The top imperial weapon, the furnace of all things. very scary.

It's just a pity that this imperial weapon is a bit incomplete.

Even with Yu Ziyu's intervention, it would be difficult to repair.

This is also the reason why Yu Ziyu has a headache.

After a long time, it will eventually wear out.

And this wear and tear is irreversible.

Even the true spirit of the Emperor's All-Things Furnace~ is still sleeping.

If it could wake up and cooperate with Yu Ziyu, it might be able to directly capture all three eternities in the Divine Blood World.

However, it's not a big problem.

It's still a long time.

Yu Ziyu had plenty of time to think about it.

However, at this moment, what no one knows is that somewhere in the chaos.

There are two figures standing quietly.

One of them is wearing a black robe, and the other is wearing a gray robe, wearing a strange mask, and holding a staff in his hand.

If Yu Ziyu were here, he would definitely be able to recognize it.

One of the figures turned out to be someone he had fought against before - the Black Witch King.

This is the supreme eternity of wizard civilization.

Extremely terrifying.

Although it is the reason why Yu Ziyu and others are not in Starry Sky World.

But with the throne protecting him, Xingkong was repeatedly forced into desperate situations.

But compared to him, the other figure was even more terrifying.

It was clearly standing quietly, but it was glowing with an extremely terrifying hazy light.

Just one look at it will make even the dominant level experts tremble.

Even, fall.

The strange mask on his face seemed to speak directly to his heart.

There are no secrets before it.

The staff in his hand seemed ordinary.

But at the top of the staff, there is a rotating ball.

No, that's not a round ball.

But a world.

It is a medium-sized world. this...

You know, the world where the mutant civilization is located is only a medium-sized world.

But the scepter held by this one actually supports a medium-sized world.

And this is the supreme ruler of the wizard civilization.

It is also the wizard civilization. For hundreds of millions of years, the most amazing existence is the wizard king.

His real name has long been unknown.

However, he discerns the truth and intercepts destiny.

In the chaos, the entire wizard civilization was propped up.

The Dark Witch King is the sharpest spear of wizard civilization.

Then he is the most terrifying shield of wizard civilization.

A spear and a shield.

It created a wizarding civilization and an impenetrable barrier.

And now...

"You slept for a long time."

The wizard king said softly.


Nodding slightly, the Black Witch King used an extremely hoarse voice and said with a smile:

"I had a rare dream..."

"Dreaming of a strange world..."

"dreamed of..."

"Moreover, in the end, someone came along the long river of time and collided with me..."

Listening quietly, the Wizard King was speechless.

However, the eyes under the mask flickered slightly, and there was actually nine colors of brilliance overflowing.

"That's not a dream, you know"

"I know."

The Dark Witch King smiled.

How could they dream at their level?

The so-called dream is a reflection of the spirit.

As the saying goes, what you think about every day is what you dream about at night.

"So, there is a powerful civilization that will meet us?"

The Dark Witch King grinned, full of expectation.

"To be able to search the long river of time to come and fight with you, I can only say that I am not too weak."

"is a good opponent."

Speaking of this, the Wizard King changed the subject and said:

"Nightmare Civilization, Civilization of Steel, how is it now?"

"The Nightmare Civilization, the most mysterious Lord of Nightmares, has been sealed, and the three pillar gods of the Steel Civilization have also been nailed to the center of the world...."

Speaking of this, the Black Witch King also said bluntly:

"Give us a little more time and it won't be a big problem to capture these two civilizations." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's good."

In response, the King of Wizards also smiled.

However, at this time, if the Transcendent and Yu Ziyu were here, they would definitely not be able to help but change their expressions.

Nightmare Civilization, Steel Civilization.

Although I don't know what civilization it is.

But thinking about it, It’s almost the same as the Divine Blood Civilization.

The Wizarding Civilization actually started a war with the two major civilizations at the same time.

It seems that it has gained an absolute advantage.


Maybe, this is the wizard civilization.

A powerful civilization standing at the top of the chaotic food chain.

As a hunter, peek into various civilizations.

Ordinary civilization, in front of them, would probably be shattered at a touch....

And at this moment, the Wizard King spoke again:

"The sea civilization wants to join our wizard alliance, and the goblin clan in the wizard civilization has a true god who has stepped out..."

"Don’t agree with the Sea Clan civilization for the time being. This civilization has a lot of thoughts. As for the Fairy Clan, let’s improve their status appropriately."

The Black Witch King thought for a while and said bluntly.

Although the entire wizard civilization is under the control of the Wizard King, he, the Black Witch King, also has the power to make decisions.

He needs to make decisions on many things.

For example, within the civilization In the battle, the Wizard King is the glory of the wizard civilization and is synonymous with kindness and kindness.

And he, the Black Witch King, is the evil and chaos of the wizard civilization. One of them is white and the other is black, and they jointly defend the interests of the wizard civilization.

However, At this moment, as if he thought of something, the Wizard King turned cold:

"Can we now take revenge for the past?"

"Hard to say..."

The Dark Witch King responded

"We are growing, and they have not stopped making progress,"

"So, we need to become stronger."

Listening quietly, the Wizard King couldn't help but remain silent.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know this.

If he heard the conversation between these two people, he would probably not be able to sit still.

Wizard Civilization...

This is the most powerful civilization that he is quite afraid of....It seems like a defeated dog. this...

If it were true, how terrifying would it be?

What kind of civilization would push them to this point?

It can make them run away in embarrassment.

Moreover, it seems that the current wizard civilization has not yet grasped the opportunity for revenge?.

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