"If Demon Court is willing to take action against Void, everything can be saved."

While murmuring softly, the Golden Dragon Lord also showed a hint of complexity on his face.

So what if the void ignites the fire of civilization?

Even if the void is as powerful as a cloud, so what?

If others don't know, how could he not know the true nature of Demon Court? The terror of the world.

As the number one force among all races.

The Demon Court’s foundation is beyond imagination.

The ten divine beasts are all unparalleled in the world.

The God-shaking ant has the power to shake the sky.

The returning demon elephant roars down into the stars..In terms of combat power alone, the top ten beasts of the Demon Court are not inferior to the top ten beasts of the Void.

What is even more terrifying is that there are countless hidden strong men in the Demon Court. The legendary snake, one of the eight kings of the dream world...

The queen of the boundary between life and death——Huang Nu...

Also, from the Phoenix tribe...Immortal Phoenix...

There is also the uncrowned king of the Golden Crow clan - the Immortal Emperor who evolved from the Immortal Crow.

Yes, the Immortal Emperor.

This is the immortal crow today.

A name that shook the starry sky.


He is also in charge of the Great Sun Divine Flame.

Now, he has truly reached the fifth level of Tianmen.

The fighting power is so strong that it is shocking to the world.

However, who would have thought that this was also a general of the Demon Court.

This is the Demon Court.

All races are the most terrifying force. none of them.

If it weren't for the demon court, which has been dormant, how could the mere void be honored. so......

As for Yu Ziyu's three major clones, they don't know.

Now, the three major clones are all immersed in breakthroughs.

The body is constantly changing.

Even the soul is transformed together.

And in this silent transformation, Yu Ziyu's body was improving at a terrifying speed.

"Three bodies in one body, three bodies in one body..."

While murmuring softly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

This sentence is very subtle.

One body, three bodies, one body refers to the main body, and three bodies are the three major clones.

The Trinity means that the three major clones are originally one body.

But there is another meaning, that is, the three clones are all part of the main body.

And what does this mean?

This means that when the three clones broke through, Yu Ziyu's body was further strengthened.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power actually increased at this terrifying speed.

He has already communicated with the endless river of time.

The power of time is endless.

And space is everywhere.

The power of space is also endless.

With the blessings of time and space, Yu Ziyu's power seemed to have no limit.

The only thing that limits him is his spiritual power.

This kind of limitation is not limited to the amount of spiritual power.

More spiritual power output frequency.

But now....His spiritual power accumulation has been further sublimated.

Vast spiritual power continued to pour into every part of Yu Ziyu's body.

Every cell in his body seems to have transformed into a world, continuously absorbing spiritual power.

"If I take action, one person is enough to blow up the starry sky."

While murmuring softly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth were also slightly raised.

He had a feeling that it was almost, really soon.

He was really only a layer away from eternity....

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not know that far away, deep in the chaos, the Lord of Samsara, who noticed that Yu Ziyu had broken through all three identities, was silent.

With a complex expression on his face, he also looked at a white-haired figure not far away.

This white-haired figure is an old man.

The face is peaceful.

And he is the number one immortal in the human race.

In the past, the first immortal of the human race and the first lord of reincarnation fell in love and fought for thousands of years on the road to enlightenment.

We have long since cherished each other.

Now, the first immortal of the human race looks at this second-generation Lord of Reincarnation with complicated eyes.

"You are also considered a prominent figure of your generation, but it is a pity that you met him."

With a sigh, the first immortal of the human race also took the initiative to admit:

"If I were born in the same era as him, I'm afraid I would be the bones beneath his feet"


After a while of silence, the Lord of Samsara was also confused.

Even a little bit of eternal power says so. this...

"He's beyond most half-steps of eternity, right?"

With some uncertainty in his voice, the Lord of Reincarnation also asked tentatively.

"To be precise, everything."

Said, the first immortal of the human race also said bluntly:

"Moreover, there is another point, he is still getting stronger. Others have no way forward and no way to get in, but he is still getting stronger, as if there is no end."

While sighing deeply, the number one immortal in the human race also showed helplessness.

There was shock and sigh.

Most of all, it was admiration.

Only when he reaches this level can he understand what the existence of Yu Ziyu means?

Looking at the sky and the earth, there is no one.

This is him.

With this thought, the first immortal of the human race also said bluntly:

"Soon, before he becomes enlightened, I will start the ultimate trial and fight his true form."

In the soft narration, there is also a touch of determination in the words of the first immortal of the human race.


Amidst some astonishment, the Lord of Reincarnation was also confused.

"He said,"It's almost done. If I don't fight with him again, I'm afraid I'll never have another chance in this life.""

"Moreover, I also want to see how strong he is."

As he said that, the first immortal of the human race also raised his eyes,


Along with the terrifying roar, the yin and yang qi circulated in the chaos, and there were actually small black and white fish, constantly chasing them....

Faintly, a mysterious and mysterious picture was outlined.

This is the shadow of Tai Chi diagram.

But now, the shadow of Tai Chi Diagram actually appeared behind him.

Along with this, the Qi of the first immortal of the human race continued to rise.

There seems to be no end.

What's even more terrifying is that the entire chaos is shaking because of him alone, setting off a huge whirlpool.

He alone is heaven and earth.

He alone is creation.

And he is the number one immortal in the human race.

Crowning the starry sky

"I am the number one immortal in the human race, and among all the powerful Taoist sects, please give me a helping hand....Cast my golden body...."

"I am the number one immortal in the human race. All living beings in the human race, please give me a helping hand....Forge my golden body and help me break through the shackles..."

While speaking softly, the voice of the first immortal of the human race resounded in the ears of countless sects and the human race.

"What? What did you hear?"

"Wait, the first immortal of the human race?"

"What's this?"

Amidst the continuous exclamations, countless powerful people did not know that the faces of the senior leaders of the human race and the senior leaders of the Tao sect changed drastically.

Many people even fell to the ground violently, with tears streaming down their clothes.

"grown ups...You are finally back."

While crying bitterly, the Taoist sect's current words mattered to Renyuan. This strong man from the fourth level of the Tianmen was like a child.

"Are you not dead yet?"

In a daze, the Human Emperor of the first divine dynasty of the human race also had complicated eyes.

Faintly, he saw a figure in the depths of the chaos, carrying two fishes of yin and yang on his back, returning from the chaos. ps:***********Asking for flowers, asking for rewards*************

In the past few days, my grandfather has been ill and hospitalized. I have been taking care of him and I am not doing enough to update. I'm sorry.

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