But at this time, deep in the wilderness.

During this period of time, Ancestor Styx seemed to have an epiphany. He had a deeper and deeper understanding of the supernatural power of the sea of ​​blood and the immortality of Styx.

"I didn't expect this magical power to be so mysterious."

The ancestor of Minghe sighed, and he admired that person more and more.

He could easily point out his shortcomings and even guided him.

Only a few decades was comparable to his thousands of years of practice.

He really couldn't be more grateful for such a great kindness. Dare to forget.


"If you give something, you will have to ask for something"

"What do you need?"

Ancestor Minghe is a little worried.

If it's just something he needs, that's it.

Even if he has two great killing treasures, Yuan Tu A Bi, he can give them to him.

But Ancestor Ming He is afraid that...

It is this person who is afraid, and it is myself who is in need.

After all, according to him.

They are two similar flowers.

Since they are similar, they should be able to devour and absorb each other.

And now, this may be the purpose of training him.

In order to go further, fatten first and then.

At this time, if Yu Ziyu knew what this person was thinking, he would definitely applaud him.

What an old monster.

To be able to guess this.

To be honest, if he is really the ancestor of Blood River, it is really possible to do this.

Devour the River Styx and try to transcend.

But alas, he is not.

Now he just wants to cultivate this person unilaterally.

Support him to become a saint.

And on this day,

"Empress Xuan's audience"


With a response, Asura's tribe immediately went to declare the Queen.

And not long after that, the Queen of the Abyss also came to the ancestor of Styx.

"Meet the ancestors."

The Queen of the Abyss greeted with a touch of politeness.

"It's okay, it's okay, you get up first...I heard that adult say that it seems like it’s time to meet me again in the past two days."


The Queen of the Abyss nodded.

Immediately, a nine-color divine light appeared on her chest.


Amid the sudden roar, the heaven and earth shook.

Then there were ripples, and the entire Hades Sea froze.

As if solidified.

Time stands still at this moment.

It is difficult for birds to enter.

Da Luo is in trouble.

This is the horror of Yu Ziyu's arrival.

Even if a ray of projection comes, it still has unpredictable power.

And now,

"It seems that you have a deeper understanding of supernatural powers."

"Yes, my lord."

In a very respectful voice, the ancestor of Styx also said bluntly,"

With your guidance, if I don't make progress, wouldn't it be...


Without saying anything, Yu Ziyu just watched quietly.

His eyes flickered, seeming to be sizing up

"I know you're worried, but there's no need to..."

Suddenly speaking, Yu Ziyu seemed to have seen through everything and said bluntly:

"I help you just to use you as a mirror..."

"If you want, I can even help you become a saint"

"In this case, you, who have your back to heaven and earth, don’t need to be afraid of me."

Hearing this, Patriarch Styx was shocked.

"What? Help me become a saint? you..."

Ancestor Styx was stunned.

Really stunned.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank, and a flash of purple light came into his eyes.

It was a wisp of purple energy.

The purple energy seems to be coming from the east.

It was extremely bright, but it attracted all the eyes of Ancestor Styx.


After every word, Ancestor Minghe also exclaimed, and he stood up even more excitedly.

"It seems you know it."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

If you refine this ray of purple energy and have your back to the ancient world, you will no longer have any scruples.

After hearing this, Ancestor Styx took a deep breath

"what do you want?"

"In other words, what do you need me to do?"

After all, he is an old monster with hundreds of millions of years. He quickly judged that Yu Ziyu wanted something.

"You should know that I am you and you are me..."

"But do you know that now I am a lost dog, running around?"

Listening quietly, Ancestor Minghe was also shocked.

"How can this be? Having mastered the Great Divine Power and Blood God Technique, shouldn't you be invincible in the chaos?"

Asking for flowers

"snort...I'm afraid you've underestimated that one of yours."


With a sudden shock, Ancestor Styx also widened his eyes.

Vaguely, he seemed to understand something

"I see..."

With a sigh, he also said bluntly:

After you set foot in eternity, you collided with Dao Ancestor, and then lost to Dao Ancestor. Now you are looking for me because you want to use my hand to cause trouble in the world and make Dao Ancestor's rear unstable.

"You are indeed a smart man."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also praised him.

However, after a moment, he changed the subject and said bluntly:

"However, my purpose is not to cause trouble, but to enlighten the Tao...."

"Over the years, you should have noticed that your Taoist ancestor is not simple...."

"Why is he chasing me? Isn't it just because he saw that I was about to become enlightened?"

"Our way, yes..."

"But this is Taozu and cannot be tolerated..."

Listening quietly, Ancestor Styx also looked thoughtful. road...

Is this a battle of avenues?

"There are thousands of great ways in the world, but there is only one person who can realize them."

"Daozu didn't want the second person to set foot there."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also had a complicated tone.

"Him...Too greedy after all"

"Daozu is like this."

With a sigh, Patriarch Minghe agreed with this point.

It can be seen from the fact that he accepted seven disciples and divided them into seven saints.

He held the entire prehistoric world in the palm of his hand and did not allow others to get involved.

And now...

"Daozu and I are still facing each other now. He has no intention of caring about the ancient world. I even took action and beheaded the saint Tongtian, just to snatch this wisp of ancient purple energy for you...."

"So, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations."

As the words fell, the ray of purple light suddenly became bright.

It seemed to shine for eternity, and it actually illuminated half of the palace.

Looking at it blankly, the ancestor of Styx was dumbfounded.

He saw it....

Seeing it, a wisp of purple light seemed to cross thousands of years of time and space, coming quietly..

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