"After all, I am also thinking about Kunpeng."

Yu Ziyu sighed.

However, if Kunpeng knew what he said, he would probably slap him. He would even fight the protagonist desperately.

For his own good, he would not give him Hongmeng Purple Qi.

You know, Hongmeng Purple Qi is already His obsession.

If he could obtain the Hongmeng Purple Qi, even if his body and soul were destroyed, Kunpeng would be willing to do so.

For countless years, Kunpeng had recalled the scene in Zixiao Palace.

He gave up his seat to the two Buddhist saints, but he lost the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Regret and pain once suffocated him.

Of course, Yu Ziyu didn't know Kunpeng's thoughts.

If he knew, he would probably laugh.

However, now he has sent out the purple energy.

He has nothing to do with him anymore.

"It is indeed an excellent choice for you to give the Hongmeng Purple Qi to the Styx Taoist."

The leader of Tongtian Cult on the side also praised.

Apart from Minghe, he could not think of a more suitable person.

Maybe the Donghuang of that year was also good.

But unfortunately, the Donghuang was too 24 upright.

Too strong is easy to break.

If the original Donghuang could be How could such a smooth guy end up in this situation?

With a sigh in his heart, Master Tongtian discovered that Yu Ziyu had actually led the river of time.

"Wow, wow."

As the river surged, the power of time lingered in all directions.

But at this moment, Yu Ziyu reached into the river of time.

He actually took out a wine bottle,

"This is?"

The leader of Tongtian is a little puzzled.

"This is a pot of wine I brewed, named Heaven and Earth"

"What a domineering name."

Hearing this, the leader of Tongtian Cult was surprised.

In the eyes of their level, the words heaven and earth are extremely extraordinary and should never be used lightly.

But Yu Ziyu dared to call this pot of wine heaven and earth.

"You can taste one or two."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also poured out the wine.

The blood-red wine was the blood of heaven and earth.

In just an instant, the space shook.

Even the leader of Tongtian Cult narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, he raised the wine glass, Take a slight sip


The sudden roar shocked the leader of Tongtian Cult.

An indescribable mystery emerged in my mind


In a daze, the leader of Tongtian Cult had transformed into heaven and earth and fell into an epiphany.

Seeing this, Yu Ziyu smiled slightly, poured half a cup and tasted it again.

The wine of heaven and earth, the first time, has the greatest benefits.

Drinking more will reduce the effect by half.

However, even this is enough to refresh Eternal's understanding of wine.

But now, looking at the leader of Tongtian who has fallen into enlightenment, he no longer disturbs him.

He came here just to give a notice.

He had already given the Hongmeng Purple Qi to Ancestor Styx.

As for the rest, it’s more of a reminiscence of old times.

But at this time, deep in the wilderness.

Ancestor Styx, who had obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi, had already plunged into refining it.

Hongmeng purple energy, the most precious treasure from ancient times.

Once he is born, there will probably be a bloody storm throughout the whole world.

And now, such precious Hongmeng Purple Qi is in his hands.

How could he not be excited.

However, what shocked him even more was that sentence

"I obtained this prehistoric purple energy from Master Tongtian."

These words shocked the ancestors of Minghe.

Where are you going, Master Tongtian?

No one knows.

But everyone knows one thing.

That is, not long ago, the world cried blood and all living beings screamed.

And this, if you guess it, Not bad words... so...

"This is the one who killed the Tongtian Cult Leader."

With a sigh, the ancestor of Styx, who was in seclusion deep in the sea of ​​blood, had an extremely complex expression.

There was regret and helplessness. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For Tongtian Cult Leader, he is relatively good. Approved.

This is one of the few admirable existences among the Seven Saints.

But now, they have ended up like this.

"However, even if it is the Hongmeng Purple Qi possessed by Master Tongtian, I have no choice."

There are only seven rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

There are only seven saints.

Unless the saint dies, others will have no chance.

Now that a wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi finally appeared, how could he give up?

As for this wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi lingering above He doesn't even care about the Immortal Killing Sword Intent.

If his guess is right, that person should have left this behind on purpose.

And the reason is clear to him if he thinks about it.

"If I become a saint, I am destined to be the enemy of other saints."

"Even if you don't have to calculate like this, I will do it."

With a sigh, the ancestor of Styx didn't care much.

He understood. He understood even more.

If he were that similar flower, he would also make such a choice.

And now...


Along with a roar, this wisp of Hongmeng purple energy was already surrounding his body, spinning continuously.

He started refining.

In the prehistoric times, there will be a seventh saint.

The whole world will tremble because of him.

However, at this moment, few people knew that at the entrance of Zixiao Palace, the soul of a figure had left the body.

That's Zhunti.

One of the two Buddhist saints 493.

Existences like Yuanshi and Laozi were aware of it.

But he just looked at it and didn't interfere.

As for why he was out of body.

Naturally, I couldn’t sit still.

The Eastern Emperor returns and the demon clan gathers.

Buddhism and heaven were all shaken.

And as the most diligent one among the saints, how could he just sit back and watch?

"Hum, although I don’t know why you can come back"

"but this time..."

With a sigh, Zhunti had already thought of his words.

The demon from outside the world dares to pretend to be the Eastern Emperor and cause trouble to all living beings. He should be transformed.

A simple sentence can plunge Donghuang into a place of eternal destruction.

As for anyone questioning it?

Dare you?

Who in the world dares to question the saint.

Think back to the beginning, the real and fake Monkey King.

If the Monkey King is unwilling to listen to Buddhism, he will not be able to escape the fate of refining.

At that time, their Buddhist sect can also support the false monkey king.

The ending will not change.

It only affects the process.

Now, same thing.

As long as he suppressed Donghuang, who would care about the truth?

With a smile in his heart, Zhunti had thought of everything.

And now, it's time for him to go to Yugu


With a sound that broke through the air, his soul had already crossed the chaos and headed straight for the primeval world..

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