Chaos Zhong Zhenling knew that Yu Ziyu was a genius.

He even lamented:"Yu Ziyu is a being who is very likely to lead the stars to break the cycle of eras."

But she never thought of it.

Now Yu Ziyu has grown to this point.

It’s not just about spreading its tentacles to prehistoric times.

They even began to hunt for foreign civilizations. this


Amidst the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand a little.

In an instant, countless information poured into Chaos Bell Zhenling's mind.

That's what happened over the years.

The Chaos Bell True Spirit is like a witness, witnessing everything.

She even knows more than the Transcendent.

Because Yu Ziyu gave her all the information without reservation.

Including some of the back-up plans he laid

"You are really crazy."

Chaos Bell True Spirit sighed.

He actually dared to spread his tentacles to the prehistoric era.

I'm not afraid that the prehistoric Taoist ancestor would notice and slap him to death.

Yu Ziyu is indeed strong.

But now, in front of the prehistoric Taoist ancestor, he is not enough.

"I just bet that the Taoist ancestor of the prehistoric era is not here in the prehistoric era

Yu Ziyu said bluntly

"Looking at 07 so far, you made the right bet."

Having said this, Chaos Bell Zhenling paused and said:

"However, the Primordial Dao Ancestor will wake up sooner or later, and at that time..."

"He will find out sooner or later. Instead of waiting for him to find out, we should take the initiative."

As the words fell, Yu Ziyu raised his right hand.

And at the next moment, a picture appeared in front of them.

In that picture, there was a huge valley.

It was golden and filled with endless rays of light.

It was bright and bright..

This is the famous Tang Valley in ancient times.

At this time, deep in the Tang Valley, the body of Yu Ziyu’s Donghuang is sitting cross-legged here.


Along with the terrifying roar, immeasurable rays of light shot out from around him.

There are bursts of rays of light, and the clouds and waves are rolling.

Looking from a distance, he seemed to have turned into a golden sun. extremely bright...

"It's finally done."

Suddenly sighing, this young man with extremely handsome features also raised his eyebrows slightly.

He has recently been practicing Donghuang Taiyi's Heavenly Dao Emperor Jue.

Now, he has finally achieved great success.

Visible to the naked eye, the Zhoutian Starry Formation covering the entire Tang Valley, There were actually starlights hanging down.

These starlights were like silk threads, constantly weaving and entangled.

Until they turned into a robe the color of the starry sky.

This is the robe of the sun, moon and stars.

With the immeasurable starlight of the Zhoutian Xingdou Grand Formation, in conjunction with the Heavenly Dao Emperor Technique , a condensed defensive imperial weapon.

Today, it is said to have the power of a top-grade imperial weapon.

The defense is extremely terrifying.

Not only that, a golden line appeared between the eyebrows of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

It was like lightning.

But it was. It is extremely majestic.

This is the Tiandao Emperor Pattern. It is the symbol of the emperor.

It is also the symbol of the Eastern Emperor.

And now, the Tiandao Emperor Pattern is shining with golden light.

Just looking at it makes me tremble.

It seems like there is some extremely terrifying oppression.

This is terrifying.

And this is the imperial power of the Heavenly Dao Emperor Pattern.

Just like the essence

"Now, I should have the combat power of a quasi-sage."

The body of the Eastern Emperor sighed.

Although it was repeatedly overthrown, the combat power of this body cannot be ignored.

With the cooperation of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, the intertwined robes of the sun, moon and stars.

It has the supreme inheritance of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi The Emperor's Art of Heaven.

There are also many great magical powers given by Yu Ziyu.

In addition, the body is the divine tree that reaches the sky.

It is also the building tree of the ancient times....

He is full in every aspect.

If he is polished well, he may be able to directly replace Kong Xuan and become the first person among the saints.

But his time is limited after all. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In order to complete the plan faster.

He can only repeatedly push back the growth.

It also kills the hope of setting foot in eternity.

This is also a major reason why he is so unscrupulous and undermines others' efforts.

"In fact, it is also a skill to be able to pull out young people and encourage them to grow."

"I have a real body and can use the fragments of the jade butterfly to continuously deduce various magical powers and techniques, but others don't."

"I can even extract the cultivation level of the main body and use the time and space laws of the main body to improve myself...Neither does anyone else..."

"Thinking about it this way, my ability to encourage others to grow is indeed unique."

With a sigh, Donghuang's body is very satisfied.

He is very satisfied with his current combat power.

At least, now, when he meets Kong Xuan again, he will never simply rely on the power of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

He will rely solely on himself , are very likely to suppress Kong Xuan.

But, it is a pity.

His enemy is not Kong Xuan.

At least not at the level of Kong Xuan. His enemies are saints.

They are pseudo-eternals.

To a certain extent, they Even more terrifying than real eternity.

The prehistoric era is their base camp.

With the world behind them, even if they are encountered by some of the ancestors of the mutant civilization, it will be difficult for them to compete.

And this is his enemy.


With a sigh, Donghuang's body looked not far away.

There, there was a strange woman looking at him calmly.

This woman is wearing a white robe. At first glance, 737 actually gives people a heavy and stable feeling.

Even if he sets foot on the body of the quasi-sage Donghuang, he can't help but be fascinated by it.

And this is the legendary Hou Tu

"You took the initiative to provoke Zhunti before, but now Zhunti is coming."

Hou Tu chuckled and looked at Donghuang's body with a hint of amusement.

A saint is about to arrive in person.

This is nothing short of shocking news for anyone.

Not to mention, this saint is very Maybe he came with murderous intent

"Why do you think I took the initiative to provoke you?"

The body of Donghuang sneered.

So what about the saint?

I really thought he was not afraid.

Now the star formation in the sky is hovering above Tang Valley.

Even if the saint comes in person, it will be difficult to break through.

This is one of them.

Secondly, his cultivation has reached the pinnacle of this body, and he can extract more power from the body.

I dare not say how much.

But it must not be difficult to defeat a saint.

Especially this saint, who is very likely to be the Seven Saints. The last one among them.

However, Huang Zhi.

He still wanted to suppress it.

With an unrivaled attitude, he declared to the world:"The saint is not invincible."

But this is a bit difficult.

At least, Donghuang's body feels like it is still missing something.

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