The sacred tree of heaven and earth, the most precious treasure in all realms.

Unfortunately, however, the sacred trees of heaven and earth rarely actually grow.

Their growth cycle is too long, too long.

If there is no one to support them, they may be cut off and coveted when they are halfway through their growth.

Therefore, for countless epochs, it is rare to see the 'complete divine tree of heaven and earth'.

But things are different now.

With the protection of Yu Ziyu, it is inevitable for these sacred trees of heaven and earth to grow.

Even if it is the world tree with the longest life growth cycle, the sacred tree reaching the sky, it takes millions or tens of millions of years, so what?

As long as Yu Ziyu is here for one day, he can protect them for one day.

This is Yu Ziyu's confidence and confidence.

And now...

"Grow up to your heart's content, Fairyland will be your paradise."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu has already set up formations one after another around these sacred trees of heaven and earth.

There are advanced spirit gathering formations....

Has a high-level pure spirit formation...

There is even a 'time acceleration array'.

These formations can all speed up the growth of the Divine Tree of Heaven and Earth.

To put it bluntly, Yu Ziyu is now a master of formations.

Although I dare not say that I have reached the ultimate level of the formation, it can still be regarded as first-class.

Looking at countless eras, it also has a place.

This is related to his talent in formation.

It is also related to his golden finger - deduction.

Thousands of formations are inseparable from the word 'deduction'.

The more powerful the formation, the more so.

Even the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation requires constant deduction.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is uniquely endowed.

Even if there is no cultivation at all.

But with resources, Yu Ziyu can also rely on formations to make a name for himself.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and silently stared at the many sacred trees.

From now on, it's up to them.

This is also Yu Ziyu’s 10% hope for enlightenment.

Not to mention anything else, just the Sacred Tree of Enlightenment and the Sacred Bodhi Tree can truly increase your understanding.

Sitting cross-legged under them, Yu Ziyu felt that his mind was empty and everything was clear.

This is very scary.

At least for someone of his level, it was terrifying.


"Grow well."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it......

At this time, few people noticed that on one of the trunks of the ever-growing Tongtian Sacred Tree, there was a shadow sitting quietly on the branch.

She crossed her feet and her eyes were lively.

There is a lingering smile on the face

"Mother... that must be father."

While speaking softly, the girl also raised her eyes and looked at the sky....That is a very great figure.

Surrounded by nine stars...

Time flows.

There are countless divine chains intertwined in the sky.

Like a god or a devil.

Like an ancient demon deep in space and time, terrifying

"Do you feel it?"

While narrating softly, an illusory figure also walked out of the tree body of the Sky-reaching Divine Tree.

A head of black hair, flying like a waterfall.

There were three thousand light groups around it.

And this was the true spirit of the Sky-reaching Divine Tree.


Nodding slightly, this beautiful figure also said truthfully:

"The feeling of blood connection, the moment I saw him, I could clearly feel my blood boiling."

While murmuring softly, the girl's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

Is this her father?

It's really a strange word.

I heard that his father has been in seclusion all year round.

However, this is understandable.

As the most terrifying existence , his father must have been in seclusion for thousands of years, ten thousand years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, it is normal not to be able to see her for a long time.

However, she believes that her father must be silently paying attention to her growth.

Therefore, She worked hard and tried harder.

Until now...

And just then...As if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows. he saw...

I saw the mother and daughter, leaning on each other in the corner, staring at him quietly

"It is my fault to give birth without nourishment."

While sighing softly, Yu Ziyu also waved the wicker


Accompanied by an extremely terrifying roar, the wicker branches crossed the void like a divine chain....Shooting straight towards the Tongtian Shenmu and this girl


There was another roar, and before the girl could react, a wicker like a divine chain landed between her eyebrows.

"You were born with boundless vitality...This is the eternal creation formula that is most suitable for you."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu has already taught her daughter a terrifying skill. The

Eternal Creation Technique, this is the most powerful skill created by the first immortal of the human race.

After the death of the first immortal of the human race , After that, everything about him was plundered by Yu Ziyu.

This included laws, magical powers, and even martial arts.

How much gain could be brought to Yu Ziyu by a powerful person who reached eternity.

No one knew.

However, just when Yu Ziyu killed people When he became the first immortal in his clan, he rarely went into seclusion for decades to digest everything.

In this way, it is conceivable how great the harvest was.

You know, he is only half a step into eternity.

But even he needs to go into seclusion. It takes decades to digest the harvest.

And here, the eternal creation secret was compiled by Yu Ziyu from the harvest of the first immortal of the human race.

I have to say that the first immortal of the human race is very good.

His two daughters are both It is to practice his attack.

One is practicing the Immortal Art of Ten Thousand Daos.

The other is practicing the Art of Eternal Creation.

Both are peerless techniques.

"If possible, I will try my best to call you back from distant time and space."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu did not hide his thoughts.

Call back the first immortal of the human race.

Kill it with your own hands, and then call him back.


However, this is normal for Yu Ziyu.

He killed the number one immortal of the human race because the two had a grudge.

There is cause and effect.

Now that the number one immortal in the human race has fallen, all causes and effects have disappeared.

He also had no scruples.

In the future, if necessary, he should call him back, but is that possible?

Is it really possible to recall a half-step eternity from the long river of time, or even true eternity?

Yu Ziyu was also thinking about this.

Contemplating the limits of his power...

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