Terrifying thunder exploded across the sky and the earth.

Accompanied by this, a long roar sounded fiercely between the heaven and the earth.


"I'm back."

A long roar sounded, and countless thunderlights gathered at one point.


Accompanied by extremely terrifying roars, the entire mutant civilization seemed to be trembling.

The intertwined thunder light was shining and dazzling.

It seemed to tear everything apart.

Terrible and terrifying.

It's chilling.

And at this time, if you look at the altar.

Suddenly a humanoid figure can be seen, intertwined.

This figure was filled with lightning.

Like the thunder god coming.

It has unimaginable power.

Just, his eyes were slightly focused, and they were as dazzling as horizontal stars.

This is the speed of eternity.

A descendant of the mutant civilization.

In the late stage of mutant civilization, the enlightenment is eternal.

He was arrogant and scornful.

But this time, the body... made him feel a lot.

"Court brother, thank you very much."

He bent down and bowed slightly to the golden figure in front of him.

He knew that his eldest brother had paid too much for his resurrection. 0

"No problem."

The Life Tribunal shook his head and expressed that he didn't care.

However, the next moment, he noticed that Dian Guang Yong's face was stiff.

"What's wrong?"

"Why is he here?"

In the somewhat stiff voice, Dian Guangying Yong was stunned.

Especially his eyes, which were staring in one direction.

There, a cyan figure stood quietly.

He was wearing a robe.

With a smile on his face. , looking at the speed of eternity with a half-smile

"this...that...how to say?"

The Life Tribunal didn't know how to start.

However, the next moment, he gritted his teeth and explained:

Our mutant civilization has been defeated and is now merged into the starry sky. Now, the Lord of Time and Space is our boss.


With an extremely sharp neighing, the Speed ​​Eternal jumped up excitedly.

The mutant civilization was defeated?

Lord of time and space, boss?

Are you kidding me?

And at this moment, the Life Tribunal added that if not With the tacit approval of the Lord of Time and Space (cbcd), it will be difficult for you to be resurrected


Silence, complete silence.

However, after all, he is the venerable one who has set foot on eternity.

Even though his thoughts were wandering, he still took a step forward:

"Quickly meet the Lord of Time and Space."

With a touch of respect, it can even be said to be fear.

This figure, like a thunderbolt, bent down


Yu Ziyu nodded slightly and said bluntly,"

You have just returned and still need to be recuperated, so I won't bother you too much.

"However, if you need my help, please ask."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu's figure also turned into thunder and light in the sky, and gradually dispersed.

He felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere when he was here.

And not long after that, watching Yu Ziyu leave, Shensu Eternal couldn't sit still. Living

"Brother of the court, you have to explain this clearly to me."

"How come you accepted this monster as your big brother?"

"Also, where is the boss of the Beyonder, what is he doing? With him here, how could we lose?"

Listening quietly, the Life Tribunal also pointed silently not far away.

There, a bald figure yawned, as if his face was paralyzed.


Godspeed Eternal was silent for a while, then turned into lightning and stepped forward fiercely:


"Why, are you so confident in me?"

The Transcendent said calmly.

"With the boss here, we can't lose."

Godspeed Eternal firmly believes in this

"how to say? I can't do anything about that guy, and that guy helped us build a world"

"What's the meaning?"

Godspeed Eternal is a little confused. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The Life Court will explain it to you. Remember, he will also be your boss from now on."

As he said that, a clone of the Transcendent also slowly dissipated.

To be precise, it was not a clone.

It was more like a carrier that carried thoughts.

When used up, it dispersed.

But at this time, somewhere in the chaos,

Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent each I received the message from my clone.

"He seemed a little unbelievable"

"This guy is not a bad person and can be used"

"I agree with this."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also knows the specialness of the eternal speed of God.

He controls the speed of God. Its speed is beyond imagination.

If he hunts down the two ancestors of the Divine Blood World, no matter how fast they are, it will not be possible. Get rid of God's Speed.

This is also the reason why Yu Ziyu agreed to resurrect God's Speed ​​Eternal.

He is indeed worth it.

However, it is still the same sentence.

Use it if it is useful, discard it if it is useless.

If God's Speed ​​Eternal has a grudge before, then I'm sorry, Yu Ziyu will never tolerate him.This is Yu Ziyu.

Still the same as always

"How is it over there in Honghuang?"

The Transcendent suddenly spoke

"For now, it's still like that, but I feel like those saints from Zixiao Palace are coming back soon"

"Then, recently, I was training the ancestor of Styx"

"Plan to support him as a saint of heaven."

Listening quietly to Yu Ziyu's voice, the transcendent is also silent.

Supporting a saint of heaven is very risky.

If they become enemies of the Great Desolate in the future, then the saint he supports is likely to be their biggest obstacle.

But At present, they have no choice.

If there were no saints who they supported in the ancient world, then their layout in the ancient world would probably be terrible.... so,

"Support him, Ancestor Styx is worth it."

The Transcendent also knows a little about the Ancestor of Styx.

He knows that this guy is good.

The only regret is that he is from the ancient times. He is destined to be the enemy of the stars.

In the face of the battle between heaven and earth, it is difficult for you to surrender to a strong man.

Because this is a battle between heaven and earth.

The blood, strength and everything in the bones cannot allow betrayal.

Just like these heavenly saints in the prehistoric times, if they betray heaven and earth, then what awaits them will be the backlash of heaven and earth.

The price is so high that I am afraid It’s unbearable for us.


It is impossible for a saint of heaven to betray you.

Can only be used.

And Yu Ziyu's most ideal plan now is to use the Styx River to disrupt the prehistoric world.

Best, start the so-called holy war!!!.

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