Fine wine brewed with the blood of heaven and earth.

What a divine wine.

Vengeful Valkyrie, I don’t know.

The transcendent ones don’t know either.

However, today.

Somewhere in the chaos,

Yu Ziyu held a banquet just to celebrate this victory in the battle of civilization.

Not many come.

Just a dozen people.

However, every one of them stamped their feet enough to make the stars, sky and earth tremble - existence.

The Transcendent—the indescribable great being that transcends limits.

The Valkyrie of Vengeance, a terrifying woman known as the Valkyrie who carries the path of revenge.

Also, Jiuwei, Linger, the daughter of destiny.

Each of these are existences that dominate the civilized battlefield.

They gathered in the inner world of Chaos Clock.

Take a seat at a round table.

Of course, Jiuwei, Linger and other girls did not sit at this round table.

It's not that Yu Ziyu is out of touch.

Rather, their strength is average.

Not enough to serve.

This is a round table.

There were only five people.

All of them are Eternal Venerables.

Their existence seems to distort the world.

Even if it is suppressed repeatedly, it still has indescribable power.

It's enough to make low-level creatures tremble.

Therefore, sharing the same table with the Eternal Master is not a reward.

But a kind of suffering.

An existence with an ordinary mind may even collapse directly.

And now...

Yu Ziyu sat down

"I command the people below to make wine with the blood of heaven and earth"

"Nowadays, with the help of the long river of time, it has been washed away for millions of years. I wonder how it tastes?"

Said, Yu Ziyu raised his hand

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

With the flow of the river, a river emerged around Yu Ziyu.

This is the passage of time.

But now,

Yu Ziyu reached out, entered the river of time, and took out something that looked like a wine flask.

This is the wine of heaven and earth that Yu Ziyu washed away through the long river of time.

Extremely valuable.

This gourd alone is the embryo of an imperial soldier.

If it were an ordinary gourd, let alone a million years of erosion.

Even for a hundred years, it is difficult to persist.

It is only this kind of imperial weapon embryo that will become more and more mellow under the erosion of time.

It even had a bright luster

"After millions of years of being washed away by the long river of time, only you can be so creative."

The Transcendent sighed.

The laws of time and space are really mysterious.

All kinds of applications are amazing.

Like, overnight, spiritual flowers mature, spiritual grass matures, for the Lord of time and space, they are all a It is a matter of thoughts.

That is, the Lord of Time and Space understands the way of balance and is unwilling to interfere with the movement of heaven and earth. Otherwise, his methods are enough to push a force to an unprecedented level in a short period of time.

Of course, this is fishing for nothing.

It is not good.

Yu Ziyu didn't like it.

Compared to these, he preferred to work quietly and watch.

At this time, he took out the wine pot from the river of time, and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"This is the wine of heaven and earth. I named it heaven and earth because it is brewed with the blood of heaven and earth."

"Supplemented by countless creation spiritual fruits"

"These include the fruits of the Enlightenment Tree, the leaves of the Bodhi Tree, the fruits of the Peach God Tree, and the osmanthus of the Immortal Laurel...."

Listening quietly, the Vengeful Valkyrie and the Yuan Devouring Beast were also frightened.

These, many treasures, are difficult for the Eternal Master to find.

But now, everyone gathered around Yu Ziyu.

It's not because Yu Ziyu is the master of time and space.

It's because of his other identity.

That is the ancestor of spiritual beings.

Thousands of spiritual creatures respect him.

In other words, there are thousands of spiritual objects for him to take.

As long as Yu Ziyu wants to, he can find even the magical flowers and miraculous fruits that have disappeared from heaven and earth.

But alas.

These are of no use to him.

Only treasures like the Wine of Heaven and Earth might be of some use to him.

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu also opened the lid of the wine. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next moment, an indescribable fragrance gushes out.

Even these Eternal Venerables couldn't help but be shocked.

The pores are slowly opening.

There is actually an indescribable mystery that comes to my mind

"The aroma of the wine alone has such a magical effect."

The element-devouring beast was stunned.

Immediately it could no longer hold back and rushed forward.

Seeing this, Yu Ziyu also took out a jade cup.

"Tick ​​tock, tick tock..."

Sound after sound, drop after drop of blood-red wine continued to fall from the jug.

The wine of heaven and earth is counted drop by drop.

Twenty drops for a small cup.

And a cup, what power it has

"I won't be polite."

Grinning, the Yuan Devouring Beast drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

And the next moment,


An extremely terrifying energy spurted out.

That's the element-devouring beast.

He actually had Qi and Qi intertwined, and an unimaginable aura erupted.

Looking closely, it even has its eyes closed.

As if intoxicated with something


Yu Ziyu smiled and looked at the wine in the glass.

【The wine of heaven and earth - the supreme wine, made from the blood of heaven and earth, supplemented by countless treasures, one cup is enough to be drunk for eternity.

As if transformed into heaven and earth, transformed into all things, swimming between heaven and earth....It’s sublimation, it’s even more....】

The fragment of the Creation Jade Butterfly quickly analyzed the glass of wine.

It’s pretty much what Yu Ziyu thought. but,

"Turn into heaven and earth?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu drank it all in one gulp.


There was a sudden roar, and Yu Ziyu's perspective continued to increase.

At some point, he actually came to the Divine Blood World.

This was his thought, and he came to the Divine Blood World.

Boundless and vast.

And he shuttled freely through the divine blood world.

It seems to have become a part of the divine blood world.

It's mountains and water.

Even more heaven and earth...


After a while of silence, Yu Ziyu thought about whether Daozu was like this?

He is in harmony with the Tao, is that so?

Yu Ziyu had this idea for some reason.

But as soon as the idea came up, it lingered.

As if deeply rooted

"Different from me turning into heaven and earth, Daozu is integrated into heaven and earth and can be controlled. Heaven and earth are his body...."

"In other words, heaven and earth are undefeated, and he is undefeated"

"It can also be said that he is undefeated and heaven and earth are undefeated."

"As a result, he has no solution."

When thinking about this, Yu Ziyu fell silent.

This seems a bit scary.

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