Relying on one's own strength to set foot in eternity is terrifying.

From ancient times to the present, few people have been able to do it.

Not to mention, existences like the Void Purple Dragon are clones.

It is as difficult as ascending to heaven to reach eternity with his own strength.

However, now...The Purple Dragon in the Void actually believed that it was possible to reach eternity.

If this spreads out, I am afraid countless powerful people will be dumbfounded.

Even the Eternal Lord would be horrified.

After all, eternity is supreme.

But a clone is not weaker than others.

Then, how terrifying the original body would be.

But Yu Ziyu didn't know this.

Now he can feel the inexplicable rhythm

"The Purple Dragon of the Void is actually going to set foot in the ninth level of Tianmen...."

Amid the soft murmurs, Yu Ziyu was also relieved to be in the fairyland.

The clone can step into the ninth level of Tianmen.

To put it bluntly, he has cultivated the great magical power of transforming the three pure beings into an unprecedented level.

You must know that the founder of the great supernatural power, One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones, seemed to have only cultivated one of the three clones to the eighth level of heaven.

But as for him, the three clones were all approaching the ninth level of Tianmen.

This is also the case, you can imagine how terrifying Yu Ziyu is now.

And now, his clone, the Void Purple Dragon, has finally hit the ninth level of Tianmen.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

A sudden roar sounded from the deepest part of Chaos, but the Purple Dragon of the Void left the Void and rushed towards Chaos alone.

He prepares to break through in the depths of chaos.

It's just that at this time, it's not just him...

"Let's go..."

After saying this, the Lord of Blood Sea also looked at the Taoist in green shirt next to him.


Nodded, Tiandao Qinglong did not refuse.

He has been preparing for this day for a long time.

If they rely on their own strength, it will be even more difficult for them to set foot in the ninth level of Tianmen.

But the three bodies are one.

One. Three bodies.

He, the Lord of the Blood Sea, and the Lord of the Void are originally one body.

Now the Lord of the Void, through the fire of civilization, has set foot in the ninth level of the Tianmen.

Naturally, they have also benefited.

Of course, they have done nothing less. Prepare.

The endless sea of ​​blood under the Lord of the Blood Sea has collected countless corpses of powerful men over the years and turned them into fertilizer for the growth of the Lord of the Blood Sea. Over the years, there are still billions of corpses, large and small..

Moreover, these corpses are not ordinary corpses.

Corpses of gods and demons, giant beasts in the stars, real dragons, real phoenixes...

They are all powerful men who can surpass the stars.

The gathering of such corpses brings the essence of flesh and blood, which is beyond imagination.

And this is the background of the Lord of the Blood Sea.

Void went to war with all races, and finally he was fulfilled.

In particular, plundering the soul helped him cultivate the great magic of blood god.

As of today, his mastery of the Blood God Technique is close to completion.

There are more than 200 million clones of the Son of Blood, and even gods and demons cannot annihilate him.

And the Heavenly Blue Dragon...It was also during these years that I accumulated a lot of knowledge.

However, it is not about plundering all races.

He is the will that plunders every world.

The will of the void was swallowed up by him, and the will of heaven in the bone world also became his nourishment.

There are many worlds...

The will of each world after another was swallowed up by him.

And his path to enlightenment has become increasingly clear over the years.

"The starry sky holds ten thousand realms. When I swallow the will of all realms, and then swallow the will of the fairyland, eternity will be possible."

While speaking softly, countless light groups appeared around Tiandao Qinglong.

Each of these light groups was a world.

Among the three thousand light groups, there were dozens of light groups, which were as bright as day.

It also means that the wills of dozens of worlds have been devoured by him.

When the Dragon of Heaven is completed,...Three thousand light groups protecting the body...

Each light group is a world, containing many gods and demons...There were countless beings there, worshiping him and chanting sutras.

All over the world, endless gods and demons are praying in salute.

The little bits of crystal and hazy brilliance are enough to make the Dragon of Heavenly Dao the only one in the world, eternal and immortal.

This is the path of enlightenment for the Dragon of Heaven.

Very scary.

Also very domineering.

If we talk about the Lord of the Blood Sea, he swallows the flesh and blood of all races to achieve his own success.

Then the dragon of heaven is the one who swallows all the worlds...

They are all terrifying to the extreme.

However, this is the road to eternity.

Only by reaching the extreme can we hope to touch eternity. otherwise...Everything is empty talk

"The Eternal One, the only one in heaven and earth, becomes one person and abandons all races...Wanjie..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu, who was far away in the fairyland, also felt something in her heart.

He sensed the eternal paths of the three clones.

It can be said that all of them are vicious.

Ordinary demons and demon kings are really not enough to look at in front of them.

But what can be done?

The world's resources are limited.

When an eternal statue comes out, it will bring together one percent of the resources in the world.

Yes, one percent of resources.

This resource is more than just spiritual energy, and more than just treasures from heaven and earth.

But one percent of all resources.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that all these resources also include time...

That is, all the resources for an era and countless years.

Not an era.

Like now, even if all races are buried, it is not enough to make the sea of ​​blood become a Taoist.

Just because all races in one era are not enough.

This is why sustainable development is needed.

Only a steady stream.

Only one day can lead to eternity.

And this is also the biggest reason why eternity is difficult to prove.

An eternal resource, enough to train thousands of powerful masters

"Without killing and harvesting, how can eternity be proved?"

"Not to mention the Buddhist Sakyamuni, the reason why he achieved eternity was because he exhausted the accumulation of several eras of Buddhism. After him, no one in Buddhism has set foot on eternity...."

"This is eternity...Under the feet of eternity, there must be a sea of ​​corpses and blood..."

Amid the soft murmur, there was also a hint of complexity deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

There will be no good in true eternity.

Even Sakyamuni, a being who claimed to have"great righteousness", was stained with blood.

He was dyed with the blood of thousands of demons, taking away the demons' resources and luck, and consuming the Buddhist foundation....

Therefore, after truly stepping into eternity, there will be no 'view of good and evil'.

Eternal, supreme.

Eternal, the only one.

For all eternity, all living beings will be ants!!

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