"This is?"

Zhunti looked stunned.

He actually transferred his attack completely to the stars.

He also used the stars to disperse his own strength.

This kind of method is really amazing.

"This is the great supernatural power, the passage of time."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu's body of the Eastern Emperor looked not far away.

There, the Golden Monkey stood quietly.

His eyes flickered.

The movement of stars was the birthright of their clan.

But this was the first time the Golden Monkey saw it. The terrible turn of events

"If you practice to the extreme in the stars, you will have the twenty-seventh great supernatural power....Your family was born with great supernatural powers..."

"But if you want to succeed, you need talent."

Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body taught

"Yes, master."

With a touch of gratitude, the golden monkey's eyes flickered, and there were actually stars flowing.

That was the trajectory of the stars.

It was the body of Yu Ziyu, the Eastern Emperor, who taught by words and deeds.

But now, the entire prehistoric era has begun to shake.

"Oh my god, Donghuang blocked the saint’s attack with one palm"

"Are you kidding me?"

"It’s fake. It must be fake."

"Oh My God..."

He exclaimed again and again, and his countenance turned pale with horror.

Even the 800 forces in Lingshan and Heavenly Court were staring at each other in disbelief.

"The adults still held back."

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

It was a great power from Buddhism. He looked helpless and sighed.

"Indeed, if you don’t hold back, the mere Donghuang..."

"Next time, Donghuang and Tang Gu will disappear into the wilderness."

Amidst the continuous responses, the powerful people in Lingshan also showed their expectations.

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that Zhunti was even more surprised.

"No wonder you dare to provoke us."

Zhunti said softly.

Immediately, he stepped out


In an instant, the prehistoric sky seemed to burst.

Just like a mirror, cracks are spreading....

At the same time, Yugu was also shocked

"Even a mere quasi-sage dares to stop me?"

Zhunti clasped his hands together and said Amitabha.

The next moment, the Buddha's light flourished, and Sanskrit sounds were heard everywhere.

Along with it, countless Buddha's light rose in all directions of the Tang Valley.

"All appearances are false. If a Bodhisattva has the appearance of self, human beings, sentient beings, or longevity, he is not a Bodhisattva. All conditioned dharmas are like bubbles in dreams, dew, or lightning. This should be observed."

"All appearances are false. If a Bodhisattva has a self-appearance, a human appearance, a living being's appearance, or a life-span appearance, he is not a Bodhisattva. All conditioned dharmas are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed in this way."

That's the sound of the Buddha.

It's the sound of the Dharma.

As soon as this sound came out, the faces of countless monsters in Tang Valley changed drastically.

Even many figures' eyes were blurred.

"Zhunti, I have never understood, is your Buddhism righteous or evil?"

In the distance, a voice that sounded like a smile but not a smile sounded.

It was the body of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang.

He looked in all directions, stepped on the stars, and looked at that figure

"Transition upon meeting..."

"People who are not from your Buddhist sect are all transitional..."

"You call him Buddha, but he is different from evil spirits and demons."

With one part sarcasm and one part playfulness, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body revealed a hazy bell shadow.

"Boom..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was like a sound from ancient times, exploding between heaven and earth.

It also shocked countless demon clans.

When their consciousness came back, they all showed a hint of palpitations.

"It is indeed the Donghuang Bell!"

Zhunti narrowed his eyes slightly and looked across the space, looking straight at the hazy bell shadow.

Outside the bell, the sun, moon and stars, earth, water, fire and wind surrounded it, and inside the bell there were mountains, rivers and earth, and all the races of the ancient world loomed in it.

The whole body is glowing with five colors of light.

This is clearly the Chaos Clock, one of the three great innate treasures of the prehistoric era.

However, for some reason, this Chaos Clock is just a projection.

"A ray of projection, with such holy power?"

Zhunti was a little puzzled.

However, he did not go into details.

After all, it was just an innate treasure. Could it be possible that it could turn the world upside down?

Compared with this, Zhunti was more concerned about the figure in front of him.

"Is this really the former Donghuang?"

While thinking in his mind, he saw the young man in the distance, holding the Donghuang Bell in one hand and stepping on the infinite starlight, walking towards him step by step.

"Zhunti, I just want to ask you one thing"

"When the ten sons of the Golden Crow came out of Tanggu, was it your guidance?"

The voice of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body resounded in all directions.

It also shocked countless people.

"Wait, what is Lord Donghuang talking about?"

"He actually called the saint Zhunti Lao'er"

"Wait, that's not the point. The point is, he mentioned the Ten Sons of the Golden Crow, is that possible?"

"Oh my god..are you kidding me?"

"It's fake, is it possible that there really is a saint planning behind it?"


They exclaimed repeatedly, and the expressions of countless powerful demon clan men changed drastically.

Even a being like Bai Ze has a complicated expression.

As for Lingshan and Tianting, there were many people there who were shocked.

They didn't know this secret either.

Although, they had doubts. but now...Donghuang actually said it directly in front of all living beings in the world.


With a cold snort, Zhunti said bluntly:

"A mere evil spirit dares to confuse the public with his evil words."

A loud shout, like a thunderous explosion.

Zhunti, however, no longer hesitated.

With his eyes slightly focused, terrible power continued to spurt out, taking up his robe.


With the earth-shattering momentum, the colors of the sky and the earth changed, and countless clouds gathered, turning into a huge and vast whirlpool.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

During the bursts of thunder, countless thick lightnings intertwined in the clouds and kept wandering.

This is a divine punishment.

It's a scourge from heaven.

And this is also from heaven.

When the saint is angry, divine punishment will come.

Even ghosts and gods need to make changes.

Even those high-ranking quasi-sages need to flee.

And now...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, the entire Yugu began to feel depressed.

Suddenly, a great terror comes

"No matter who you are, you all need to return to heaven and earth!!".

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