Deep in the starry sky, Yu Ziyu and Chaos Zhong Zhenling watched this scene quietly.

They were watching through Donghuang's body.

So you can clearly see this familiar yet unfamiliar prehistoric world.

You can also see Houtu, which you haven’t seen for a long time.

Looking at it blankly, Chaos Bell Zhenling was a little distracted.

"It’s really been a long time since I last saw you."

Looking at Hou Tu, all the past scenes in Chaos Zhong Zhenling's mind emerged.

"Now is not the time to lament these things"

"Tell me, how can I suppress the saint with the body of the Eastern Emperor?"

Yu Ziyu asked

"You know, this is impossible. In ancient times, saints were heaven, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Yu Ziyu raised his eyebrows, looking forward to it.

"Unless other saints help to cut off the connection with heaven and earth."

Having said this, Chaos Bell Zhenling looked at Hou Tu in the picture.

"You probably had this idea in mind when you let Donghuang's body come into contact with Houtu."

"As expected, I can't hide it from you."

After sighing, Yu Ziyu said bluntly

,"However, it is not enough. There are seven saints in the ancient world, and the help of Hou Tu alone is not enough to form a check and balance.

"Maybe, Hou Tu will also be suppressed"

"I need more help"

"I should not get involved in this kind of thing. He advocates inaction and will never take the initiative to intervene. On the contrary, it is possible for Yuanshi Tianzun. He had better be shameless and never allow the saint's face to fall."

"Then, the Second Saint of the West will definitely take action"

"Without considering Nuwa, you have to deal with the three saints."

Chaos Bell Zhenling analyzed.

There was also a heavy color in his words.

The three saints, this is a bit of a headache.

If they were really in the ancient times, it would be okay.

But now, Yu Ziyu is just the body of the Eastern Emperor.. He only has the combat power of a quasi-sage.

Even if he has Yu Ziyu's body in the starry sky and earth, constantly providing strength, he can't deal with the three saints.

"My intention to win over Hou Tu was to contain her. Secondly, I also wanted to win over Nuwa~"

"But after thinking about it, I gave up."

Hearing Yu Ziyu's words, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also smiled.

"You made a wise decision."

Nu Wa is definitely the most troublesome character among the saints.

Complex and mysterious.

A mysterious existence.

She created the human race with her own hands.

Her original intention was to make food for the demon race.

Therefore, she has never Protecting the human race.

This is also the reason why the human race all belong to the three religions in the end.

But she doesn’t seem to care about the demon clan. She is watching the decline of the demon clan....But he didn't interfere.

In prehistoric times, she seemed like a marginalized person.

But sometimes, she seems like a little girl.

Just like in a prehistoric dynasty, the emperor suddenly wrote a poem on her stone sculpture, and she suddenly became furious, cutting off the fate of this dynasty.

The speed of falling out is faster than that of ordinary women.

This is Nuwa.

Perhaps, as the legend goes, all she cares about is her brother.

Without her brother here, she wouldn't bother to care about this

"If you try to win over Nuwa, you will not only expose your own existence, but also..."

Shaking his head, Chaos Bell Zhenling also stopped talking.

"I know, that woman is moody and hard to control...The depth of his thoughts is beyond imagination."

Yu Ziyu made an evaluation.

Among the Seven Saints, there are two guys he least wants to provoke.

One is Laozi.

The other is Nuwa.

These two guys... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

I did it because of my strength.

Nuwa, actually...Here I have to mention Nuwa's other identity - the creation god of the human race.

She created the human race with her own hands.

Even the human race in the starry sky and the earth should fall under her jurisdiction.

And what does this mean?

In her previous life, Yu Ziyu probably had no secrets in front of her.

This is very scary.

Yu Ziyu is now the ancestor of the tree.

Of course he knows, what does the ancestor mean to the people?

That means almost absolute control.

Even suppress.

Nuwa, competing with the other Eternals, may be a little weak.

But if it were to compete with the human race for eternity, the innate would be the upper hand.

This is the power of the ancestors.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu doesn’t want to have contact with this guy

"Thinking about it this way, you have only one last option."

Suddenly sighing, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also showed a hint of expectation on his face.

"`What choice?"

"Master Tongtian, didn’t he cheat his death and shatter his holy throne?...In this way, a holy position was left in the prehistoric times. What you need to do now is to support a saint, and this saint will be the enemy of the other saints."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling's eyes are smiling.

This is the scene she likes to see the most.

Civil strife in the ancient world.

Saints killing each other.

When learning about the current situation in the ancient world from Yu Ziyu, Chaos Zhong Zhenling thought of this immediately.

At the beginning, The saints secretly plotted against the two Lich clans, and even secretly provoked a civil war between the two Lich clans.

So, now, they will treat others in their own way.

Let the saints have civil strife and kill each other.

Then many saints will be destroyed.

If It's true, even if it makes me happy

"This seems feasible."

Hearing the voice of the Chaos Bell Zhenling, Yu Ziyu also nodded.

This seems to be feasible.

But he must consider three points.

One is that this person's cultivation level (Li Wang Zhao) must have reached the quasi-sage peak. He is only one step away from reaching eternity.

Secondly, this person must have the mentality of being an enemy of other saints, or the other saints cannot tolerate it.

And finally, Yu Ziyu has the ability to help him seize the throne..These three points...It all looks tough.

Not to mention, all three in one

"If I really think in this direction, there are very few people I can choose."


"One is Kunpeng, the demon master of the demon clan, and the other is the ancestor of Minghe from the underworld...."

"One of them is a monster, and the other is an evil thing. Yuanshi Tianzun hates this kind of thing the most. The relationship between the Second Saint of the West and these two guys is not very good, and they can even be regarded as enemies....If they become saints, they will indeed be enemies of most saints"

"But here comes the question, how can I help them seize the holy throne?".

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