This is the seedling that Yu Ziyu is looking forward to.

As for the rest,

I'm sorry, Yu Ziyu really doesn't care.

Even those masters find it difficult to get into Yu Ziyu's eyes.

They will eventually come to an end.

But these little guys are different.

Their future is difficult to predict.

Maybe a half-step eternity, or even eternity, will come out of them

"You should continue to pay attention to the stars. If there is a good guy, remember to remind me"

"That's natural."

Smiling, the figure of Emperor Bingyi gradually turned into an illusion.

Finally, it turned into a ray of light and shot towards the starry sky.

He is the Wing of Freedom. He is the Sacred Sixteen Wings.

The world is so big that it is difficult to trap him. Earth.

The vastness of the starry sky makes it difficult for him to reach places.

And such a being is responsible for intelligence, which is the best.

However, it is not just the Emperor's Wings.

There are many other beings, and Yu Ziyu will take them with him.

Like in the future, Void Purple Scythe, Void Heavenly Concubine.

Also, his disciple Bai...

These are all talents.

And these little guys, assisting him, will definitely be able to lead a prosperous age.

To be more precise, leading an era of mythology

"Demon Court, endless sea of ​​blood, void, dragnet...Among these forces, the most important ones are the core ones, who can be continuously promoted in the future....."

"form a pyramid pattern...I stood at the top, and after that, countless talents gathered around me..."...

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

And this is the organization he is about to create.

Or power.

It's called the 'Temple of Time and Space', or it can also be called 'Genesis'.

The Temple of Time and Space is named after him.

And Genesis means creating a new era.

Both names are good.

"Currently, there are not many people in the Time and Space Temple, but all of them can be considered masters....Moreover, he is not an ordinary master..."

"But, I don’t know if there will be some people who would surprise me in the future."

Muttering in her heart, Yu Ziyu also picked up the wine pot and drank it all in one gulp.

This fairy wine tastes good.

You can tell Danxian to prepare more.

And it is worth mentioning that...Danxian is also a member of the Temple of Time and Space.

In the past, she was just an eighth-grade elixir.

But under Yu Ziyu's training, she has already stepped into the third heaven of domination, but her cultivation level is not important.

In other words, Yu Ziyu has never cared about the cultivation of Danxian.

What Yu Ziyu really cares about is her accomplishments in alchemy.

The eighth-level alchemy realm has been enough to be called a 'generation of alchemy saint' in the past and countless eras.

Although, it is not enough to top the Era.

But it is enough to make countless masters respect him.

Just because the elixir she refined can already take the master one step further.

When she is able to refine some, the elixir will make half a step eternity a heartbeat.

So it can be said that the name of 'Alchemy' is worthy of its name.

Even Yu Ziyu would give three points of respect to such beings.

Of course, Alchemy is still far away from that realm.

There's no rush.

Time is still long,

Yu Ziyu can wait slowly

"This person, a creature born from the elixir, is expected to aspire to the end of alchemy."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also thought of that saint from the ancient times.

It is said that he has reached the end of his alchemy.

Moreover, it was he who pioneered the 'alchemy' process.

The nine-turn gold he refined Dan, the pill of immortality, is still a legend.

I don’t know if Danxian has any hope of being with him. With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at a world.

It was a world of flames.

The rich fire element , as if turned into reality...

It continued to burn, and the world seemed to turn into a sea of ​​fire.

Inside, countless creatures formed from flames were chasing each other in the sky, constantly playing.

And in the deepest part of such a big world, there is a green valley.

This valley is called 'Medicine Valley'.

In the deepest part of the medicine valley, there is a beautiful woman standing quietly.

This beauty was wearing a pale white dress, and her face could not be seen clearly, but her temperament was extremely elegant.

Liu's waist, barely enough to hold in one's hand, was bound by a green belt.

That waist was the most slender and weak among women Yu Ziyu had ever seen.

However, the most concerning thing is her eyes.

They were a pair of light green eyes, extremely mysterious.

This is Danxian.

Creatures born from elixir.

It was originally a pill.

But with the help of Yu Ziyu, he transformed into an adult.

However, even if she transforms into a human being, her whole body still exudes a fragrance that can make even the master's heart flutter....

Therefore, Yu Ziyu placed her in the deepest part of the flame world.

Everything she needs, Yu Ziyu will provide.

She wants spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs. There are countless spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs and they can be used inexhaustibly.

She wanted to accompany her, so the Peach Sacred Tree took root in the Dan Valley.

Looking carefully, there is a peach forest three thousand miles away near the Dan Valley.

Lush and lush, there are more than just flat peach trees.

The Enlightenment Sacred Tree, the Bodhi Sacred Tree and many other sacred trees can be considered her friends.

They met, drank tea, and admired the flowers.

It was so pleasant.

Occasionally, Yu Ziyu will go to accompany him. like now...

The deepest part of Dan Valley...On a stone table, some side dishes were already placed.

Danxian slowly stood up and poured wine into the cup....


While calling softly, Danxian saw a hazy figure slowly emerging next to the stone table.

He was dressed in green clothes.

The face is hidden in the mist, making it difficult for ordinary people to see clearly.

But Danxian could see clearly at a glance that his face was not much different from that of ordinary people.

At most he is handsome, and his temperament is exuding.

And this is his master.

Today’s Eternal Lord—Lord of Time and Space

"You told me about the Immortal Pill. I have already figured out how to do it, and I guess it won't be long before I can refine it."

As he spoke softly, Danxian also had a smile on his lips.

He seemed to be showing off, but also seemed to be proud of himself.

"You girl, you are indeed gifted."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also drank the medicinal wine that Danxian refined for him.

This medicinal wine tastes very good.

In other words, for him now, ordinary Qiongxian Yujiang is of no use.

More Most can only focus on the taste

"I hope that in my lifetime, I can refine a pill that even you like."

During the very soft whisper, Danxian's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

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