Yu Ziyu didn't know this.

He didn't even think about it, but it was a way to escape.

Yes, escape.

Under the threat of unknown civilization, they had to choose to flee.

It's scary.

Another powerful civilization.

Appeared quietly.

But the reason why Honghuang is strong is because of the support of Honghuang Daozu alone.

In this way, we can imagine the horror of the great ancestors.

He alone is the most powerful civilization.

If he is not defeated, he will never be defeated.

And obviously, he was hard to lose.

At least according to Yu Ziyu's current understanding, there is no possibility of defeating the Primordial Dao Ancestor."510" He is also in charge of the fragments of the Jade Butterfly.

Therefore, he has a deep understanding of the creation of jade butterflies.

The Primordial Dao Ancestor has been sitting on the Jade Butterfly for many years and has already studied this chaos treasure thoroughly.

No one knows how many great supernatural powers he has mastered.

No one knows what methods he has.

No one knows what state he has reached now.

Is this scary?

As for why Yu Ziyu guessed like this.

That's naturally because, now, he seems to be following the path of the ancient Taoist ancestors.

In the name of captivity, he killed and harvested, and then replenished the world.

But the prehistoric Taoist ancestor has become a Taoist.

He is heaven.

The cycle of birth and death of all things is all under his gaze.

Yu Ziyu is now harvesting one world after another.

But the Primordial Dao Ancestor harvested one civilization after another.

This is Yu Ziyu's understanding of the prehistoric Taoist ancestors.

This is also what scares him the most.

The more he studies the fragments of the Creation Jade Butterfly, the more he is able to detect the terrifying power of the Primordial Dao Ancestor....

Except for prehistoric civilization.

For example, the wizard civilization can also be classified as the most powerful civilization.

Extremely diverse types of powers.

Plus, the support of top powerhouses like the Black Witch King.

This kind of wizard civilization is definitely the most top-notch civilization.

However, among them, the Wizard King must be considered.

If the Wizard King really took that half step.

Then the wizard civilization is an iron-clad and strongest civilization.

If the Wizard King hasn't stepped out yet.

So, I guess, the wizard civilization is the top civilization.

All this depends on the strength of the Wizard King.

He is the upper limit of wizard civilization.

The reason why Yu Zifeng believes that the wizard civilization is the most powerful civilization.

To a large extent, he felt that the Wizard King had taken that half-step.

The Dark Witch King is obviously not a good person.

Moreover, it is still so powerful.

If the Wizard King didn't have absolute strength, he probably wouldn't be able to suppress this one.

Let alone peaceful coexistence.

The so-called peace means the distinction between strong and weak.

If the two are almost the same, with the Black Witch King's temperament, there is a high probability that he will not bow his head.

However, these are not things Yu Ziyu should consider.

Now, he is still thinking about how to win the divine blood civilization faster?

And to win this kind of thing, it's best if he doesn't take action.

Everything he is doing now is to pave the way for the wizarding civilization he will encounter next.., completely disappeared into the starry sky.

It gives people the impression that a transcendent person is solely supporting the overall situation.

"At this time, it will be fine if the Chaos Clock wakes up."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also thought of the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

This one is his best partner.

It is also the existence he trusts most.

If she wakes up...

Wait, she wakes up...

As if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu raised his eyebrows. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now that I think about it, it seems that the Chaos Clock has been sleeping for a long enough time.

It's time to wake up.

Although the original injury may not have healed yet, other injuries will probably not be affected.

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu calmed down and began to call this person

"chaos clock..."

"chaos clock..."

One call after another sounded in the chaos. no respond.

Some are just deathly quiet.

But, shortly after that


The sudden roar seemed to come from ancient times0......

This is the sound of a bell.

Extremely remote.

There is even an urge to worship

"Can't you let me have a good sleep?"

With a touch of complaint, a faint voice sounded from Yu Ziyu's ears.

At this time, he raised his eyes.

He was surprised to find a figure wearing a golden robe and looking extremely luxurious, stretching.

"Is it true that your origin was damaged and you fell asleep?"

Looking at the current state of Chaos Bell Zhenling, Yu Ziyu couldn't suppress the curiosity in her heart.


There was no response, only a rare turn from the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

Immediately, a topic was raised

"Tell me, why are you looking for me?..."

"How is the starry sky now?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling is a little curious.

She must admit that she is lazy.

She is indeed damaged.

But it is not enough to make her sleep for so long.

She just wants to sleep.

You know, over the years, most of her time She spends all her time in deep sleep.

Sleeping takes up seven to eight tenths of her time.

But since Yu Ziyu's rise, she has not slept.

Although she is happy to accompany Yu Ziyu and grow up together, she occasionally takes a nap. , it’s still okay.

However, before she could fall asleep, Yu Ziyu actually woke her up. 4.9"Hmph..."

With a touch of dissatisfaction, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also looked at Yu Ziyu.

That look seemed to say:"If you don't give me a good explanation, I will make you look good!""

"Let me think about it, what should I tell you?"

Yu Ziyu thought about it.

Then he concluded:

"Can I tell you that I have already begun to invade the wilderness?"

"besides...I activated the Imperial Soldier clan...He also established the Imperial Army Envoy...There are also apostles from the world of reincarnation who have also begun to take action."

Recounting one after another, Yu Ziyu witnessed it with his own eyes. The Chaos Bell True Spirit showed a rare look of astonishment.

No, it was more than just astonishment.

There was also confusion, confusion.

And, a little shock!!.

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