"From now on, the third princess will be a member of our team...."

Suddenly speaking, Yu Ziyu also brought the topic back to normal.

Then, he also looked at many acquaintances and added:

"The third princess is burdened with fate...Able to guide people to maximize their talents...It is an ability that is extremely suitable for leading the development of forces."


Amid the sudden murmur, the Tongtian Shenmu was also thoughtful.

She has direct access to God’s will.

What does it mean to naturally understand destiny?

This is the real supreme law

"No wonder, I have always been unable to see through you."

With a sigh, the Tongtian Shenmu also said bluntly:

"Welcome to join us..."


Nodding, the third princess was also a little confused about the situation.

"Can you tell me what's happening now?"

"Does someone as powerful as the Lord of Time and Space need to plan like this?"...

Listening quietly, the corners of Jiuwei's mouth on the side were also slightly raised.

"Let me explain."

With that said, Jiuwei slowly walked to the third princess....

At this time, Yu Ziyu looked at this scene.

It has quietly exited.

Next, leave it to them.

Here, Yu Ziyu is the most trustworthy person.

Only they can Yu Ziyu rely on.

All major legions in the future, and even others, will need to take responsibility from them.

As for Yu Ziyu, I’m sorry.

He just needs to practice and practice again

"The direction of my efforts is different from theirs. It is best to leave all the trivial matters to them."

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also walked out of the world of life.

Then, he sat high on a branch of his body.

When he raised his right hand, a pot of turbid wine fell into his hand.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

One sound after another, the wine kept pouring into the throat, and it tasted good.

While sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu looked not far away.

I don’t know when, Emperor Bingyi came.

"Why don't you discuss it with them?"

"No, that's not suitable for me to participate in."

A sigh, the emperor's soldiers are also big-headed.

A group of women, and they are also a group of extremely scary women.

The devil knows how scary they are together.

Moreover, these women are not good.

Like Nine-Tails , and Linger.

One has controlled the Demon Court for thousands of years on the surface.

The other has controlled the Demon Court for thousands of years secretly.

And what is the Demon Court?

It is one of the top forces in the starry sky.

In this way, it is also conceivable. , how terrifying these two girls are.

Needless to say, the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree and the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

The two girls are extremely beautiful and beautiful, which is not enough to describe them.

The third princess can be regarded as a newbie.

But she is burdened with fate. How can it be a good person?


Sorry to bother you, really bothering you.

Emperor Bingyi walked out decisively and came to drink with Yu Ziyu

"Is today's starry sky what you want?"

Suddenly speaking, Emperor Bingyi was also curious.

"These are not prosperous times."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"This is an era that is about to be shattered..."

In the very serious voice, Yu Ziyu's face also showed a touch of complexity.

One day he will end this era with his own hands.

End this era.

Then, start a real era that belongs to him alone.

In that era, the prosperity will be a hundred times or a thousand times more prosperous than now.

Its powerful forces are countless.

There will even be countless legendary legions coming out.

And in that era, Yu Ziyu had already thought of a name.


While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.

The era of mythology, an era led by Yu Ziyu.

A terrifying era that could compete with the prehistoric times.

In this era...Dominators are springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

The terrifying inheritance is endless.

Only in this era can a truly legendary legion be born.

Only then do they have the capital to compete with the prehistoric ones.

However, I have to say that this is just an idea of ​​Yu Ziyu.

Even he is not sure whether he can create such an era.

But he will try.

Work hard to create that kind of era

"If such eras were really created,...So what about the prehistoric times?"

While laughing wildly, Yu Ziyu also acted wantonly.


Nodding, Emperor Bingyi also admitted.

"If we can really create such an era, we will have the power to fight against Honghuang."

"Hope so."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also had a touch of expectation on her face....

However, Era of Mythology is in no hurry.

The creation of an era takes a long time, and he is not ready yet.

Moreover, in this era, reproduction has not reached its peak.

Perhaps, this era has the potential to become a mythical era?

If this is true, Yu Ziyu does not need to destroy this era and start a new era. only...

As if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"Are there any interesting geniuses recently?"

"there's a few."

In response, Emperor Bingyi, who is now in charge of intelligence and is galloping in the starry sky, also said bluntly:

"There is a guy who has the potential to bear the supreme law,"

"Now we are in the sixth level of Tianmen. If someone guides us, I am afraid that..."

"Another one took the path of war...Fight to feed war, the more you fight, the stronger you become..."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied. ps:**************************Asking for flowers, asking for rewards**********************

Will continue to update later....

Try to resume the third update tomorrow.............

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