Deep in the chaos, on the throne, Yu Ziyu sat quietly.

Raising his eyes slightly, he also looked in the distance.

There, there were two figures, standing quietly.

The two figures were very familiar.

One who bears the word"reincarnation" is the Lord of Reincarnation.

One is burdened with 'fate' and is the daughter of destiny.

However, now, both of them have solemn expressions, with incredible looks on their faces.

"How can this be?"

"A blow that threatens eternity...."

"Walking in the eternity of chaos..."

Amid the shock, they couldn't help but lose their voices. eternal...

A half-step eternity actually burst out with eternal divine power. so scary...What exactly does this mean?

Nobody knows.

However, one thing is for sure...That is far beyond the imagination of the world.

Even beyond everyone's understanding.

At least, the Lord of Reincarnation and the Lady of Destiny could not help but remain silent.

Slowly raise your eyes...

Across billions of miles of chaos...

Both of them seemed to see the 'majestic figure' located deep in the distant space and time.

The king from eternity, the real terror...

"long time no see."

Telling softly, Yu Ziyu's voice also sounded in their ears.

However, the voices and emotions they heard were completely different.

What the Lord of Reincarnation heard was like a greeting from an old friend.

But what the Girl of Destiny heard was , but it seems like the love words of a lover who has not seen each other for a long time, very tender

"It’s been a long time indeed."

With a sigh, the Lord of Reincarnation was also speechless.

In the past, they were both the pinnacle of the starry sky.

But now, they are completely different.

One is an ancient king in the depths of distant time and space, comparable to eternity.

The other...but...


While sighing in his heart, the Lord of Samsara felt particularly suffocated, as if he couldn't breathe.

Just talking to each other makes him suffocated....

At this time, Yu Ziyu shook his head helplessly, and took a deep look at the Lord of Reincarnation and the Girl of Destiny.

The two of them are doing pretty well now.

They are all from the fifth level of Tianmen, and even one of them is from the sixth level of Tianmen....

However, this is not enough.

At least, for him, it was far from enough.

If it were this period in other eras, they would have already been respected.

But in today's era, all they have is suffocation and powerlessness.

Who allowed a real monster to emerge in this era?

And now...

"Let's go."

Sitting high on the throne, Yu Ziyu also caressed the armrests


The inexplicable flow of power...

The whole chaos turned into a shocking whirlpool...

Until it becomes an initial starting point.

Yu Ziyu is gone, using the wormhole of time and space to escape from the chaos....Returned to fairyland.

At this moment, his power is comparable to eternity, and even the fairyland can easily return.

No need for the Chaos Clock to take action.

As for the Lord of the Void, the Lord of the Blood Sea, and the Azure Dragon of Heaven, he took them away

"In the future, they will practice with me in the fairyland..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

Next, it’s time to march into eternity.

The three bodies need to be always by his side.

As for Xingkong, the situation has long been stable.

Even without the Lord of the Void, the Lord of the Blood Sea, etc., it can still be the same as before.

And he just needs to wait for a steady stream of evolution points to arrive.

And countless masters are coming.

Now, the entire starry sky has become his 'breeding farm'.

Harvest after harvest.

Until this world is reopened.

It is worth mentioning that the Lord of Reincarnation and the Daughter of Destiny are the most precious fruits.

One is the supreme law of reincarnation.

One is the supreme law of destiny.

Over the years, Yu Ziyu has been able to ensure that while extracting the rules, they will not harm themselves.

If necessary, he would use it on Destiny's daughter in the future.

This person is his 'lifelong' love.

Destined not to hurt.

However, the law of fate must fall into his hands.

If it were other people, they might still be confused and hesitant.

After all, the girl of destiny has feelings for him, so it's hard to do anything about it.

But Yu Ziyu's character will never be entangled in the slightest.

He did not rely on chance to get to where he is today.

But that decisiveness and ruthlessness.

If you delay your enlightenment for the sake of your children's love, wouldn't it be too late to regret it?

Moreover, he already had a calculation in his mind.

When he attains enlightenment through the law of destiny, it will not be too late for him to return it to the daughter of destiny.

As for whether he could pay it back, that was not his consideration.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to the growth of the Daughter of Destiny and the Lord of Reincarnation....

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that a ray of Yu Ziyu's spiritual thought was shooting towards the starry sky.

And not long after, as if he noticed something, in the deepest part of the void, a purple mantis suddenly knelt down on one knee.

"The subordinates pay homage to their master."

While speaking softly, Zi Lian also showed respect and enthusiasm.

Master, he has been loyal to him all his life.

And the moment Zi Lian paid his respects, an illusory figure intertwined with light and shadow also appeared in front of him.

This is Yu Ziyu His spiritual thoughts.

However, at his level, his spiritual thoughts can travel in all directions and are no different from the original body.

And now,

"purple sickle..."

Amid the soft call, Yu Ziyu also said quietly::

"Do you know what the laws you are burdened with are?"


Amid some astonishment, Zi Lian also fell silent.

He doesn't know.

But at this time, Zi Lian heard it...

"The ten supreme laws are not static. They are changing all the time. No one knows what the real ten laws are?"

"But one thing is certain, the ten laws are all mysterious and extremely mysterious, and they are the most important laws."

"And among the ten supreme laws, there is one law, the most mysterious..."

"It is the weakest law, but it can continue to evolve...keep growing...Wait until the moment when his host steps into eternity, that is when he evolves into the supreme law...."...

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu looked at Zi Lian with increasingly complicated eyes.

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