The night is getting darker, the fairyland, above the head, is not the vast starry sky.

Instead, there is boundless vastness and an indescribable vastness.

For most people in Fairyland, they don't know what the starry sky looks like.

Not to mention the shock of the twinkling stars.

That is something that only all races in the starry sky understand.

However, now...

"Boom, boom, boom...."

Along with the continuous roar, countless stars were centered on a point and shot out in all directions.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The sky was broken one after another, and the night sky was already dotted with crystals. stars twinkling

"what is that?"

"This is?"

"So beautiful, twinkling."

Countless people were shocked amidst the continuous exclamations.

But only the sixth-order giants and their masters understood how much power each twinkling star contained.

Perhaps, just one of them was enough to destroy the world.

And this is Yu Ziyu's natal imperial weapon - the Brilliant Galaxy.

Eight flying knives turned into billions of stars...

But this is no exaggeration.

What is really exaggerated is that these billions of stars are constantly rotating according to the laws of the universe.

The stars are moving, the stars are twinkling...

But it is all mysteries.

And this is the most terrifying Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Today, Yu Ziyu made a sacrifice.

It has been understood for thousands of years and accumulated for countless years.

He finally used his vast power to create such formations.

Thousands of stars twinkle in the sky and earth.

But when attacking, thousands of stars burst out into countless pillars of starlight in an instant, enough to engulf everything....

Can be defended, starlight protects the body, and is invulnerable to all means. variable...The stars have changed, and most of the strength has been removed...

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is a strange formation that spans across the ancient world. The only ones that can rival it are the Twelve Capital Gods and Evils Formation, the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

Moreover, this formation is different from other formations. Other formations, such as the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, the Ten Jue Formation, etc., all form their own formation space, isolating all the mysteries of the outside world.

But there is no formation space in this formation. But it can lock everyone under the formation. People who are locked by it, no matter what kind of magical power you have. There is no escaping the fall of Starlight.

One more thing, it’s also scary...That is the fusion of this formation with the external space, summoning the star power of the surrounding universe and the power of billions of stars. The power is strong enough to destroy heaven and earth.

Just like now, with this formation, the entire fairyland is shrouded in the stars in the sky.

Yu Ziyu only needs one thought...

The endless starlight will flood the entire fairyland.

Then, it was lost in the endless torrent of starlight.

Terrible and horrifying.

But it is the ultimate form of formation

"Now, with my own strength, I can create this formation."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of satisfaction on his face.

This is something that Demon Emperor Taiyi and others cannot do.

According to them, only Eternity can control this formation 'single-handedly'.

But now, where is Yu Ziyu?

It’s only half a step into eternity.

In this way, you can imagine how terrifying Yu Ziyu’s background is. With a single spiritual power, Yu Ziyu is no less than eternity.

His spiritual power is endless.

He also has clones like the endless sea of ​​blood....

Inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

If Eternal fights with him, he may not be able to win.

Of course, this is just to say that eternity is not good at consumption.

Eternity is also a living thing.

Although, it is a great life form that transcends one dimension.

But they also have their own strengths.

Just like the first immortal in the human race, he is in charge of creation and is good at yin and yang.

It's just a pity that in this era, he has not really taken charge of creation, otherwise he would have been able to fight Yu Ziyu.


Sighing secretly in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the night sky of Xianxiang.

Now, the stars are twinkling.

But it is the starry sky that Yu Ziyu built for the entire fairyland.

Of course he wasn't here to attack.

Nowadays, he is more interested in accumulating strength. like now...

"The boundless starry sky is for my use."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the sky.


Along with the earth-shattering roar, the sky in the entire fairyland seemed to be torn apart, and countless starlights shot towards him in an instant.

Even more people gathered around him.

This is no ordinary starlight.

This is the light of the innate stars fused with the power of chaos.

It is the energy plundered by the Zhoutian Starry Formation, which absorbs the star iron in the endless chaos.

But now, all this energy belongs to Yu Ziyu.

Just to polish his immortal body... not only that,

"Nine realms open."

With a soft drink, the nine light groups surrounding Yu Ziyu actually swelled in the wind, and continued to grow bigger. In a blink of an eye, they had grown to a size of 100,000 meters, floating around Yu Ziyu.

However, this was not the end yet..The nine realms are still expanding.....

Nine realms are nine great worlds...

Just like a dragon world on one side and a phoenix world on the other...

If it falls in the fairyland, it will be enough to destroy half of the fairyland.

But now, the nine realms have emerged together, which has also shocked the entire fairyland.

Countless powerful people feel inexplicable oppression, as if they are suffocated.

However, few people know that this is the beginning of Yu Ziyu's real practice.

He polished his body by absorbing the power of thousands of stars from the Zhoutian Starry Formation.

Then, through the nine realms, temper the power of the stars...

All of this is Yu Ziyu's preparation for the next retreat.

However, at this time, as if he noticed something, the countless sacred trees hidden in the depths of the Nine Realms also shook.

"We have finally reached this point."

With a sigh, the divine tree reaching the sky rose from the ground in the great world of vitality.


Amidst the continuous roar, she actually held up the entire world.

She absorbed the endless vitality of the vitality world and continued to grow.

Just to help Yu Ziyu when he needs it.

Not just him, the legendary Bodhi tree and the sacred tree of enlightenment...Many other sacred trees no longer concealed themselves, and each began to grow to the extreme.

Yu Ziyu protected them and guided them to countless stars.

And they just need to grow and become stronger...Until it becomes a complete body.

At that time, all the sacred trees in heaven and earth were in the sky....

I'm afraid the whole world will be shocked.

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