"Who are you?"

The pupils shrank slightly, and many lords of all races and even the ancient demon king of the abyss looked at this beautiful figure with infinite color and gorgeous hair.

However, what shocked them was...No matter how much they peeked, it was difficult to glimpse the true nature of this person.

It seems like there is a layer of hazy mist covering it

"Who is this person?"

As they looked at each other, everyone was puzzled.

It made it difficult for them to see the true body....This is not simple.

And, more importantly,...This person actually walked out from behind the Tongtian Shenmu... this...

"This sacred tree reaching the sky is really well prepared...."

With a sigh, many strong men also understood..

There is a huge force behind it, so forget it.

Unexpectedly, there are actually some powerful masters who don’t know the depth of things following them....

How can this not be shocking?...

However, what no one knew at this time was that just as their eyes were focused on the corner of the starry sky, they were paying attention to the arrival of the tree people....The real terror has arrived... void...this unknown dimension...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the continuous roar, the entire void was shaking....

Countless void armies have gathered...

Now they will start a new chapter

"Fight for the void..."

"Fight for the void..."...

While shouting in unison, countless strong men in the void were excited.

"Fight for the void."

Holding the Void Sword high in her hand, the fallen angel Avril also had a smile on her face. She has finally reached this step....

Next, a final general attack will be launched against the entire Protoss....

The Gods, this extremely powerful race, will eventually crawl at the feet of the void.

They have no choice and no choice.

And all this is just because...Their enemy is the void...It's an unimaginable horror...

And at this moment, what no one knows is that not only the army of the Void is about to descend on the Gods, but even the most mysterious master of the Void - the Purple Sickle of the Void, has also come to the depths of the Gods at some unknown time....


An inexplicable roar sounded in the depths of the God Clan.

Looking for the sound, a young man hidden under a black robe has quietly arrived at a temple.

This is the temple of time.

It is the temple of the goddess of time.

And now...


Amidst the sudden sigh, a beautiful figure also walked out from the depths of the Temple of Time:

"why are you here...The famous void hunter?"

"I'm here for you."

Raising his head, he revealed a very handsome face under the brim of his hat. Zi Lian's expression was as cold as ever.

Zi Lian, who turned into a human form, was very cold.

Although he looked handsome, he gave people a very cold look. A cold feeling.


But now, with his eyes slightly focused, he also looked at the beautiful figure not far away, and said coldly:

"Become a part of our void..."

"In the future, you will still be the goddess of time...High and above..."

"It will also bear the power of our emptiness...Become a powerful person second only to the Lord of the Void..."

Listening quietly, the goddess of time also had complicated eyes.

Do we really want to fall into the void?

She has been very hesitant and it is worth mentioning here that...She has a connection with the void from early on.

Although, this is because of the organizational dragnet.

But, it has to be said that her faith is not that firm.

But, yes.

The Gods are a race with extremely long lifespans.

Even a million years would not be enough to measure the existence of someone like her who has set foot on the Dominion.

Especially since she touched time...The so-called time scale, to her, is even more...

Therefore, it is understandable why she was shaken.

What she has now is just the beginning.

Beginning, is it going to end?

How can it be...

Unwilling, reluctant...

However, slowly raising her eyes and staring at the purple sickle not far away, the goddess of time also said bluntly:


But before the goddess of time could finish speaking, Zi Lian’s voice was already reverberating between heaven and earth.

"Soon, many lords of the void will lead armies to flatten the gods...."

"When the time comes, not only me, but also the Concubine of the Void Sky will take action...."

"You can't stop it..."...

Hearing this, the face of the goddess of time couldn't help but change.

"What? you..."

My heart was horrified, and the goddess of time was also confused.


Why so fast?

And, so suddenly?

"The master's patience is limited."

The sudden murmur, like a whisper in the ear, shocked the goddess of time.


Wait a minute....

As if she thought of something, the goddess of time also widened her eyes.

For some reason, at this moment, an unimaginable palpitation appeared in her heart.

And just then...


There was a sudden roar, and a ball of purple light suddenly appeared in Zi Lian's palm.

This light.

It's strength.

It's unimaginable power...

However, just such a ball of power made the goddess of time's eyes dull. time... time is passing...

Faintly, she saw a dragon-shaped life, leisurely swimming in the river....

And that was clearly the spirit of time.

Despite the endless distance, Yu Ziyu's power finally manifested in front of the goddess of time....

But it made her silent for a long time.

There was a storm in my heart...The face of the goddess of time was also indescribably complicated and horrified.

Now, she feels that her mind is a little confused...

The master of the dragnet is the master of time.

But now, the Void Hunter actually calls him 'Master'.

It also showed her strength.

Is it possible......

However, even though her heart was in turmoil, the goddess of time knew that her time was running out.


Sighing again, the goddess of time also lowered her head.

"I am willing to join the void..."


With a chuckle, Zi Lian also showed a rare smile on his face.

He didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Is it because of the master?

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