright nebula once again burst into even more brilliant light.

Countless flying knives soared into the sky and turned into billions of stars , extremely vast.

They were entangled with each other, and they combined with each other....

It turned into an extremely huge three-legged bird.

And that was the Golden Crow.

However, this is not the Golden Crow carrying the sun.

But the Golden Crow carrying the stars on its back.

The light of the stars intertwined at one point and turned into a pair of pupils.

The brilliance of the stars continues to shine, turning into wings that cover the sky


Amidst the high-pitched neighing, the golden crow, which covered the sky and sun, soared into the sky and headed straight for the thunderclouds gathering in the sky.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, boundless air waves spread.

Circle after circle, it seems to have set off boundless ripples.

But this is not the end.

Because, under the vast calamity cloud, the golden crow intertwined with stars has not dispersed.

On the contrary, the momentum became more terrifying

"Hey, hey..."

One after another, the scream seemed to tear the world apart

"Is this the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation?"

Zhunti was confused.

He had seen the real Zhoutian Star Formation.

Three hundred and sixty-five large Zhoutian Stars.As the root, 14,800 small Zhoutian star flags are used as the stem. Billions of gods and demons are branches and leaves. Connected by the power of the stars in the sky.

The power is extremely vast and terrifying.

However, the current Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is one ten thousandth less powerful than before.

So much so that Zhunti never looked at it directly.

But now...

Looking at the starry golden crow that covered the sky and the sun, Zhunti fell silent.

Domineering and terrifying.

That sharp edge soaring into the sky makes the quasi-sage tremble with fear

"This guy actually blessed himself with the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation."

Suddenly, as if he realized something, Zhunti's expression also changed slightly.

Because, at this time, he finally discovered that Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body was actually between the eyebrows of this starlight golden crow.

The two seemed to be one.

And this is the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation that uniquely belongs to the body of Yu Ziyu Donghuang.

In other words, it is the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation that uniquely belongs to Yu Ziyu.

"The human formation unites into one, immeasurable starlight."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With a loud shout, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body finally raised his right paw.

And this right paw even grabbed Zhunti.


Tear all the calamity clouds in the sky into pieces.

A sharp claw transformed by starlight, enough to cover the entire sky, grabbed at Zhunti.

Seeing this scene, countless strong men were horrified.

"What, the unity of the human formation? Has the Donghuang Formation reached this level?"

"Just kidding, how is this possible?"

"Oh My God..."

Countless powerful people in the prehistoric era were horrified as they exclaimed again and again.

Even top quasi-sages like Zhen Yuanzi and Kunpeng shrank their pupils again and again when they saw this.

Donghuang is not a saint.

But he actually took a different path from that of a saint.

The human formation becomes one.

With the body of a quasi-sage, he exploded with combat power that was no less than that of a saint.

This is too incredible.

However, no one knows that the credit behind this is all due to Yu Ziyu.

As the Eternal Lord.

And he is not just an ordinary Eternal Lord, Yu Ziyu's realm has already surpassed that of an ordinary saint.

Therefore, he can see more things.

Also knows how to push limits and reach new levels.

It is not difficult for him to find another way.

Moreover, he still has the fragments of the jade butterfly that he can continue to deduce.

Coupled with the cooperation of the formation souls of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

The combination of the three finally allowed him to realize a path that could briefly rival a saint.

That is Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body, combined with the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation and the Human Formation. blend into each other.

With the body of the Eastern Emperor, he dominates the formation and gathers immeasurable starlight.

And this is the biggest trump card of Yu Ziyu’s Donghuang body.


With an increasingly high-pitched neigh, Yu Ziyu Donghuang's body finally touched Zhunti.

A hard squeeze, as if the figure was going to explode.

But the next moment,

Buddha's light burst out from the depths of Yu Ziyu's golden crow's claws.

The dazzling Buddha light soared into the sky,

"The unity of people and formation is a good method"

"But that's all."

As Zhunti sneered, there was something extra in his hand.

It seemed to be a tree.

It was shining with colorful light.

Seeing this tree, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body shrank slightly.

"Is this the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree?"

The Seven Treasures Tree, the legendary sacred tree, is Zhunti's natal magic weapon.

There is nothing that cannot be brushed, and everything cannot be brushed.

But now, as the Seven Treasures Tree sways, the colorful light blooms between heaven and earth, and it is taken away in an instant. It took away a large area of ​​starlight.

It also took away half of the sharp claw of the Starlight Golden Crow.

After all, it was transformed by starlight. When the starlight disappears, the sharp claws will also disperse.

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