Refining the elixir that made Yu Ziyu's heart beat.

This is Danxian’s obsession.

Or a dream.

She originally wanted to refine the elixir to help Yu Ziyu achieve enlightenment.

It's just a pity that Yu Ziyu became enlightened too quickly, so that she lost the opportunity.

But now...She's still trying.

Work hard to refine elixirs that are of great use to eternity.

Although this is difficult,

Danxian believes that with the help of many divine trees and flowers of heaven and earth, it will not be too difficult.

At least there is a chance...

"Hope so."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also looked at Danxian. Few people know about this girl. Even Jiuwei and Ling'er don't know about her existence. However, she is very important to Yu Ziyu. This is also time and space. member of the temple


With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also took out a ring embroidered with complicated patterns....

"Take this, this is proof of power"

"Now, he belongs to you."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also gave this ring to Danxian.

This ring was refined by Yu Ziyu.

In terms of grade alone, he can only be regarded as a sixth-grade artifact.

But the problem is, this ring is made by Yu Ziyu Baptized and washed away in the long river of time.

Now, if you look at the corner of the long river of time, you will definitely see one ring after another, all lying quietly.

They have gone through the baptism of time....

Polished over the years...

It has long been entangled with the strong power of time.

And this also means that Yu Ziyu can easily detect the owner of the ring no matter where he is.

It can even come directly.

To say it is a token, it is better to say it is Yu Ziyu's protection for them.

And this is the proof of the Temple of Time and Space.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that Danxian was the first person to own this ring.

It's not because of anything else, but because her ring can be polished the fastest.

The power of time has penetrated into the core of this ring and is lingering.

Just like now, when putting on this ring, Danxian's delicate body is shaken.

Suddenly, some strength surged into my body

"Time will protect you, make you look beautiful and remain youthful forever."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also mentioned an ability of this ring.

To be honest, this ability is not of much use.

But women all love beauty.

Just like now, there are few elixirs. Some smiled.

The corners of their mouths were slightly raised, outlining a subtle arc.

Their eyes could not be separated from the ring.

But in this regard, Yu Ziyu just smiled, and then drank alone...

The night is getting darker.

Soon after, a bright moon rose high.

And this is the change of the nine realms day and night according to Yu Ziyu's will.

There is even more starlight shining down.

The former Blue Star had a great influence on Yu Ziyu.

So much so that Yu Ziyu got used to the rotation of day and night.

Even more accustomed to the sun and the moon.

Therefore, the nine realms also have the rotation of the sun and the moon, and the alternation of day and night.

And this bright moon?...

Looking carefully, there are actually silver trees taking root.

This is the immortal laurel.

Another sacred tree of heaven and earth.

The sacred tree cultivated by Yu Ziyu himself.

Known as the 'beauty under the moon'.

She is independent from the world, aloof, and doesn't seem to know how to smile.

However, now, when she came to the world of flames, she cast her gaze and looked at the figure deep in the Dan Valley, but she couldn't help but smile.


Amidst the soft shouting, a ray of moonlight also fell.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely cold beauty, wearing a silver dress, slowly descended.

The moonlight draped over her body.

Her black hair was like a waterfall.

She was beautiful.

Beautiful. Like a fairy.

No, she is a fairy on earth.

Even Chang'e in the past is difficult to compare with her.

Chang'e, after all, ascended from the mortal world.

But she is a natural spiritual creature.

Extraordinary and refined.

Now, she has stepped onto the fifth level of Tianmen..

People call her 'Moon Goddess'.

Of course, more people call her 'Moon Goddess'.’

"How did you come?"

Amid some astonishment, Yu Ziyu asked with a smile.

"Now, I'm on duty..."

After just a few words, Immortal Yuegui looked at Yu Ziyu and asked curiously:

"When will the crow come back? I'm still waiting for him to take over...."


In response, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

In the future, when the nine realms alternate between day and night, they will be handed over to the immortal laurel and the sky crow.

One of them is the reincarnated moon god, the daughter of the lunar yin, and the other is the golden crow genius, the son of the sun.

With them in charge, the Nine Realms can also alternate normally.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the Nine Realms are now the top world and are constantly expanding.

In the future, there is hope to evolve into a vast world like the starry sky.

If they are Being able to control the alternation of day and night all the time is also a shocking blessing for them to kill.

Among other things, Yu Ziyu's request for the two of them is the seventh level of Tianmen. If these two people, with the blessing of the Nine Realms, are not able to set foot in In the seventh level of Tianmen, Yu Ziyu will be very disappointed.

However, now, the Immortal Sky Crow still has the Golden Crow clan to deal with.

After he has dealt with the Golden Crow clan, he should return.

And the Nine Realms is also the place of practice that Yu Ziyu prepared for him

"If they are lucky, they may even become gods."

Muttering in her heart, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flashing. Become a god.

That's not becoming a god.

It's a real punishment on behalf of heaven....

Be part of the movement of heaven and earth.

And they are expected to become gods in the nine realms.

God of the Sun, and God of the Moon.

In addition to them, there is also the third princess, who is expected to become the goddess of fate.

And if they can really become gods, it will be of great benefit to the Nine Realms.

They can guide heaven and earth in a better direction.

It is also able to sort out the laws and guide the evolution of the world.

And heaven and earth also give them strength...

For example, the fate of the nine realms...Everything fell into the hands of the third princess.

The immortal laurel rules the night.

The immortal crow rules the day.

This is the so-called 'power'.

With the blessings of heaven and earth, their combat power will also skyrocket.

And this is the 'Nine Worlds of Gods'.

God can be with heaven and earth.

If they could really become gods, they would be able to coexist with the Nine Realms.

And the Nine Realms are attached to Yu Ziyu.

Yu Ziyu is immortal, and the nine realms are immortal.

Equally, they can also exist in the world forever.

I have to say that Yu Ziyu is playing a big game of chess....

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