Suspicious in his heart, Zi Lian calmly took out a purple crystal stone from his arms.

Void Divine Stone...

It possesses extremely rich power of void, and also has a ray of void law.

For every creature in the void, it is an unimaginable treasure.

Even if he is the master, his heart will be moved.

But for foreigners, it is a deadly poison.

Enough to turn everything into an infestation.

And now, slowly raising the void sacred stone in his hand, Zi Lian also gave this sacred stone to Qian Ying not far away.

"Refining it, don't resist."

During the simple narration, Zi Lian's face was also serious.

This is the key.

Only the goddess of time refined the void crystal and even took the initiative to fall into the void....Only then can she be regarded as the true goddess of the void.

At that time, she was one of her own.

As for repenting after refining...

That's unrealistic.

The void, like the abyss.

It is extremely corrosive.

This kind of erosion affects not only the body, but also the soul.

Once you fall into the abyss, or into the void...Then everything will fall into the hands of the abyss and the void.

Even if it is a dominant-level existence, it is not an exception.

And what are the consequences of this?

That is, as the Lord of the Void, the 'great existence' in charge of the entire void will have its absolute suppressive power.

To put it simply, an existence that has fallen into the void will have no fighting power when facing the Lord of the Void and the Heavenly Concubine of the Void.

In this way, even if you resist, it will be difficult to protect yourself.

Moreover, more importantly, the power of the void and the power of the abyss are substances equivalent to spiritual energy.

Fall into the void...In the future, he can only absorb the power of the void to strengthen himself.

If it absorbs the power of the abyss or spiritual power, it will be equivalent to poison entering the body....

And from this, we can understand why the foreigners who fell into the Void are willing to become the minions of the Void.

They live on the void.

Without the void, it would be difficult for them to stay alive, not to mention becoming stronger.

This is true, I responded to a sentence...

And that is, 'Aura is poison'’...

Although spiritual energy can help cultivators strengthen themselves and continuously strengthen their bodies, if one day the cultivators leave it, they will lose everything.

This is also the reason why the 'Dharma Ending Age' is the most terrifying.

No matter how powerful a practitioner is, it is difficult to leave 'spiritual energy' and other similar substances.

Of course, except Yu Ziyu.

He has reached a higher level.

Now, he can absorb the power of chaos and strengthen himself.

Even if the entire starry sky and the world returns to the Age of Dharma Ending, it will not affect him.

However, it has to be said that the reason why he was able to absorb the power of chaos and strengthen himself.

It's not because of his strength.

And the reason why I say this is because it is difficult for ordinary rulers of the eighth and ninth heavens of Tianmen to absorb the power of chaos.

The power of chaos is too violent and terrifying.

A ray is enough to crush the world, how can an ordinary master absorb it.

Just like the reason why Yu Ziyu was able to absorb it was largely because he understood the mystery of the rotation of the five elements.

Can turn the power of chaos into the most basic power of the five elements, and then absorb it...

Among them, the existence of the Nine Realms is crucial.

Because the nine realms are like a filter, filtering out all impurities, leaving only the extremely pure spiritual energy for Yu Ziyu to absorb. so...His Tianmen Ninth Level can be considered 'unique' for being able to absorb the energy of chaos to strengthen himself.

In countless eras, it is difficult to find a few beings like him who can absorb the power of chaos at the master level.

After all, the power of chaos is the original power that can only be touched in eternity....

And don’t mention this.

Now...With her mouth slightly open, the Goddess of Time also bit into the Void Divine Stone.


There was a sudden roar, and a purple beam of light shot into the sky.

But before the purple beam of light spread, Zi Lian took action, suppressing its momentum and shrinking it within a kilometer radius.

And now, slowly raising his eyes and looking at the girl not far away, bathed in the purple glow, Zi Lian also said softly:

"The Void Divine Stone is just the beginning..."

"After the dust of the God Clan has settled, you have to go with me to meet the Lord of the Void and ask him to baptize you personally."

While speaking softly, there was a hint of envy in the depths of Ziyan's eyes.

The baptism of the Lord of the Void himself.

This is not ordinary precious.

Even he, the second in command of the Void, is envious.

To put it bluntly , if the Lord of the Void baptized him, it would be almost equal to his thousands of years of practice.

In this way, it is also conceivable how precious the baptism of the Lord of the Void is.

However ,...Even if the Lord of the Void were his master, he would not ask for baptism.

Just because of baptism, it consumes too much.

A baptism requires the Lord of the Void to rest for decades

"Only when a master-level expert falls into the void is it worthy for you to take action personally."

Smiling, Zi Lian did not directly call the Lord of the Void his master.

Under normal circumstances, he would call him 'sir'.

However, I have to say that the master's identity is too many, even if he is a little confused The

Lord of the Void is the master.

The fifth Seraph of the angel family is also the master.

And...Lord Qinglong is also suspected to be the master...

I really don’t know how Master came up with so many identities.

Is it because of the legendary magical power?...

While murmuring in his heart, Zi Lian also had some suspicions.

As one of the people closest to Yu Ziyu, Zi Lian knows a lot about Yu Ziyu.

And now, he also vaguely guessed something.

According to legend, there is a great magical power that can create three clones.

The three clones are all independent individuals and one body, which is extremely magical.

If your guess is correct, the master should have cultivated this great magical power, and then...

But, Master, when did you master this great magical power?

Confused, Zi Lian also guessed this one and hid it in his heart....

If the master doesn't tell, he will never ask.

Moreover, he will try his best to hide this secret for his master.

Anyone who dares to peek into his master's secrets will be his target.

He is called the 'Void Hunter'.

But he prefers to call himself 'the master's hunter' and hunt only for his master.

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