"So, Master, is the law of evolution that I carry on my back the supreme law?"

"That is, what is the law that can actively evolve and grow?"

In a daze, Zi Lian couldn't help but lose consciousness.

"should be."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the starry sky.

He was thoughtful.

Zi Lian's law is the supreme law, which Yu Ziyu did not expect at first.

But later, after thinking about it, Yu Ziyu understood.

If the law of evolution of the Purple Scythe is not the supreme law, then what other law is it?

Continuously evolve until it reaches its perfect form.

It is also a terrifying law of infinite growth.

Moreover, it can also evolve independently.

Just like now, in just ten thousand years, Over the years, Purple Scythe has evolved into so many forms.


In this way, one can imagine how terrifying this law of evolution is.

And now...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also felt a little sad.

In recent years, he has felt something in his heart.

The ten supreme laws are the key to the success of his laws.

He doesn't ask for more.

Don’t ask for anything, just collect the ten supreme laws.

It’s good to know one, two, or even three or four.

Now, there is the supreme law, time and space and infinity.

Reincarnation and destiny are also being cultivated.

But now, he accidentally discovered the law of Zi Si, which is the law of evolution. this...

He can move everyone else.

But Zi Yan couldn't move.

This was his general, his confidant, and his right-hand man.

If he took away the supreme law he was carrying, he would probably fall from the clouds one day.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu sighed.

There are regrets.

But what's more is relief.

Since there is no chance, he will not force it.

But, at this time...

"Master, if you need anything..."

But before Zi Lian could finish speaking, an invisible force blocked his mouth....

"Stop...you are my confidant...Remember, you should not have certain ideas, let alone have them."

With a hint of warning, Yu Ziyu's voice was also rare and cold.

In the past, it was enough for the colorful divine flower to give up herself in order to fulfill him.

Now Yu Ziyu does not need any confidants or subordinates to give up themselves to fulfill him. path.

No need.

Although he is selfish and does whatever it takes to achieve enlightenment.

But there is still a bottom line in the end.

"OK, Master."

In response, Zi Lian also gave up.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu's voice also sounded in the star space.

"I don’t want there to be no one left in the world after I become enlightened..."

"And your existence is the last watch in my heart..."

"If the Tao is realized, everything will become empty. What fun will it have?"...

Listening quietly, Zi Lian was also shocked.

Immediately, he suppressed the thought that arose in his mind.

Yes, if the master gives up everything when he becomes enlightened, then what is the point of him becoming enlightened?

And the owner at that time must have been extremely lonely and lonely, right? so...


After a while of silence, Zi Lian also realized this.

He doesn't need to do anything.

Just stay with the owner all the time.

As for the thought of sacrificing one's life to help the master achieve enlightenment in the future when there is no room for advancement, it is better to press the button.

The master will not be happy...

And not long after that, after chatting with Zi Lian for a while, Yu Ziyu slowly dissipated.

Zi Lian was left alone, sitting quietly on the highest mountain in the void.

"Master, I will protect this world for you."

While speaking softly, it seemed like a promise, Zi Lian's face was full of determination.

From a distance, as if he heard something, Yu Ziyu also smiled as he dispersed.

Zi Lian is still trustworthy as always....

At this time, in Fairyland, another world outside of chaos, Yu Ziyu has returned.

Accompanying it is the three bodies.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu and Chaos Zhong Zhenling went to meet someone.

That's a girl.

Has green hair.

Like an elf, full of life and vitality.

She is the princess of Fairyland.

A collection of thousands of favors.

Countless powerful men in Fairyland regarded her as the 'pearl in their palms'.

And all this is because she is Yu Ziyu's second daughter.

She is the daughter of Yu Ziyu and Tongtian Shenmu.

Born noble.

But now, after taking a deep look at this beautiful figure, Yu Ziyu also chose to turn around.


Yu Ziyu, who rarely said these two words, said it to someone for the first time.

Amidst the laughter that was like a silver bell, the Chaos Bell True Spirit couldn't help but laugh.

She knew that this was Yu Ziyu's gratitude to her.


"She can also be considered half of my daughter, and she is also my direct disciple."

While speaking softly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu did not ask too many questions.

These are personal feelings after all.

Now he is obsessed with the avenue.

If he has distracting thoughts,...I'm afraid...

And now, it's pretty good too.

At least, his second daughter is doing well.

She is leisurely and at ease, and her talent is also top-notch.

To this day, she is the master.

In terms of talent alone, she is even better than the eldest sister she has never met.

However, this is understandable.

When her eldest sister was born, Yu Ziyu was still only a middle-ranking master.

But now, he is halfway to eternity.

In terms of combat power alone, it is not even inferior to eternity.

Such an existence implies that the descendants have different foundations.... only...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu thought of the Tongtian Sacred Tree, Ling'er, and Jiuwei....

He owed them so much in his life.

There was obviously a chance to make amends, but he chose to give up after all.

Cultivation... maybe.

That's a good excuse

"When I set foot in eternity, I hope you will be immortal..."

The soft narration, like a promise, resounds between heaven and earth, but it makes thousands of laws shake.


One step, stepping out of the room, made Xianxiang sink.

It was like an unprecedented terrifying existence walking on the fairyland.

He's going to chase the road.


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