
In the soft murmur, Yu Ziyu naturally knew who he was.

The ancestor of Taoism.

When the world first opened, it was the most terrifying existence.

Integrate with the way of heaven and control the way of heaven...

He can single-handedly control the entire prehistoric world...

And it is such an eternal existence...No one knows what state he has reached.

Just because, one era after another...

This one is always growing...

Perhaps, he has already transcended...

Or maybe...

However, all the explanations cannot hide the fact.

That is, he was terrifying to the extreme.

And back then, when the number one immortal in the human race attacked the sky, he should have been the one to attack him. and...He is also the enemy of Chaos Clock.

No, it's not just him.

All races in the prehistoric era are the enemies of the Chaos Bell.

The person she regarded as her 'father' was the original Demon Emperor...

It's a pity that he encountered the prehistoric Taoist ancestor's plan and finally suffered from hatred as time goes by.

He also buried the heaven he founded.

How could Chaos Bell forget such a deep hatred.

This is also the reason why she continues to cultivate strong people in this world day and night.

She, looking forward to...

Looking forward to having a truly strong man come out...

He even helped her and took revenge.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to devote herself to Yu Ziyu.

And this can be regarded as her true recognition of her master.

You must know that although the original Demon Emperor Taiyi was terrifying, he was only a high-level master.

But he is far from qualified to refine the Chaos Bell.

And Yu Ziyu was able to reluctantly refine it because he carried time and space on his back and echoed the laws upheld by the Chaos Clock.

So, to a certain extent, there is nothing wrong with Yu Ziyu being her first master. only...


Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the number one immortal of the human race who was disappearing in the distance.

When Blue Star met...

It ruined his plan even more.

Then, he also stole the foundation of Heavenly Court and rose from the bottom.

To a certain extent, Yu Ziyu can be regarded as taking advantage of the situation.

He borrowed the power of 'the first immortal of the human race'. only...Pity


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also waved his sleeves


It was like a storm coming from the deepest depths of chaos, sweeping through everything and blowing away the last ray of true spirit of the first immortal in the human race.

Left alone, Yu Ziyu sat quietly on the throne and meditated....

"With some more time to settle, I can set foot on eternity."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.


While nodding slightly, a very graceful golden figure also appeared in front of him.

This is the true spirit of Chaos Bell.

Now, she has long hair shawl.

There is a certain charm between her eyebrows.

"Ordinary people who attack eternity are 90% likely to perish. If you attack eternity, 90% of the time you will succeed...."

While speaking softly, Chaos Zhong Zhenling did not hide his admiration for Yu Ziyu.

This probability is not just talk.

You know, the impact of eternity is very difficult.

Thousands of half-steps to eternity, but those who can impact eternity, and even more successful, are very few.

Thinking back to the beginning, the probability of the first immortal of the human race hitting eternity was only 20%.

But at that time, the sky was already shaking.

And what about Yu Ziyu?...

He actually has a 60-70% chance of setting foot in eternity...

No, it's not just 60% to 70

%. If he was more prepared, he would even have 80% to 90%.

And this 89% is not nonsense.

Yu Ziyu carries the supreme law of time and space on her back...When the laws of time and space are completed, his probability of impacting eternity increases by 10%.

He cultivates great supernatural powers and transforms the three pure beings with one breath...

The great supernatural power transforms the three pure things with one breath, and is known as 'stealing nature and seizing yin and yang'...’

Yu Ziyu has cultivated this great magical power to great perfection, and has increased it by another 10%....

This 10%, 10% probability is all earned through hard work and solid foundation.

As for why Yu Ziyu is 70% to 80% tall.

Naturally, it is because he has also practiced the Blood God Dharma, and his clone Lord of the Void is also burdened with the Supreme Law of Infinity....

All kinds of superpositions have made his probability of hitting eternity as high as 70 to 80%.

To put it bluntly, no one has been able to achieve such a terrifying probability throughout countless epochs.

Thinking back to the beginning, the impact on eternity was the most exaggerated, and it was only half a step into eternity.

His name is 'Gou Taoist'.

He claimed that he had a"30% chance" of hitting eternity.

My favorite saying: 'I am only 90% sure of overcoming this tribulation, it is still too dangerous....’

However, such a strong man had been preparing for thousands of years, but in the end he failed.

What a pity.

And with this comparison, one can also imagine what Yu Ziyu's current 70% to 80% probability means?

In terms of foundation alone, no one can match him for countless epochs and thousands of half-steps of eternity.

This is who he is.

A terrifying existence recognized by the Chaos Clock. only...this is not enough...

Far from enough

‘The Taoist Gou is just a Gou.

But his background is limited after all, and the 30% probability is his limit.

But Yu Ziyu is different.

He has countless information, and the probability is 70% to 80%. With his temperament, he can completely grasp the impact with 100% chance.

And here, there is a 10% chance that he will rely on a beautiful figure in the Nine Realms.

That's Danxian.

Dao Sect, the eighth-grade golden elixir, the creature transformed.

She entered Taoism with elixirs and worked day and night to refine elixirs for Yu Ziyu.

Today, she is already an eighth-level alchemist.

If word spreads, the entire starry sky may be shocked.

And Yu Ziyu planned to train her to the level of ninth-grade 'Elixir Immortal' and refine the real elixir for her.

"With the elixir, my probability of hitting eternity can be increased by at least one to two percent....Supplemented by other background..."

"100% sure, impact eternity."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of expectation on his face.

"Forehead...100% sure..."

Listening quietly, Chaos Clock couldn't help but change his face slightly.

This guy...

I have heard that he is extremely cautious and even more terrifying than the original 'Gou Taoist'.

Now, it seems that it is really true.

But, that’s okay.

Only such cautious people can hope to truly reach the top.

Only such a person can compete with that one in the future.

No matter how many calculations you make, you will never be able to defeat Gou's ultimate strength.’...

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