
A sudden roar came from the deepest part of the chaos, but it was Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body that successfully broke through under the guidance of the fire of civilization.

Set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, his originally vast body stretched out again.

‘The dragon that surrounds the world! '

Lives up to its name.

The current Void Dragon is so huge that it can circle the World Tree several times.

You know, the World Tree is the largest tree in the world.

It is also the most massive life form.

The size alone is comparable to several large worlds.

However, now Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body is enough to surround him several times.

So, one can imagine how terrifying this is.

Body, endless extension...

The power keeps rising.

Every moment, the strength of Tongtian Purple Dragon is increasing at a terrifying speed....

However, what no one noticed at this time was that just when the Tongtian Purple Dragon broke through,

"about there..."

In the depths of the chaos, a bloody figure also sat cross-legged next to a bloody figure.On the lotus platform.

The blood lotus rotated faintly, glowing with a faint light, but it illuminated the entire chaos.

This is blood lotus.

The companion imperial soldier of Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

On the lotus platform, nothing can invade you.

It is also able to suppress the true meaning of all Buddhism.

It is the most monstrous lotus in the world...

And now, while the Blood Lotus is leisurely, an inexplicable power is also surging.


Accompanied by an inexplicable roar, this blood lotus actually echoed Yu Ziyu's body of sea of ​​blood. visible to naked eye...

As the blood lotus kept blooming, it slowly enveloped Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

Turned into a 'lotus egg'.

In the past, there was Pangu, who broke out of the Chaos Dome.

Today, he also has a body of sea of ​​blood, forming a cocoon and turning into a butterfly.

When the shell breaks out, the mystery of the bloodline of all races is engraved deep in the bloodline.

At that time, his life level will further transform... until...

"My way will come true..."

In the very cold voice, deep in the blood lotus, the extremely evil figure also curled up the corners of his mouth slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

Just, at the same time...


Amidst the thundering dragon roar, a ten thousand-foot-long blue dragon was entangled in the deepest part of the chaos.

There are three thousand light groups around it.

Three thousand light groups are like three thousand realms.

Glowing with a brilliant light that flickers on and off.

Looking carefully, there are countless phantoms of gods and demons, worshiping deep in the light group.

And this is the manifestation of the will of many worlds swallowed by the Azure Dragon of Heaven.

A group of light, a world.

Three Thousand Light Groups also means 'Three Thousand Worlds'.

Of course, this is more of an imaginary number.

Yu Ziyu's Heavenly Blue Dragon has not devoured many worlds now.

Just dozens.

But these dozens of worlds are enough.

And at this moment,

"The three thousand realms should bless me."

In the soft murmur, the void...bone world...abyss...Every world was shaken.

Immediately afterwards,

"Boom, boom, boom...."

Amidst the roar like thunder, these worlds are all covered with dark clouds, with vast black clouds gathering.

What's even more terrifying is that deep in the clouds, there are countless lightnings that are constantly intertwining.

The world is shaking...

"What's going on with these clouds? How is it like thunder tribulation?"

"Wait, look, there is a figure deep in the clouds"


Amidst repeated exclamations, countless strong men raised their eyes.

And at the next moment, they saw...

I saw the phantom of a green dragon, actually swimming deep in the clouds.

And the moment they saw the phantom of Qinglong, each of them felt as if they were struck by lightning, and their minds were shaken.

"What's this?"

"Oh My God..."

Amidst the continuous exclamations, many strong men have been deprived of their minds by Yu Ziyu's body of the Heavenly Blue Dragon.

But, this is still a beginning.

Because, at this moment, these phantoms of green dragons were all looking up to the sky and roaring.


Just hearing a dragon roar, a vast whirlpool of spiritual energy swept across the world.

Just a few breaths.

Dozens of worlds simultaneously set off a whirlpool of spiritual energy.

The whirlpool of spiritual energy shot straight up into the nine heavens. shook the whole world.

It also shocked countless people...

"What exactly is this?"

"Why does the phantom of the green dragon appear in the void... and the phantom of the green dragon also appears in the sky of the elves."

During the continuous questioning, many strong men of the Dragon Clan were puzzled.

Not only them, but also many people from the Ten Thousand Clans did not understand.

They recognized the Qinglong, but they did not understand why the Qinglong appeared in their upper world. Above.

And, more importantly, what does this green dragon seem to be attracting?

It actually spreads all over the world.

"Haven't you discovered something even more terrifying?"

As he suddenly spoke, a strong man from the dragon tribe also widened his eyes.


He said in astonishment, and the very ancient Golden Dragon Lord was also puzzled.

"Breakthrough, Qinglong seems to be making a breakthrough, and it's not an ordinary breakthrough....Even though we are so far apart, I can still feel that inexplicable pressure?"

"Are you sure this isn't a breakthrough for a high-level master?"

"Tianmen Seventh Heaven? Or the eighth level of Tianmen?"

Recounting one after another, this experienced Dragon King was also completely stupid.

Are you kidding?

At this time, a strong man from the seventh or even eighth heaven of Tianmen appeared.

However, think about it. It seems that before, there were Suddenly, a strong man from the ninth level of Tianmen appeared.

Although it was just a rumor, many strong men were still shocked.

"Qinglong, is this a breakthrough?..."

In a daze, the Golden Dragon Lord also fell silent.

No wonder, no wonder, the Demon Court has been hiding from the world these years.

All kinds of avoidance of war.

It turns out that Qinglong is about to break through, and it is difficult to make too much noise.

From this point of view, when Qinglong succeeds in breaking through, they will take action again.

Even knock down the stars.

Thinking of this, the Golden Dragon Lord was also a little excited.

If this is the case, there is still hope for the stars.

There is still hope for the world.

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