Transforming into heaven and earth was Yu Ziyu's unexpected joy.

But he thought of the prehistoric Taoist ancestor.

If that guy's current state is really the state of the prehistoric Taoist ancestors, then...I am afraid that Honghuang Dao Ancestor is completely bound to Honghuang.

Heaven and earth are immortal, and he is immortal.

But he is immortal, and heaven and earth cannot be destroyed.

This is no solution.

Like an endless loop.

A headache. but...

"Forget it, it’s just too much to think about."

Muttering in her heart, Yu Ziyu also slowly opened her eyes.


Amidst the sudden roar, an indescribable aura circulated and rose.

At this time, Yu Ziyu noticed that the Transcendent, the Devouring Beast and others had already woken up.

It seems like I have been waiting for him for a long time

"The wine of heaven and earth, transformed into heaven and earth, is really interesting."

With a sigh of"nine eight seven", the element-devouring beast showed a satisfied look on its face.

"Not bad, tastes great."

The Valkyrie of Vengeance exclaimed with a touch of drunkenness.

She rarely drinks.

But this wine suits her appetite.

It is actually of great use to her.

"Not bad indeed."

Those who transcend also admire

"Just like it."

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Yu Ziyu realized that half a year had passed.

It seemed that the wine was indeed intoxicating.

But fortunately, they were all clones when they came here.

The real bodies were still sitting in their respective places.

"I think the blood of heaven and earth is of great use to your body of sea of ​​blood."

"Very useful."

Yu Ziyu was silent for a while, but looked not far away.

There, the element-devouring beast looked nostalgic. The origin of the element-devouring beast is extremely mysterious.

It is an unknown world.

Therefore, it is the spirit of heaven and earth..

Its true body is hidden in his body.

Yu Ziyu even suspected that the original Transcendent, the Life Tribunal, wanted to use the Yuan Devouring Beast as a backup world.

Who would have thought that the Yuan Devouring Beast had an accident.

The world is evolving in an unknown direction.

As a result, no living thing can survive.

And now,

"Is this wine of heaven and earth of much use to you?"

Yu Ziyu asked with a smile.


After pondering for a while, the element-devouring beast also told the truth:

"I feel like it helped my recovery somewhat."


Yu Ziyu was a little confused.

"He had gone astray at the beginning, and his origin was so damaged that no living thing could survive in the world."

The Valkyrie of Revenge explained on the side.

This can be regarded as the biggest secret of the Devouring Beast.

Now that they explain it directly, they regard Yu Ziyu as their own family.

No wonder.

They glanced at the Devouring Beast unexpectedly.

They didn't expect this guy. , tilted his head and said with great pride:

"It's just that the origin was damaged. Give me time and I will recover."

"Time is the thing I am most in need of. Do you want me to help you?"

Yu Ziyu smiled playfully.

If he had been given time to recover, this guy wouldn't have fully recovered until now.


But at this time, listening to Yu Ziyu's joke, the corners of the Yuan Devouring Beast's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

He silently took a few steps back and huddled in a corner.

He almost forgot that this guy was a hundred times worse than the Transcendent.

Moreover, he is really not short of time

"Forget it, forget it, I will do it myself. Gritting his teeth, the Yuan Devouring Beast said

"If there is any output from the wine of heaven and earth in the future, I will definitely give you a share."

As he said this, Yu Ziyu also gave instructions:

Remember, from now on, brew the wine of heaven and earth for the Yuan Devouring Beast.

"Got it, husband."

With a response, a beautiful woman wearing a nine-color dress came to Yu Ziyu.

This is the colorful divine flower.

She is Yu Ziyu's wife. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She is also Yu Ziyu's nutrition master and is responsible for Yu Ziyu's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Now, listening to Yu Ziyu's words, she also smiled and nodded towards the Yuan Devouring Beast.

Seeing this, the Yuan Devouring Beast said honestly:"

I have met my sister-in-law.

" These words As soon as it came out, Yu Ziyu's face changed slightly.

Good guy, this guy has never called him big brother.

But he actually called him sister-in-law Wucai Shenhua.

This guy is because...

As if she understood something, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

"It seems that you still like the wine of heaven and earth."

Speaking like this, Yu Ziyu looked at the Transcendent:

"Do you have the whereabouts of those two guys?"

Those two guys are naturally the two Eternal Venerables who escaped from the Divine Blood World...........

They are precious for eternity.

The strength is extremely terrifying.

It can be considered a hidden danger.

Nowadays, the starry sky is strong, which is not bad.

But if Xingkong Tiandi competes with other civilizations, the two of them may end up adding insult to injury.

No, it's not uncertain.

But it will definitely.

Therefore, they must be eradicated.

"Currently, the Yuan Devouring Beast itself is tracking them."

The Transcendent responded, and then added:

"If I know their whereabouts, I will kill them immediately and drive them to an end."

"Well, it's a must."

Said, Yu Ziyu also promised:

"When the time comes, I will assist you and bury them both"


With a slight nod, the Beyonder is also looking forward to it.

Looking forward to joining forces with Yu Ziyu.

He is a spear, the strongest spear, penetrating everything.

Yu Ziyu is a shield, the strongest shield guarding the starry sky.

The combination of spear and shield will definitely be invincible to chaos..

Moreover, he is good at attacking, Yu Ziyu is good at escaping, good at drawing the ground as a prison, good at restraint, and good at formation....

Wait, this guy seems to be good at everything except attacking.

Really a weird guy.

As for attacking, it cannot be said that he is not good at it.

Simply put, he didn't like it.

After all, in the cognition of the transcendent in 5.0, space, also known as dimension, is the most terrifying offensive force.

And time, as the saying goes, time makes people grow old.

Even eternity only jumped out of the long river of time, but it did not break away from time. so...

Yu Ziyu, who has mastered time and space, should be quite lethal.

It can even be said that it is strong.

But he doesn't seem interested in this aspect.

Others like to fight and are eager to fight.

And he was obsessed with escaping.

This is indeed interesting

"If you and I cooperate, we should be invincible under Dao Ancestor."

The Transcendent suddenly sighed.

Yu Ziyu was stunned by this.

Is this guy so confident?

Is he confident in himself or in him?.

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