The Hongmeng Purple Qi is the most precious thing in the world.

However, now, such precious Hongmeng Purple Qi appeared in front of him.

Ancestor Styx was stunned.

Really stunned.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

But when he looked up, he found that the shadow had long since disappeared.

All that was left was that wisp of purple spirit, lingering, flying towards his body like a swimming dragon.

At this time, the starry sky and the earth...

"Did you just send Hongmeng Purple Qi away like this?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling was a little confused.

"Ancestor Styx has experienced too much, and unnecessary calculations will only make him more wary."

"It's better to be like this..."

Yu Ziyu sighed.

He wanted Ancestor Styx to owe him a favor.

Moreover, I owe him a huge favor.

""853" In addition to this period of time, Yu Ziyu also discovered that the ancestor of Styx was indeed somewhat dissatisfied with the world.

This should be grasped.

His plan can be worth looking forward to.

"This is true."

Hun Zhongling also agreed with this point.

Although Patriarch Styx is only the Holy Saint, he has lived for too long and has seen too much.

In terms of experience alone, it is more terrifying than an eternity.

Instead of various plans, it is better to This is straightforward.

Like now, Ancestor Styx is probably at a loss.

However, if he becomes a saint through the Hongmeng Purple Qi, then Yu Ziyu has the grace to become a Taoist to him.

This is terrifying

"The grace of enlightenment is greater than that of heaven. If you grasp this point well, you will have great potential. Chaos

Bell Zhenling said with a smile.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu said bluntly:

"However, I need to talk to Master Tongtian"

"After all, it’s his Hongmeng Purple Qi"


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also stepped up and walked towards an unknown continent in the chaos.

That continent is mysterious and mysterious.

Floating in the chaos, it seems like drifting.

But at this moment,


There was a sudden roar and ripples.

A figure has arrived on this continent

"Now that you're here, come in."

A voice came from far away.

Hearing the words, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth slightly raised, setting off a subtle arc.

Stepping out of the room, he appeared next to a thatched house.

Next to this thatched house, there was a The extremely handsome young man in red robe.

He is as beautiful as a painting.

It is admirable.

His eyebrows are like distant mountains, and his eyes are like water.

But he is full of vicissitudes of life.

"Why do you have time to come? Aren't you attacking the divine blood civilization?"

This figure asked with a half-smile.

"The divine blood has been defeated, the three eternities, one died and two escaped"

"It's really scary. However, can eternity really escape from your hands?"

When Master Tongtian said this, the playful look on his face became more intense.

"You can think that I don't want to take action."

Yu Ziyu thought for a while and said bluntly.

He didn't want to take action. He didn't want to be exposed.

If he really took action, to be honest, he would have a high chance of retaining the two eternities of the Divine Blood World.

"You guys are just too cautious."

With a sigh, Tongtian Cult Leader was also helpless.

Caution is a good thing.

But being too cautious is a bit incomprehensible.

Just like this time, if Tongtian Cult Leader is the leader, he will take the initiative to kill the two eternities of the Divine Blood World. , kill them all.

But forget it.

He is not from the Starry Sky World, so why bother thinking about these?

"Why did you come to me this time?"

Tongtian Cult Leader was a little puzzled and said curiously

"I give your Hongmeng Purple Qi to others"

"who?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Leader Tongtian's eyes flickered, and he rarely asked

"prehistoric times...Ancestor of Styx..."

Yu Ziyu said frankly.

Listening quietly, Master Tongtian was completely silent.

"It seems that you have spread your tentacles to the wilderness."

With a sigh, Master Tongtian grasped the key point.

"There are too many grievances between Starry Sky World and you in ancient times, and we have to fight one after all."

"This is true."

Regarding this point, Tongtian Cult Leader also admitted.

However, he did not want to participate.

He really did not want to participate.

However, at this moment, Tongtian Cult Leader said again

"Ancestor Styx, very good..."

"I saw his performance in the starry sky and heaven and earth, proving eternity, known as the River of Blood, and ruling the world. It also led to the rise of a great era. That era seems to be called the Asura Era."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Blood River can be regarded as the flower similar to the ancestor of Styx in the starry sky. It is indeed outstanding, if not..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu stopped talking.

If there is, there is no need to say it.

Lord Tongtian, of course it is clear


With a touch of unspeakable complexity, the Tongtian leader changed the topic;

"If Patriarch Styx were a enlightened saint, the two Buddhist saints and my two brothers would all have headaches."

Ancestor Styx, when he was half a step into eternity, he was not afraid of eternity.

And if this existence steps into eternity, it must be terrifying beyond imagination.

It is suffocating and even more despairing.

And this must be What Yu Ziyu wants to see

"But can you guarantee that Ancestor Styx will obey your arrangements?"

Master Tongtian is a little curious about this.

"Will do."

While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

He was very sure.

Moreover, according to his research, it doesn't matter even if Patriarch Minghe doesn't listen to him.

Because the two sages of Buddhism, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and other saints , there is no room for him.

The two sages of Buddhism, of course, needless to say.

They 4.2 and Buddhism have been competing with the sea of ​​​​blood.

The orthodoxy and ideas are all inconsistent.

As for Laozi and Yuanshi, if they feel the influence of the ancestor of Styx A touch of familiar aura, I am afraid he will fight to the death.

And this is the backup plan left by Yu Ziyu.

He moved his hands and feet on that wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Let a wisp of Zhuxian Sword Intent entangle and interweave with the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Refining this ray of Hongmeng purple energy is equivalent to refining the sword intention of Zhu Xian.

At that time, the saint who stands on the nine heavens will also understand that the reason why the ancestor of Styx became a saint is because he refined the Hongmeng of Tongtian Cult Master. Purple Qi.

In this case, how could the two elder brothers of Tongtian Cult tolerate him?

This is also the biggest reason why Yu Ziyu does not want to choose Kunpeng.

Ancestor Minghe can withstand the siege of the Four Saints.

But Kunpeng cannot withstand it!!.

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