But at this time, there was chaos in a corner.

Two pairs of eyes, staring fixedly at a certain direction of chaos

"Starry sky and heaven and earth, we will never let you go."

A figure gnashed its teeth.

Since he set foot in eternity, he has never been so embarrassed. He actually abandoned the world and fled in confusion.

This...Put it in the past.

It's unimaginable.

However, there is no way.

The death of body and soul that erodes eternity is a huge blow to them.

Moreover, there is also eternity that seems to be carrying time, existing in the world.

It's scary.

If there really is such eternity, even if they stay in the Divine Blood World, their ending is destined.

Carrying the eternity of time is too terrifying.

Suffocating, even more despairing

"This world is really not that powerful"

"Especially the guy called the Transcendent, who should be the top Eternal Lord. The two of us did not tear apart his defense, and even severely damaged him."

The ancestor of the heroic clan sighed, and was extremely helpless.

They are not weak.

But the enemy is too terrifying.

"They are really strong. But bare feet are not afraid of wet shoes"

"Now we are defeated and running around, but if we find an opportunity, we will definitely fight back."

Speaking of this, the expression of the first ancestor of the divine blood clan changed slightly.


As soon as the words fell, they turned into blood again and went straight into the distance.

And not long after that

"Meow meow..."

In their previous position, a black cat tore through the space and slowly stretched out most of its body.

This is the element-devouring beast.

It sniffed the scent, and a smile appeared on its face:

"Escape without any rules, hum."

"Where can you run to?"

It grinned, but once again escaped into the depths of space.

It is responsible for hunting down the two eternities of the Divine Blood World.

Of course, it is not just a single-handed

Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent. He left a token on his body.

No matter where or where the Yuan Devouring Beast is. Carrying time and space on his back, Yu Ziyu will bring the Transcendent to come at a speed beyond imagination.

This is the greatest confidence of the Yuan Devouring Beast..

Therefore, he is extremely arrogant. He uses his own power to hunt down the two eternities.

And it is worth mentioning that it is transformed from heaven and earth. It cannot be defeated, but it can definitely withstand it.

Ordinary eternities want to suppress it. It is almost impossible to kill it.

And he knows these two Eternal Venerables very well. He clearly knows that they do not have the ability to kill it.


"I hope you can keep me entertained in this cat and mouse game."

Grinning, the eyes of the Yuan Devouring Beast flashed with a faint light.

Regarding the pursuit of the Yuan Devouring Beast, Yu Ziyu and the Beyonder both saw it.

This guy has a good hunting ability.

It is not just a simple appearance, like Black cat.

In its bones and even in its bloodline, it has the power of the cat clan.

And this is also because the element-devouring beast likes the cat clan very much.

Therefore, it analyzed the genes of the cat clan.

After learning the power of their clan, Talent, and even everything.

To put it bluntly, the element-devouring beast is the most terrifying black cat in chaos.

The cat clan is agile and intelligent.

It is the best at chasing and killing. (For Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent also had some confidence and confidence when the Yuan Devouring Beast chased the two eternities.

However, at this moment, the Transcendent's voice suddenly sounded:

"Lightning Eternity seems to be reviving"


While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also thought of this guy.

One of the five ancestors of the mutant civilization.

Eventually promoted to eternal existence.

Extremely arrogant.

Then in the first civilization war, he was suppressed and killed by Yu Ziyu.

Not only did the law collapse, Even his soul was shattered.

If it were not for eternal existence and it would be too difficult to kill him, he would probably have died long ago.

Yu Ziyu originally wanted people to inherit his law of speed and then become the new Eternal Lord.

But later he discovered that some actions It didn't make sense.

So, he took the next best step and chose to let the lightning last forever and resurrect him again. However, when he came back from the resurrection, he must have been seriously injured.

It wouldn't take hundreds of millions of years for him to be completely injured.

"What are you going to do with Electro Eternity?"

The Transcendent is a little curious.

Although the current mutant civilization has joined the starry sky and the world.

Among the five ancestors, four have chosen to follow Yu Ziyu.

But after all, Lightning Eternal has a life-and-death feud with Yu Ziyu.

With Yu Ziyu's character, he would rather kill by mistake. , I won’t let it go either.

"As long as he doesn't hold grudges, I will."

A simple sentence, but it said everything.

He doesn't hold grudges.

If Lightning Eternity holds grudges, I'm sorry.

Even if there is one less Eternity in the starry sky and heaven and earth, he will kill this one to death.

"He dare not hold a grudge."

The Transcendent responded coldly.

Not to mention, now the Transcendent and Yu Ziyu are wearing a pair of pants.

Electric Light Yongheng 553 himself does not have such qualifications.

All his abilities are restrained by Yu Ziyu.

No matter how fast he is, Can travel through time and even space quickly.

In front of Yu Ziyu, he is like a turtle in a urn, ready to be slaughtered.

Therefore, Dian Guang Eternal should be very afraid of Yu Ziyu.

And, more importantly, Yu Ziyu really killed Dian Guang Eternal.

If not Yu Ziyu did not refine it, and then raised his hand for the sake of the mutant civilization. The current Lightning Eternal is probably completely disappearing into chaos.


The corner of her mouth curled up slightly. Yu Ziyu also looked forward to seeing the eternity of lightning again. What would happen?

That guy, your legs won't really tremble when you see him, right?

"Since he is about to recover, let's pick him up in person."


Nodding, the Transcendent also agreed.

It is also a good choice to lead the Eternal Light when you have nothing to do.

But I don't know what kind of strength the Eternal Resurrection of the Electric Light has.

If the strength is too poor, I guess this A Lord of Time and Space would be unhappy again.

He doesn't like waste. He doesn't like raising waste.

An eternity without the fighting power of the Eternal Lord is not worthy of his expectations.


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